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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011

By James Gatdet Dak

March 5, 2010 (JUBA) – Creating a prosperous independent state, which would be at peace with itself and with its neighbors, has become a challenging undertaking for the semi-autonomous regional government of Southern Sudan, as it matches towards January 2011 referendum in which its people are expected to overwhelmingly vote for independence.

Participants of South Sudan state-building consultation meeting, February 25, 2010, Juba (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
Participants of South Sudan state-building consultation meeting, February 25, 2010, Juba (Photo by James G. Dak, ST)
With only nine months left as the clock ticks to the referendum, the region has been struggling to secure its territory by putting to an end the wide spread deadly inter and intra tribal violence, uprooting foreign rebel groups such as the Ugandan’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and maintaining peace and security with the North through successful implementation of the 2005 peace deal.

Insecurity, coupled with the resistant corruption, has hampered developmental initiatives for the last five years in the war ravaged south, resulting to continued poverty that has retarded the majority of population and encouraged lawlessness in many parts of the region.

Officials in Southern Sudan are worried that the region’s independence might be unfortunately founded on shaky ground unless the impediments are dealt with.

In a consultation meeting organized recently in Juba by the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) with participation of relevant institutions from all the ten states, the bottlenecks in the state-building process were critically addressed with the hope to overcome them.

In his opening and closing remarks during the two-day seminar, Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny, who officiated the meeting and also presented a lecture on the concept of peace-building and state-building, urged the nearly a hundred delegates present to seriously be attentive to the identifiable mounting challenges that are trying to hold back the region and thrive to overcome them.

A number of other national and international experts also made presentations on the issue.

Officials have noted that peace-building and state-building are inextricably intertwined in Southern Sudan and observed the need to successfully maintain peace and stability in the next 12 months.

They explained peace-building as a process which involves a range of measures targeted to reduce the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening national capacities at all levels for conflict management and to lay the foundation for sustainable peace and development.

Among others they also explained that a state-building involves a process that enhances the capacity, institutions and legitimacy of the state driven by state-society relations; a reciprocal relations between a state that delivers services for its people and social and political groups who constructively engage with their state.

During the dialogue by the officials to identify issues that would promote state-building process in Southern Sudan, containing insecurity tops the priority.

In their presentations, building a new South Sudan based upon democratic, pluralistic principles and humanistic values was identified.

They stressed the importance of creating institutions that protect human rights, ensure religious tolerance, promote the rule of law, promote gender equality, create an enabling environment for a free and open market economy, commit to reduction of poverty, serve the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.

Construction of major infrastructure, especially roads to help improve security, reduce costs for business and promote economic growth, as well as develop public administration including an honest tax system and management of public finance with accountability that citizens can trust, also featured in the dialogue.

The meeting also stressed the need to develop disciplined, efficient and effective security forces respected by the citizens.

Achieving and maintaining reconciliation with the northern neighbors and ensuring mutually shared interest was also highlighted.

Following the consultation seminar the Government of Southern Sudan is expected to produce an envisioned roadmap for the creation of the state, or state-building.

In accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 to end the 21 years of North-South civil war, the people of Southern Sudan shall conduct a referendum in January 2011 to choose between confirming the current unity of Sudan and creating their own independent country.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    Bravo Dr. Machar,

    You are a very active co-pilot or ship’s captain. We thank you for always making sure that all the avenues to the creation of our independent country are put in place. We are in strategic and safe hands with clear vision towards independence. The time is very near as predicted by Ngundeng Bong. It is pretty near!!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    SPLM must be prepared for 2011 because the independent will not be just a walk away. SPLM/A oyeee.

  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    Hey Riek Michar,

    Keep that spirit up as we are watching you, the vision of late Dr. Garang is fresh in our minds and must guide you to our destiny.

    Be warned!

    Never betray us once again man, for if you do it, we in the South shall disown you for ever and ever! Dr. Garang tied down the mundukurus and if you again happen to be the one to untied them, then curse may be upon you.

    It take real men to liberate others!

    Now is your turn, joint us as we are almost finishing the race. Nine month is nothing for educated people like you to accomplished the duty that they are asigned to do, you will endoured it if you are truely educated.

    Glue to Dr. Garang’s vision and you shall see the light man. Stand for your right. Shine on man, shine and cheer up!

    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism and corruption, a true liberator from the liberators.

  • joseph kuir
    joseph kuir

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    Hi ,no more barking people are working very hard,SPLM fought ,negotiated take and now is evenling the Southern sudan State to be among African states ,keep on HEs,Drs,Hons techs,mebrs,the room is your room no body more to establish it , Machar is second president of new Coutry of Southern sudan SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALM
    For independence of Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouthern Sudan

  • Akuma

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    Message to Sudanese, readers and writers to Sudan Tribune.

    Dear All:

    Since the time sudan tribune come online,there are some people who write unwanted messages to the world. I am writer and reader of sudan tribune in the meantime, i would like you dear to respect our leaders and others people whom we are challenging over this website. Remember, we are exposing our bad image of our to the world. Sudan tribune is not only for sudanese but the world at large.

    So, if we always ashame them as we usually do then who will lead us again, remember our time has not come.
    Respect yourselves and website.

    Let just focus on what publish to the website and postt the omment that can be used and beneficial to Sudanese and the world as some world websitedo.It may be against some writers and commenters views but that is what is think

    Thanks All

    Dr. Akuma, USA,Chicago

  • Dr.Agany

    South Sudan in state-building process as the region heads to 2011
    I don’t know who would have been doing these if Machar was also contesting!!!

    Bravo Machar!!! Your time is smoothly coming and I will be the first person to endorse your candidacy comes 2015. You are doing great job to the people. Don’t listen to those who might maliciously come to advice you. All advisors are not sincere and your enemy might be among them. They did it in 1991 but they didn’t seem to follow you when your identity was being tarnished by their advice. Get your head on now and do what is good to all out of your profession.

    Thank you our future leader

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