Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 10, 2010 (BOR) – Authorities in South Sudan’s troubled state of Jonglei say at least 1000 small arms were retrieved from civilians in a disarmament exercise that started last month, adding that the “search” continues.

Arms collected in Rumbek (file)
Arms collected in Rumbek (file)
Speaking during a rally for the celebration of Women’s Day in Bor town, the capital of Jonglei State, Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk said he is optimistic that peace would return and bloodshed from tribal clashes will cease.

“The SPLA [Sudan People’s Liberation Army] have collected 1000 guns and will continue to search until all rifles are in the hand of organized forces,” Mr. Manyang said.

Disarmament began in December 2009 in Ayod, Uror, Nyirol and Duk, and covered Bor and Twic East Counties in January 2010. About 6000 guns were collected. In February, the South Sudan army extended the peaceful disarmament exercise to Pibor County, extending disarmament to neighboring tribes that had been accused of frequent raids in January and mid February 2010.

When the SPLA started collecting rifles, there had been no reports of child abduction or cattle raiding in greater Bor and Lou Nuer Counties. However, Pochala County in southern Pibor County had been periodically raided allegedly by Murle tribesmen from Pibor.

The state authorities call upon the people of Jonglei state to give arms to the government peacefully “because we need peace before development,” in the words of Mr. Manyang, who also announced the completion of clearance of the road network starting from Gadiang, a modern village east of Twic and Duk Counties. Gadiang is now connected to Bor, Twic, Uror and Duk Counties. The link between Gadiang and Pibor is expected to be done by the end of March. Though the road is only being cleared, Mr. Manyang says further work to raise its standard to an all-seasons pathway will follow immediately.

Jonglei suffered deadly clashes in 2009 when about 1,800 people were killed and thousands were displaced. The government blames the conflicts on illegal arms possessed by civilians and the poor road network. As April polls approach, South Sudanese authorities are swiftly acting by collecting guns to avoid tension during the election.



  • Awumtiai

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    I therefore I appreciate the work done by the soldiers and Pibor’s chief so far. But, let’s all remember Murle thieves, each own more than one rifle thorough checking is much more required.


  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    Dear brothers from Jonglei,
    I am very happy to the extent that I cannot even express my happiness to the public because of the disarmament which is taking place in Pibor.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    well done governor Kuol Manyang.make more disarment in your state which is the bad and disturbed state of all states in southern sudan.you did not mentioned any disarment from Akabo county.please disarm all lou-Nuer and morele who share the same activities by killing others and stealing others’ properties.please take your lou to their land from jikany Nuer land of Akobo tiergol of Ethiopia and wanding of Nasir county which they[lou] took by force by killing innocent jikany Nuer of Nasir and olang counties.

  • ayuairech

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    Thanks to southsudan army and Jonglei state authorities for their committment to disarmament but further effort to redisarm murle will bring acomplete peace to Jonglei state because most of them poses more then three guns.there are some of murlemalitia men who are also still on run and must be hunted by spla inorder to complete the mission.

  • Akuma

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    I won’t be excited or happy for that disarmament in Pibor. After what? since Majority of Dinka Bor had suffered from this primitive tribe call Murle, our leaders tend their neck and eyes away from deadly people of Jonglei state. Remember if such group people dy, then Sudan will be off because they arevery few in numbers but their voices Sound bigger. So, remember what President Bashir said when he was interview in El-Jazeera Teleivsion 2008, ”He said i fear no tribe in Southern Sudan unless Dinka Bor itself, and i am thinking day and night how to get such tribe” he further say” i had been study with majority of Dinka Barhl El Gazeel, Nuer and Bari, so, i know i the way hey take theirs. He further said those tribes, majority of their colleagues had stay with me. They are like that small ants who like sweets things. if i pour sugar from Southern Sudan upto Khartoum here then i may caught them.

    Dear citzens!
    If you are compare with small ants in your country, because of what to eat, then i don’t sleep well even though i am not there because all the tribes he mentions, my tribe is also inclusive.

    Murle people need to be disarmed thoroghly so that people of Jonglei may enjoy fruit of peace.

    peace…peace…..peace that what we are looking in Jonglei.
    and other parts of the country.

    Dr. Akuma, chicago, USA

  • Time1

    SPLA claims it collected 1000 guns in Pibor
    Manyaung has to do more, disarmament alone is not enough but is a part of the process, he has to bring all groups together cosolidate the relationship on the ground between all the chiefs and groups and also put some key developmental projects on the ground, like roads, schools and hospitals and ommunications to connect the smaller towns together and bring the people closer together.

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