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Sudan Tribune

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Russian envoy arrives in Khartoum for talks on Sudan’s elections and Darfur

March 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Russian special envoy to Sudan, Mikhail Margelov, started today a three day visit to Khartoum for talks with the Sudanese officials on preparations for the general elections to be held next April.

Russian envoy Mikhail Margelov received by a Sudanese foreign ministry protocol chief at Khartoum Airport on January 24, 2009.  (Getty images)
Russian envoy Mikhail Margelov received by a Sudanese foreign ministry protocol chief at Khartoum Airport on January 24, 2009. (Getty images)
He is also expected to tackle the implementation of the framework agreement on a peaceful settlement in Darfur signed recently between the government and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement in Doha, Qatar.

The Chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s International Affairs will meet during his visit with Sudanese officials in Khartoum and Juba including representatives of the two main partners National Congress Party (NCP) and SPLM, as well as leaders of the main opposition forces.

Following his arrival at Khartoum airport Margelov reaffirmed Russian support to the electoral process in the country and efforts to settle Darfur crisis.

“Russia hails processes, promoting a peaceful settlement in Sudan,” Mikhail said, adding that his working visit was prompted by “the coming general elections in Sudan, which should bring society closer together and become an important state for advance to universal peace”.

The Russian envoy also stressed that he will tackle with Sudanese officials “prospects for implementing the framework agreement on a peaceful settlement in Darfur and to discuss roadblocks in the way of concluding a full-scale peace treaty between Khartoum and insurgents”.

The Russian envoy would meet during his visit Presidential Assistant, Nafie Ali Nafie, Presidential Advisor in charge of Darfur file, Ghazi Salah Al-Deen , the leader of the Umma party, Sadiq Al-Mahdi, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Mohamed Osman Al-Mirghani, the chairman of the National Elections Commission, Abil Alier, the head of UNAMID, Ibrahim Gambari, and the acting UN Representative for Sudan

Margelov will also visit Juba on Friday to for talks with the First Vice – President and President of the Government of South Sudan, Salava Kiir, and a number of officials in the Government of southern Sudan.

The Russian businessmen who are part of Margelov’s delegation will discuss the participation of Russian leading companies in projects for production and processing of oil and gas in Sudan. In this regard they will meet Al-Zubair Ahmed Al-Hassan minister of energy and mining and Awad Al-Jaz minister of finance.



  • K Bambo
    K Bambo

    Russian envoy arrives in Khartoum for talks onSudan’s elections and Darfur
    What has the Russian special envoy have to tell the Sudanese, if the Russian themselves never held any free and fair election? This trip is waste of Russian tax-payers’ money.


  • Time1

    Russian envoy arrives in Khartoum for talks on Sudan’s elections and Darfur
    Russian envoy is welcome to south sudan, we will await him at Juba airport with open arms. business is business and Russia is not an acception.

  • Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus
    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

    Russian envoy arrives in Khartoum for talks on Sudan’s elections and Darfur
    First thing first

    Let us focus on referendum not election or Darfur issue . Russians and IGAD moved simultaneously on the issues of elections and Darfur conflict, but not on the issue of 2011 referendum. This is a clear support to Omaar Beskir of the National Criminal party (NCP). NO way.

    Thank you Mr president kiir Mayardit and Goss

    Excellent, SPLM has learned how to say No. At such a time as this, we should support our leaders no matter what so the world may know they are representing our interest not their interest. Let us protest against IGAD to proof that Kiir Mayardit is right.

    My call is this,

    All southerners should protest against IGAD’s provocative proposal of postponing 2011 referendum to tell the world that, what Kiir Mayardit said in IGAD conference is in our national interest. Even if that protest costs millions of dollars, please let do it now not later. All the ten states in the south must protest to support our leader kiir mayardit’s statement.

    IGAD wants to put future blames on southerners when the civil war resume between North and South again in January 2011.

    IGAD wants to tell the world that they have to South Sudan to postpone the 2011referendum but south said NO. Southerners this is a very servious game. We must open our eyes and think more than when we were fighting NCP in 1990s.

    My slogan or motto in that protest against IGAD will be…

    IGAD, do not postpone 2011 referendum.

    Why? Because we need the Republic of New Sudan (RONS). When do we need it? January 2011.

    ’’silent is an image of death’’ president kiir should continue preaching his concise and clear message to NCP, USA, UN, EU, AU and IGAD.

    SPLM leaders must stop going to Egypt from now. Kiir statement means war to Egypt, but independence for South Sudan. It is great that kiir is pleasing southerners not Egypt any more.

    All southerners are very excited about kiir statement including Gatwech and Thieleling who hates kiir.

    Long Live Kiir Mayardit and SPLM…silent is an image of death southerners.

    Piny Amec Abethool-Jesus

  • Akuma

    Russian envoy arrives in Khartoum for talks on Sudan’s elections and Darfur
    Dear Fellow Sudanese!

    The arrival of those Russian special envoy to Sudan willbe dangerous to Sudanese, they are not coming for preparation electionin April but they are coming to enforce and embark Bashir. Since both Russian and Chinese are against Bashir’s indictment for the criminal cases commited in Darfur, genoide and war in Darfur. Their mission is fulfil their statement so my people, those envoy are coming with hope otherwise their mission is full of rigging election.

    Dr. Akuma, chicago, USA

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