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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan and JEM rebels to start talks for peace in Darfur on Tuesday

March 8, 2010 (DOHA) – The Sudanese government and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) will start direct peace talks to end the seven year conflict in Doha, for the first time since the signing of the Doha framework agreement on February 23, a top rebel negotiator told Sudan Tribune.

Amin Hassan Omar for Sudanese government (L) and JEM top negotiator Ahmed Tugod exchange framework agreements in Doha February 23, 2010. (Reuters)
Amin Hassan Omar for Sudanese government (L) and JEM top negotiator Ahmed Tugod exchange framework agreements in Doha February 23, 2010. (Reuters)
The deal secretly negotiated in Ndjamena and signed last month in Doha by the two warring parties includes a ceasefire agreement, the release of JEM members detained in Khartoum, and the commitment to sign a final peace agreement before March 15 as well as political partnership between the two signatories.

Another related development occurred the same day, February 23, when two rebel groups (SLM-RF and Addis Ababa group) supported by Libya and the US envoy for Sudan declared their merger as the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and said they are ready for separate talks with the Sudanese government. The two rebel groups refuse to merge with JEM saying they accept only coordination.

But JEM refused to join at the negotiating table saying that LJM ought not to hold separate, simultaneous and parallel talks with Khartoum. JEM was against allowing them to be involved in discussions with the government as separate group. The powerful rebel movement says they want one sole rebel delegation in the talks, requesting the newly formed rebel umbrella to merge with them.

However, Ahmed Tugud, JEM chief negotiator, told Sudan Tribune on Monday they agreed with the mediation to start the direct peace talks with the Sudanese government on Tuesday, ending the two weeks of deadlock.

Since they agreed to sign the deal on March 15, the mediation should stop preparations for another framework agreement with the LJM led by El-Tijani El-Sissi, he further added.

In the context of the JEM-government talks, Tugud also stressed that different commissions will hold meetings at the same time on different topics detailed in the framework agreement.

He also said they agreed with the mediation that LJM could join the process at a stage to be determined later. He stressed they still refuse coordination between the movements on the rebel side during the talks adding unity would facilitate the negotiations and allow the Darfurian people to have a strong stance.

Previously the LJM groups said they accept only coordination with JEM – not unity – and the talks between the groups and JEM, who have been in Doha since January 24, stalled for about four weeks until the signing of the framework agreement negotiated in Ndjamena.

The JEM negotiator said the Movement fears a repetition of the Abuja deal which they rejected jointly with SLM led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur while Minni Minnawi inked it with the Sudanese government on May 5, 2006. Also Khalil Ibrahim, JEM leader, stigmatized the representation of the new group saying they had been imposed just to spoil the peace process.

Ibrahim also said if the LJM does not want to merge with them, then they can hold talks with Khartoum in another country or they have to wait till the signing of the peace deal between the government and JEM.

Asked whether they can finalize a peace deal within a week as is stipulated in the framework agreement, Tugud said he was uncertain about the signing of a peace accord by March 15.

“It would be practically very difficult to respect the date fixed in the framework agreement,” he said.



  • James Deng Dimo
    James Deng Dimo

    Sudan and JEM rebels to start talks for peace in Darfur on Tuesday
    James Deng Dimo

    Dear JEM, it is not too late to achive peace in Dar-fur but failier to Vote Bashir out in these coming in Dar-fur will be an additional to battle neck in the region.

    To elect Bashir in these election will not put and end to Sudan problems.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan and JEM rebels to start talks for peace in Darfur on Tuesday
    Darfuri rebels especailly JEM should learned from others in signing peace with the NCP party by going twang-twang you will not get any things from NCP party,be very careful

  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    Sudan and JEM rebels to start talks for peace in Darfur on Tuesday
    Dear all,
    This piece is to JEM rebels supporters in Darfur. My friends, it is very hard to get peace and tough to negiotate peace with crookied NCP in Khartoum. Everyone knows that only way to get peace permanently in Sudan is through election, so that people will choose nationalist like Yaesir Arman of SPLM who will cease war against its people. You ‘re JEM supporters and you want sudan election to be postponed, so bad and it is shame on you, or if they were your leaders, then you better advise them to cease advocating about April election postponment because it will not work for your interest, but the interest of NCP who will still be in power.

    Utimately, you will be a loser and your brothers in the south and others marginalize sudan remain in peace. I know that it is inevitable, south sudan will secure CPA completely eventhough, it is difficult to implement of its protocol. Today people’s interest in Sudan is based on the CPA implementation even people in the North Sudan who want peace permanent.
    Sudan and south Sudan interim constitution guarantee that election must done according to CPA in five years term of interim national government. It cannot be aborgated by any parties in the negotiation, neither NCP nor SPLM, which mean there is no postponment at all.

    I think those who call to postpone election are enemies of people and they will not get what they want. I trust authority in the GOSS, they will not back down from any legislation issue concerning CPA.
    Comprehensive peace agreement is good peace if it were implemented in the good faith, it will solve ongoing problem in the certain part of sudan especially 22 years civil in the south Sudan.

    Darfur peace that is ongoing negotiation in the Doha is also copied of the CPA, but there is difference with ideologies of liberation struggles. Since, you Darfur like the unity of Sudan, then it has no meaning to object to the change. As long as you negotiate peace you are going to get your own wealth sharing with government. Even new elected government will still honor such agreement, otherwise, your people are advocating for no peace to your communities. You need to wish out!

    Thank you,

    Kuany Dak

  • Time1

    Sudan and JEM rebels to start talks for peace in Darfur on Tuesday
    We support our brothers in JEM to reach a comprehensive peace in Darfur, but JEM members have to be also reasonable and also respect the issues of other groups, we started supporting Darfur people even before JEM was formed and we will continue that support, what we all want is peace and justice for our brothers and sisters in Darfur nothing else, but the JEM hardline of saying they will not accept anyother rebels groupd to join the peace talks, they also say they will not continue peace with postponement of elections, i think JEM is pushing itself beyond its means of reasonable achievements, what JEM should work towards is a deal on power sharing, because if JEM join this elections Khalil will not win any post and he will therefore not get even a high position in government, so the best thing is for JEM to work toward power sharing deal, so by that they will automatically get appointments to high positiions as per the agreement, do not listen to Turabi and others who say postpone the elections, because that will not even help the JEM, may be it will help the SPLM more and also NCP who might buy votes in Darfur camps.

    JEM should focus on peace discussion and to achieve a comprehensive agreement for Darfur which should give Darfur more governing power and national resources, also autonomy in terms of Darfur picking their own governors democratically and not hand picked from Khartoum, also the peace should include all other rebel groups.

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