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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur ex-rebel willing to resign for peace, warns against bypassing DPA

February 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Minni Minnawi, senior Presidential aide, said he is prepared to resign from his position if it would help further peace in Sudan’s western region of Darfur, reiterating his commitment to Abuja peace deal describing it as “mother of all agreement”.

Minnawi was the only former rebel leader to sign Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) negotiated in the Nigerian capital, sponsored by the African Union (AU). The other group of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of Khalil Ibrahim rejected it.

The former rebel leader in a press conference on Friday welcomed the signing of a framework agreement between the Sudanese government and JEM saying “We are not interested in power, and I’m ready to give up my position if this will bring peace in Darfur”.

He added that the deal is a positive step toward peace and stability in Darfur.

Minnawi also told reporters that the different political orientations prevent him from seeking unity with JEM rebels. He was referring to the political origins of several JEM leading members, including its chairman Khalil Ibrahim, who were members in the National Islamic Front

The senior Presidential Assistant warned of secret clauses in the 12 point agreement which had been negotiated secretly in the Chadian capital. He also criticized JEM refusal to include the other rebel groups in the peace process adding the exclusion of others not in the interest of Darfur people.

He further said that the DPA is not a bilateral agreement but talks about “general issues” relating to lives of people in Darfur.


1 Comment

  • Time1

    Darfur ex-rebel willing to resign for peace, warns against bypassing DPA
    What is needed is a meeting between AL Nur and Khalil Abrahim, As the Fur and the Zagawa are key players to any comprehensive peace in Darfur as for the Arabs or janjaweed groups the NCP should hold them into account if they try any criminals activity during peace time.

    Khalil Ibrahim talks of being the only one to represent Darfur is not logical and will not materialize if he doesw not pass his hands to the Fur tribes who are the cornerstone inhabitants in Darfur. Khalil Ibrahim cannot be made vice president of Head of Darfur interim authority untill there is agreement with the SLM of Al Nur faction.Khalil Ibrahim can hoever be appointed as as a presidential advisor for Darfur authority untill SLM signs its part of peace with the government then a deal can be made where the person elected at head of interim authority in Darfur can double as second vice president.

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