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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 22,2010 (KHARTOUM) — The leading member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, James Wani Igga today in Juba said chances of his party to win upcoming national elections are high.

SPLM's Yasir Arman
SPLM’s Yasir Arman
“We are optimistic that results of the upcoming national elections will come out in our favor; because most of our contesting candidates for top positions are those with history of commitment to changing Sudan to a better country,” Igga said.

He said SPLM is the only credible political party that can rehabilitate Sudan from damages it has suffered for so long. “SPLM is the only medicine for all political illness affecting Sudanese people in the South, in the far north, far East and in the war ravaged region of Darfur,” he stressed.

Therefore, “because of our history for total liberation of Sudan into a safe heaven, we are optimistic and urge our supporters and the Sudanese people to rally behind comrade Yasir Saeed Arman for the national seat and comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit for South Sudan presidency to win upcoming elections,” Igga said.

The SPLM national electoral campaign team chairman described Mr. Arman as the long-serving patriot member of his party capable of changing the face of suffering Sudanese people across the country.

“Arman is the only medicine which political bureau has so far approved as alternative to treating long term chronic disease diagnosed in the SPLM vision of the new. Sudanese votes for him at the national level are alternatives to solving and alleviating national suffering the country has undergone for years,” he said.

Similarly, Akol Wek, supporter of the SPLM reiterated that SPLM is the only political party that will change this nation from dictatorship to democracy.

“Sudanese as they are historical people and I that I call upon them to come out like they in their respected places took up arms to fight against efforts of marginalization by voting for Comrade Yasir Arman as leader of their choice.”

He said applauded SPLM decision to name Arman as candidate for Sudanese presidency to bring equal changes as clearly spelled out in SPLM manifesto of the New Sudan.

Appreciating his speech he said “Arman selects his words with wisdom and speaks out words of no hatred but love and unity”. “The speech Arman gave out in Khartoum astonished all as it contained messages of hope for better Sudan. This speech, he said, “in its honesty: is from a leader, not a politician”.

Arman previously called upon Sudanese people to elect government that will take development to the rural people to avoid coming to towns where they end up in slums as happened in many countries with subsequent deterioration in their living conditions.

He said his government would embark on policies that will favor rural development as part of the SPLM strategy and slog that encourages taking town to people in the rural villages instead of people coming to town.

Araman held last Sunday an important rally in Jebel Aulia, one of Khartoum suburb, where reside many of IPDs from southern Sudan and Darfur region. He called on Sudanese from all parts of the country to join hands to construct a better future for their country.



  • Gatwech

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    Dear readers,

    Please read this beautiful analytical piece by Gatkuoth Deng on, entitled “Present Scenario fails united New Sudan.”

    My brother Ogilo. With due respect to your article prospecting the SPLM to win the national presidency in the name of its candidate Yasir Saeed Arman and thus the revival of the political course for a united New Sudan, I would say this is an impossible guess. Please there is no way the NCP of Omer Al-Bashir will lose this election! They will not afford to lose it! This is not because they are popular and will get the voluntary votes a party or leader would need to win. They will rig it!

    Please I advise you to study the past history of NCP; how it has been in power for more than twenty years now since 1989, making it the longest serving political party ever in Sudan’s history. And study how many elections it got involved in and the results. NCP always survives either using outright militarized dictatorship or false democratic elections.

    NCP will rig the elections even if Sadiq Al-Mahdi and Yasir Arman get more votes than Bashir. NCP can turn 7% it got into 70%, and this will happen under the watchful eyes of any observer, either international, national or local. Forget about Yasir Arman winning the elections.

    If Al-Bashir will feel that for whatever reasons it will make it difficult to rig and win the elections, he will postpone it until opportunity to win it (call it rig it successfully) knocks at his door.

    The coming election to him is just about him winning and getting more legitimacy to use for bargain against the ICC’s indictment. It is not about a democratic transformation process during which a peaceful transfer of power is witnessed as called for in the CPA. We need to understand that!

    The so-called unionists have no way to kill the aspiration of the South Sudanese for independence if they believed that their so-called “New Sudan” would be realized through Yasir Arman taking over the Khartoum palace.

    Bashir would be ready to declare a State of Emergency (SE) in the Sudan if he feels his seat is threatened and send CPA to its coffin like Nemeiri did to Addis Ababa agreement while the South would be ready to declare a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).

    The building up scenario as of now points towards maintaining the status quo and the disintegration of the Sudan at least into North and South before Darfur comes next. No way for the so-called united New Sudan!

    Gatkuoth Deng, USA

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    Yassir Arman is our hero and he can do the best of SPLM as he always does.

  • lino

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    Hi Guys,

    If you didn’t watch this vedio before, please do. Though is for the northerners, but it can send a very clear message to every Sudanese whether unionist or separatist.
    Have fun.

  • AAMA

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    It’s simple, if the elections are fare, the NCP will not win, however, the NCP will make the elections look fair and win it, and if you ask me how? I’ll tell you the NCP has its ways and it wont take such gamble out of the blue.
    Now, regarding Arman, many people in the north will vote for him, not because he is the best candidate around or that the SPLM is a good party. They will vote for him hoping that he has a better chance of keep the country united throw the referendum period because his connections with the south. They also know that Arman will be bias to the south and he will fill the Gov. with southerners (a lot of them from the hateful type), but they are willing to happily make this sacrifice for the sake of their country and to make those southerners feel more at home. Off course, this is a level of patriotism many in the south can’t understand because to them the North=Arabs=Evil.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    For sure it gona Happen, SPLM will win without doubt.

  • Time1

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    SPLM will indeed win the elections or settle for second place is not bad during the interim period.

  • Time1

    SPLM vows to win upcoming country wide elections
    SPLM can settle with NCP on elections after referendum.

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