Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 4, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) state minister in the Elias Nyamelel Wakos, has come out publicly to condemn closure of Bakhita and Liberty FM radios by central Equatoria State police on allegations that they have allowed the broadcast of a program with political candidates out of electoral board schedules.

Joining hundred of media supporters, professor Nyamelel said he is deeply disturbed to learn of the Bakhita and Liberty FM radios incident and questioned “where the freedom of expression of the media is?”

“How can we profess democratic transformation if we, ourselves, are the ones curbing free expression, he said, stressing that the whole incident was “wrong and unacceptable” especially during the elections campaign month.

“The standard legal procedure globally is that, if the media broadcasts something wrong against any individual or institution, the media is sued. It is the court that will determine the inappropriate or libelous behaviors of the media not a police general or security personnel to take the law into their hands” Nyamelel commented.

The infuriated minister in Khartoum said such incidents are usually associated with the SPLM being the ruling party in the South and that can potentially tarnish the reputation of the party, and make the SPLM look “hypocritical” professing democratic transformation while curbing press freedom.

“Even if the act was individual, still people are going to say, here goes SPLM again. A tragic flaw by a junior officer like such act should be taken up seriously at the highest level,” he added.

“Our [SPLM] competitors and opponents will use such incidents against us, and how do we defend ourselves on such a fundamental issue, on which we are running the elections?” said Nyamelel.

According to Sister Cecilia Sierra Salcido, Directress of Bakhita Radio, she said an officer who identified himself as Major Paul, came to her office “very upset” and asked for immediate closure of the radio and took her along with keys to head of national intelligence and security service in the central Equatoria, Major General Johnson Losuk who released her later after brief investigation.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune she said that Johnson told her that Bakhita radio and Liberty FM broadcasted a program with a political candidate which they termed “unacceptable” and asked for the tape of the program.

The General said all programs must be recorded and that political campaigns should stick to the presentation of the parties’ manifestos adding that political candidates should not be used to insult the Government, calling names or fuel tensions.

He warned that next time the station broadcasts a program of that type, the radio equipment would be confiscated and the station would be closed.

She said security authorities have said they would closely monitor Bakhita stressing that they should stick only to religious programs. “No politics at all,” she said adding that they threatened them to completely close down the radio if Bakhita involves in politics.

Onesimo Kenyi, Director of Media and Communications in the Archdiocese of Juba said that there is little that is not political in subjects dealt with in the radio. “Everything is political” he said.

“Food security, health care, education, social and economic justice for all etc, talks about issues that affect local population. We have a right and duty to call leaders we put in power accountable to their acts and that does not mean we want political power” Kenyi said.



  • Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun
    Deng Akol Agut-tungdoun

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    That is it Nyamelel Wakos,

    The police here in central Equatoria is so indicipline and needs to be tamed. Media must be freed to discusse any so long it does not favoure any side.

    Warning to the FMs.

    Never favour any side but be stricted with your code of ethic.
    It is your right must exercises it in ful. Keep the freedom flames on til Jesus come!

    Be bless,

    Deng Akol Agut-tungduon, a man far away from tribalism and coruption.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    Yes, nobody need to speak against SPLM period.
    WES states must watch out.

  • Rev. Saturnino
    Rev. Saturnino

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    Dear fellow Southerners,

    It’s really sad hearing about this news. It reminds me of the 1992 incident and practically the whole war period. Most of those poor citizens including myself who remained here in Juba suffered similar types of investigations and basedless tortures regarded as NYOR (SPLA).
    I beleived those policemen are our southerners who suffered in the bush for the respect and the dignity of all Junubin. The Church on the other hand contributed positively to the achievement of the CPA. The Bakhita Radio FM is a Religious property that deals with the whole of human lives as Rev. Fr. Onesimo Kenyi puts it.
    If I have to ask for the definition of Politics. Who can define it for me? In simple terms, POLITICS is policies. What are POLICIES? orders, organization and etc. When I complain to have food, security and health, it’s politics. For this reason, any human being is a politician by nature. One of the duties of the Church is talk on behalf of the poor, their rights and many others. The Church canonically has a role to advice any Government on earth, constructively based on good principles.

    I kindly beg our police not to threaten Junubin again, kindly follow some Legal proceedures like what the Minister said in his comment. I will be one of those who can join in persuciting any Media programme against the Government(GOSS), yet we need to be a bit moderate with our traumatised people. Imagine, threating a Religious Sister just like that is Internationally bad, it’s shameful to do that action.
    Dear poor Rev.Sister I really pitied you. Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. I know the Police will understand and surely resolve that misunderstanding. After all they are our Police.
    I don’t know about Liberty FM.

  • Newluney

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    Thank You Very Much Nyamelel.

    We would have change this nation if we are 10 in Number in the South.
    This SPLM must be Changed, many of them says they were fighting for Democracy, but that is not, they were really fighting for dictatorship to inspire.

    Newluney A man who will never give up till Democracy inspire in the South Sudan.

  • Akuma

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    It is not only happening in Sudan only but the world, where some candidates who has link some radios presenters for publicise their compaign over radio. During election, some people can decide to compaign over radio and may cause commotion among the voters in the country. In Ghana election, radio Verioso FM was close because of political motivation interference, in USA here, one of the most respectful radio was close during election period because racism being used in election. In uganda of election of 2005, Radio Paida was close due to political reason. All these can happen during election, and some can be close the for short time.

    If those radios are close then we should not feel angry over their losure, it could be done to maintian order and respect of election laws.

    Whether SPLM or other political parties candidates in such cases, then the laws and orders should work there, but not to create confussion among the Sudanese.
    None of them are beneficials of those radios, let them remain close until election season windup to prevent riggings of election because election in Africa is full of multi-practice and intimidation with military uniform.

    So, let respect democracy rule as Sudan will be one of the recognise country of democracy.

    Dr. Akuma, chicago, USA

  • Gatwech

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba

    SPLM should be careful in dealing with the very freedoms it claimed to have fought for. Killing democracy and freedom of expression in the South while making noises against the NCP for doing the same is political idiocy and hypocrisy!

    Let the generals confine themselves to their barracks. We don’t need a police state in South Sudan.

  • Time1

    Sudan SPLM minister condemns closure of FM radios in Juba
    Stop crying freedom of expression when you violate the law and constitutional order, there is law and order in the country, it does not mean media has the right to violate the law and regulations which are set by the media bill.

    Even in developed world, if a radio or television channel broadcast content which incites violence or insecurity, if they broadcast flase information, if the broadcast progmrans not inline with their lisience, then they will be summoned if they do not have good explanations there license will be withdrawn by the ministry of information. There are rules and regulations which guide the media, whoever break that rule has to blame him or herself, they will be held accountable by the security.

    usually if there is violations by media the security will close down the media and put evidence together and pass it to court, the court will decide wether the media house be opened or closed for good, the ministry of information can also decide to withdraw the license for good.

    So the security did a good thing they cautioned the tow radio about their content and their license obligations, this is a routine, someone can be warn to realise their wrong and make it right without completely withdrawing their liciense, this is just a warning.

    Bakhita FM was registered as a church or religious radio, in their application they would have completed application for church or religious content broadcast, that is the lisience they recieved for their broadcast, if they go over that license and broadcast other things like politics which is not in accordence with their radio program then the state police has the right to question them or withdraw their lisience, they can only go to court if they think they have a stronger case.

    Also the elections has its rules and regulations of broadcast for all political parties, to broadcast hateful of violence incitment content is not part of election program, it is a clear criminal intent which will not benefit anyone but will bring only outlaw behavior.

    This rule applies to all business and regulations that guide the license, any business or charity does not operate without rules or regulations, there is law in every country, you violate the law even if you are fromt he media you will be held accountable.

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