Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The incumbent governor of the Southern state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Paul Malong Awan Anei, vowed on Monday, today, his support to incumbent President Omer Al-Bashir for a win in the upcoming elections.

Addressing a huge crowd that turned out to receive President Bashir and his entourage in Aweil town, Governor Malong urged citizens to give their votes to Bashir so he can fully implement the remaining clauses in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

“You cannot remove a captain sailing the ship in the middle of the sea because of differences, no?” the governor said adding wise people always settle their differences when they think they are out of the dangerous area.

However, the local population including intellectuals instantly criticized governor’s remark saying it contradicts his previous statement pledging support to the SPLM national presidential candidate, Yasir Saeed Arman.

“What happened to Mr. Governor that he acted swiftly to vow his support to a presidential candidate from another political party than a candidate from his own party?” asked Honorable Deng Athian.

“I thought he is an SPLM official nominee who should be mobilizing support to a candidate from his party as he previously told the gathering at launching rally of his electoral campaign,” said Garang Aguer Kuol, an intellectual from the area who attended the reception rally of President Bashir.

Addressing the crowd, President Bashir said he recognized the suffering of Mading Aweil and that he will put more efforts into raising the standard of living by building roads, more educational facilities, opening more health units and staffing them with good medical practitioners from Khartoum under the central government’s budget.

He also pledged an university to the population, agricultural machinery to support growth of an Aweil rice scheme as well as funds for construction of power supply and electrification of Aweil town and county headquarters.

Bashir further reiterated his position to recognize the referendum result if it comes out in favor of secession. “I will be the first to recognize and join brothers in the south in celebrating the referendum result because it is the people’s choice. I promise you that nobody in my government will dictate your choice if the referendum result comes out in favor of secession,” he said. Bashir said, however, that unity would bring more economic growth than secession.



  • Pandit

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Did he drug again like his boss who issued Musilim to spread Islam as they can in the South? They are all idiots if they mean what they say.

  • Lokorai

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Thanks Governor Malong!

    The socalled intellectuals don’t see from afar but from their noses; there is a difference between thinking from your head and that of your heart, boys who bark always here and men who see the future…

    It will take you time to understand why Governor position is the best.

    May Almighty God opens up for us to be free once and for all- from Kiir idiots and from Arabs

    May our next President (Dr. Machar) take us to the next level by next year, Oh God!


  • Oduko

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    This shame is for all Dinkas across globle, how can they start the war and now they the one supporting Bashir meanwhile their leader Kiir already introduced Islam to Southerners last week! isn’t shame to our land ? I knew Dinka will bring shame to us we southerners even Darfuris are laughing at us this days due of Kiir and his gangs been fool by bashiir, lord what mad community called DINKA

  • Deng Magot Riem
    Deng Magot Riem

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Have I read that right; governor Malong Awan vowing to surport Beshir. Did he really said that, meaning it or has the reporter made a mistake? my ears could not believe. How about the citzens of that States, is their suport going to Beshir as their governor’s choice? A member of SPLM suporting NCP against his party’s candidate! this is recdiclous.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Any report coming from Khartoum is always alie.

    Governor Malong Awan can not support Bashier like the way it was exposed.

    Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie mr bashier, cooking food from nowhere will not help you at all.

    You want to fools some innocents South Sudanese. Stop barking like adog while

    your term is gone whether by peace of war.

  • Raan Naath
    Raan Naath

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election

    Dear Readers,

    I know since the nomination of SPLM Candidates that those who are nominated will support Jalaba (Arabs) because SPLM Failed to nominate right people.

    SPLM had Nominated UNpopular Candidates Like Unity state Governor Taban Deng who is also supporting his brother in blood Omer Al-Bashir.
    All these guys are supporting Basihr. Why do they leave their party candidate?

    I know these guys are parasites to SPLM. This is mistake from our President Kiir and his secretary Coward Pagan Amum and what is so call SPLM Political bureau.

    It is surprise to me for SPLM Candidate to support NCP Candidate.

    this guy need to be dismiss by the SPLM and go to his house in Malualkon and stay with his 70 WIVES. He is not representing the SPLM well, Him and Taban must go now since they are supporting Jalaba.

    by Raan Naath,

    Juba, South Sudan.

  • Samson Lobung
    Samson Lobung

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Hi Gov. Malong are you really meaning it.You support the opponet of your own party candidate. I wonder are you a member of SPLM or not?.If so then there is no discpline in the party.Or maybe your purse is empty and you want Bashir to fill it up.
    If you have sense of nationalism this is the time to stand solidly with your people and the leadership of the party.No wonder like your leader giving muslims to spread islam in the south as they like.We are waiting so see what the president will do to such people who rocks the boat.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    The governor has the right to welcome avisitor in his house in so many ways.Omer will pass the election but does n,t means the governor of Northern El Ghazal,Mr Paul Malong who pass him,because of his regging of the votes.

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    the Governor Malong is old idiot guy who does not know what he is doing.How can you support the one who know nothing about you and forget the one who brought you to the desk of leadership?What of Yarsir Arman dear?Let the great people of Awiel vote in Dau Atur Jong who is supporting Yarsir.

  • Gatwech

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Dear readers,

    I have just received a phone call from a friend of mine who lives in Juba that Bashir also visits Warab and Lakes state shortly. I hope those governors of Warap and Lakes will not secretly pay their allegiance to Bashir.

    It is a cash season, boys. All those born to corrupt will not resist money temptation.

    I did not read about SPLM Equatorian governors in Torit (EES), Yei (CES) and Yambio (WES) swearing in the name of Bashir and urging their citizens to vote for him.

    Some leaders may think that what they recommend to their citizens is just about getting cash from Bashir, but no, no, no, they are wrong. The citizens will take the recommendation seriously and when they smell cash given to SPLM officials (governors) as some incentives for their statements in support of Bashir in the elections, the citizens will do any thing during the elections to get money.

    NCP’s money for statements by SPLM leaders and NCP’s money for ballots by SPLM supporters. What a sale!!!

  • Time1

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    If Bashir is president and SPLM Arman vice president, there is no problem.

  • David Arok
    David Arok

    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    I’m uncertain if the governor endorsement to Bashir was trustworthy. I did believed Paul Malong wanted to position himself as an outstanding politician. However, his thought is agonising the tail. The best statement he should have to say if I reprise it is < we will be hopeful for president to win so that he can accomplish the unsolved part of comprehensive peace agreement and also Durfar crisis>. He should have been dead right. That the level of extraordinary politician. Let justified its and informing our people that the governor was behind the political contexts. Let Mr. Anei be vigilance in future if he is to make another statement of the same texts. Bashir should not fool anybody that he will be committed in creating the stable regime and eradicating food security. That is politicians language, they talk much and do less. President can not convinces anyone who witnessed the atrocities in which he is hold accountable. That is common sense, let Bashir Go.


    NBGS governor vows to support Bashir in upcoming election
    Malong Awan Anei is a real stupid leader whom I have never seen in my life. What really talk in Malong Awan’s throat is just only money. Malong Awan Anei, you are just a slave heart leader who wants to turn down the indigenous people of Miading Aweil. The people of Miading Aweil had been suffering for century and now the stupid leader so call Malong Awan Anei wants to convert this Ethnic Dinka of Aweil to join his father Omar Bashir. Malong Awan Anei you are really a sycophant of Omar Bashir.

    Please Malong Awan Anei, if you like to join Omar Bashir, then please do it yourself and don’t tried to bring reconciliation between Arabs of the North and Dinka of Aweil. Malong Awan Anei, if you like Arabs, then why do you fought Arabs since the time you were a Comander of Aweil and until the time you become a Governor of Aweil and you didn’t join Arabs of the North from the very beginning?

    In fact, you are right Mr Malong Awan Anei because the Government under Salva Kiir Miyardit become a government for doing extenship for corruption and not a government for fighting injustices which Southerners perceived from the hand of stupid leaders so call Abuud, Nimeiri, Suradaap, Sadiq Mahidi and fucken Omar Bashir. All people who don’t know politic in Southern Sudan including Salva Kiir Miyardit himself are trying to learn how to exercise the politic, but in vein, all of them are lossing and they don’t even no which way to go. Malong Awan Anei tried to copy the speech which Salva Kiir Miyardit said last week in Juba that Muslims in Sudan should have to spread Islma in all over Southern Sudan. I understand that a “learner learn from his master”. So, Malong Awan Anei is learning from Salva Kiir Miyardit, but in fact, both of them are “Pseudo-intellectual”.

    I see now that what happened during Anyanya 1 when peace was signed is going to happen again. Peace was signed and Southern Sudan was thought to have their own Referendum, but after some months, the Southern Sudanese people themselves turn Southern Sudan to the hand of Arabs. So, this is what is going to happen again. Salva Kiir Miyardit and Malong Awan Anei want to turn Southern Sudan to the hand of that stupid leader call Omar Bashir. It is really a useless move if Omar Bashir campaign in Juba and in a greater area of Aweil Region. Good thing is that, the people of Bhar-el-ghazal Region will be blame if Omar Bashir subsided the hope of Southerners. Salva Kiir Miyardit, you are doing nothing at all and after all your Administration is in a wrong shape. I’m sorry to said this because the speech made by Malong Awan Anei in Aweil and the speech made by Salva Kiir Miyardit serve no purpose to all the Southerners people of Sudan.

    I blame God for giving us a wrong leaders who never think and never evaluated things before hand. We are supposed to have no leader all. Shame on Malong Awan Anei and Salva Kiir Miyardit. Shame, shame, shame, shame and shame!!!!!!!!. BY AUGUSTINO DENG.

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