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Sudan Tribune

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Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan

February 23, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A conference backed by the Arab League kicked off today in Juba, the capital of the semi-autonomous South Sudan region. The Arab Conference on the Investment and Development in South Sudan committed to investment in development and priority projects presented by the Southern government, state media reported.

Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League
Amr Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League
A large delegation of Arab investors and business representatives had arrived in Khartoum on Monday before traveling to Juba. The number of Arab participants is supposed to reach around 100. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said Monday in Khartoum that the pan-Arab organization would actively contribute to the investment conference, the Kuwait News Agency reported.

Secretary General Moussa also announced in Juba that the Arab League will provide scholarships for South Sudanese students to be selected by the Government of Southern Sudan.

“The conference in its final session stressed the necessity for concentrating on the projects of infra-structures, top of which roads, airports, agriculture, industry, free zones, rehabilitation of schools, hospitals as well as building of slaughter houses,” reported the official Sudan News Agency.

Participants at the conference also decided to open Arab bank branches in the south, establish energy and food security besides setting up a joint mechanism between the Arab League and the Southern government to follow up the implementation of these projects. It is not yet clear when any of this will begin.

The opening session of the event was addressed by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, leader of the region’s government. He said “South Sudan is rich of formidable resources and potentials and I hope the Arab states would come to invest in the south.”

“The Arab League, of course, wants southern Sudan to continue to be part of the Arab world,” he said referring to the region’s unity with northern Sudan, “but if the separation occurs, the South would not move to the Indian Ocean or the Atlantic seaboard, and relations between the two sides will continue.” According to the newspaper Asharq Alas at, he also pointed out that “there are Southern workers in the North and vice versa as well as students.” asserting that their situation will not be affected. He added jokingly “the Nile will continue in force from south to north,” pointing out that the Nile is the world’s only river that flows from south to north, in contrast to all the world’s other rivers that flow from north to south.

He also stressed the need to respect southerners’ will if they vote for independence.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    South Sudan or Sudan in general is not Arab country. You guys have to know that in your mind. In fact, the lure that Arab countries are trying to enforced during elections are the not the kind of developments we want at the moment.
    You are welcome after independent because your attractions to the South will distracted South from their mean enemy north. 1971 agreement is enough, no more than that.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    Shame on the Arabs faces.

    Your development strategy comes at the wrong time Sudan is already divdided. Come for business to the Democratic Republic of South Sudan(DRSS), when you means business. Politics attached with our business is unacceptable.

    Things are now on our hands as citizens of South Sudan, not on Kiir hand or Bashir. We have said no to your political-business.

    You ought to have asked yourselves how this part of Sudan was first isolated from the rest of the Sudan?

    How many months are left for them to determine their fate? Barely nine months! Can your fake money and your necked development change us all in nine months? It is NO! What next? thinks big and go to Arabs gulf, with a message that Southerners are gone! gone for all and ever!

    Be blessed,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon ,a man far away from tribalism and corruption a true libetator.

  • Gatmi raan
    Gatmi raan

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    To: Arab League

    Keep your money out of my homeland. Please make sure you stopped in Khartoum and don’t move south ward, because there is fire that awaits to engulfs your Satellite, the Northern Sudan!! folks this is not a development which the Arabs League has just announced that supposed to be an attractive recipe for unity. But its spy program in disguise. GOSS should not accept this, but money hunters like Luka Biong are waiting with their hands out to grab it shame on them!

  • AAMA

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    Wow, what an impressive emotional hatred show you guys performed in this forum today.
    But guys wake up and be realistic. What does the Arab world, Sudan, Egypt, our neighbors and the whole world are interested in to get from the south. The answer is simple and it is stability and only stability (neither the oil nor the water are the real issues here as many of you think might think). Those Arabs are not expecting to make profits in the south, nor are they intending to loot your goods. Maybe they are trying to preserve the Sudan united because they fear that your blind hate will burn the whole region down if you separate. Beside that and if southerners still want to quit then nobody is holding them, the whole world is just trying to estinguish your burning unrealistic hate and to make the NCP react wisely towards it. In fact, your leadership was complaining since 2005 that no Arab investments are coming into the south. So, regardless of why they are coming to the south you should welcome that effort and look forward for your benefits. Listen to your leaders, they are working hard for your benefits and they are learning steadily how to deal with the outside world. If you guys want to separate the south, just go to the polls when the time comes and stop this blind hate and insults that just makes you look bad.

  • Time1

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    Ok let us me focus on the titile of this news report

    Arab investment is highly welcome to south Sduan, Arabs are not our enemy and have never been our enemy, but there are only SOME Arabs are our enemy, those who contributed to the colonial mentallity of oprression and killing and massacres of the people of Sudan in their own land and abuse their human rights.

    But south sudan will continue to work together with Arab world on business and cultural exchange, we need to work to forge a more harmonies relationship between the peoples of the world, hatred, racism or wars will not lead us anywhere but will only bring destruction and lose on all sides and affect human development and stability.

    We want to see more Arab investors in the vaiours field that they have suggested, the only thing to bring people close is trade and cultural understanding.

    We cannot garantee that Arab investment will bring unity but we all have to work on it, no one should give up, put more investment on the ground, improve relations , make good partnership and you will see that the results will be positive and much better than previous results which was based on hatred and rivalry.

    Not only Arabs but , even Asians, Europeans or African are all welcome, we do not have specific favors, everyone can do business for mitual benefits.

    Hatred and racism will not lead anyone anywhere, ask those who though racism will make them lead the world for ever now they are slowly collapsing like cockrooges and they realise that they were wrong, but it will be too late for some who do not know how to change at the last minutes.

  • nyok k daw majok
    nyok k daw majok

    Arab League investors pledge to launch projects in South Sudan
    wow this is big joke . Arab league where they are before
    this game will not win because Amer Moussa secretary general of Arab the league you are too late to do that game. southern known that you want the way to take
    Arab Armies to south .but you will not achieve this game . it is very clear what you try to do.
    the Arab world know that south sudan will vote to separation .that is why you try this game . our President of south Kiir MAyardit will not except
    your game. when you want to support south sudan devoelpment you will do after 2011 your projects will work
    .but now we will except your projects because you want breng your money to buy the people nor to breng securty into south sudan to afcet our civilzen. Amr Moussa prayer in restday will not take you entrlife into heaven . in this movement really a hot time for CPA all Arab world work on the unity of sudan and we know what is unity . we had been in unity for long time and that is why we been at the War 49 years nor more then that.
    African tribs we marginalized in our own county how can Arab league came told us we support unity of sudan . they are looking fore his own benfit from south but you are lat
    southern sudan oyeeeeeeeeee

    SPLA/M Oyeeeeeeeeee
    slva kiir Mayerdit oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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