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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and JEM rebels sign framework deal for peace in Darfur

February 23, 2010 (DOHA) — Sudanese government and Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) signed a framework agreement ending seven years of war between the two parties.

The signing ceremony was attended by President Omer Al-Bashir, President Idriss Deby of Chad and President Isaias Afeworki of Eritrea as well as the Emir of Qatar.

Amin Hassan Omer for the Sudanese government and Ahmed Tugud for JEM inked the 12 point agreement asserting to start direct peace negotiations to finalize the deal two months before the general elections in the country.

Following the signing President Omer Bashir embraced Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the rebel movement.

In accordance with the signed deal a ceasefire is proclaimed between the two parties also Khartoum will release a part of JEM fighters sentenced to death by the Sudanese government following an attack on Khartoum in May 2008.

Also the deal offers government positions to the rebel group in the central and regional states. The administrative situation of the restive region also should be negotiated between the two parties.

However, a group of ten rebel factions from Tripoli and Addis Ababa groups announced their merger in one movement headed by El Tijani El-Sissi, the former governor of Darfur. The Liberation Movement for Justice announced in a press conference held today in Doha that it would conduct separate peace talks in Doha with the Sudanese government.

The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur refuses to join the negotiating table urging Khartoum to disarm militias and to stop attacks on civilians. The Sudanese army carried out recently a number of attacks on the SLM-AW positions in Jebel Marra.

The agreement is welcomed by the regional and international community and considered as a step toward a lasting peace in Darfur.
GOS-JEM peace deal is seen also by observers as crucial for the improvement of Sudan Chad relations.



  • Time1

    Sudan and JEM rebels sign framework deal for peace in Darfur
    Good step forward in the right direction, other groups should follow, if that spirit continues well full peace can be achieved in Darfur in the coming few month, but the NCP or north in general have to seriously learn from their mistakes in the past andnot make another big mistake, let them uphold all agreements, implement them and honor their promises, thats the only why way out for Sudanese problems in general, am afriad if peace is vilated it could destroy the little trust left and no one will ever work with northerners ever again.

  • Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus
    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

    Sudan and JEM rebels sign framework deal for peace in Darfur
    Dear readers

    This agreement is not going to bring real peace to Darfuri. This is just a lipstick on the Sudan national elections and 2011 referendum and the ICC arrest warrant. South sudan went throught the same process from 1972( Abel Alier Addis Ababa agreement), 1997 (Riak Machar Khartoum agreement) and 2005 (John Garang-Nifasha CPA which is not yet been implemented fully).

    Why did i say it is not a real peace agreement? Because this kind of peace agreement is exactly like DR. Lam Akol ( Fashoda agreement), Arok Thon Arok and Dr. Riak Machar’s Khartoum peace agreement of 1997. It will never bear any fruit of peace such as security; development, roads, schools, economic prosperity and respect for human rights.

    This agreement will weaken the Darfuri movement for sometime as the so called Khartoum peace agreement weaken SPLA/M for a short period of time before the real peace (CPA) agreement was signed in 2005.

    JEM leaders will be like Riak Machar, Paulino Matip, and Lam Akol later when the real Darfuri CPA is signed.

    This agreement is a prayer on the judgment day, it is too late, Omaaar Hosaan will never escape the ICC arrest warrant no matter what the US, Canada and UN said.

    However, the real Darfuri CPA will be signed after 2011 Referendum when Darfuri movements are united as one movement in Darfur and supported by the Republic of New Sudan (RONS).

    The South- North CPA was negotiated for 2 years. The Darfuri JEM and NCP agreement is only negotiated for 2 weeks like Dr. Riak Machar’s Khartoum peace. JEM will be back to Darfur soon or NCP will kill JEM leader like Dr. John Garang.

    Thank God for Salva Kiir, CPA would have been dishonored long time ago by the NCP. Darfuri should ask themselves this question. Who will lead JEM ,if the current leader is assassinated?

    This peace agreement is so cheap and can be dishonored within 2 weeks only.

    The same UN members who welcomes Omaar Hosaan moved will condemn NCP tomorrow when OMaar changed his mind and goes back to war aginst Darfuri.

    Let watch this old movie of the NCP’s deceptive peace agreement policy to buy time from Southerners, Darfuri, UN, US, AU and EU.

    As long as this NCP policy of signing peace and not implementing it deceives both the West and Sudanese; we will continue to see many peace agreements signed by NCP.

    This is their last policy of survival. They can not afford to fight SPLA and JEM simultaneously.

    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

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