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Sudan Tribune

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Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state

By Ngor Arol Garang

March, 13, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Deadly clashes over access to grazing lands, has on Friday 12, evening left three people dead in southern State of Unity, following an attack by Messeriya herders on SPLA military outpost at Awarpiny.

Awarpiny is in Biennon County at the border with Twic Mayardit of Warrap State and Abyei.

Four wounded SPLA soldiers in critical condition were airlifted to Abyei by United nation Mission in Sudan’s Helicopter to Kadugli from where they are seeking referral to Khartoum.

Colonel Bol Chol, a local commanding officer told Area Joint Military Committee (AJMC)that Messeriya nomads launched a surprise attack on their post after Friday meeting with local authorities in the area demanding Meseriya to pay five Sudanese pounds for each cow to access grazing and lands without arms in the South.

There was a meeting called by traditional authorities with Messeriya to discuss how they could access water and grazing lands south of area but never reached any consensus, he said.

Officials say the perpetrators must be followed and brought to justice adding the attacks appear to be retaliation for violence in the villages in January, when most of the victims were said to be innocent civilian mostly women and children.

Deng Yuot, a local official in the area blamed unity state authority saying they have paid little attention to solve this pastoral feud since beginning of the year. “Enough is enough. Governor Taban must act now not tomorrow. We need more protection so that our people do not become victim of the conflict all the time.”

All we are asking is that our people, be they soldiers or civilians should not be killed any more. We demand justice done to these perpetuators, he said.

He added that local authorities should beef up security in this troubled area so that we would be able to know that people that go to bed will wake up the next day and life will continue, he said.



  • junub

    Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state
    Deng Yuot,

    Let try not to finger pointing ourselves with these routine killings of our people by Messeriya militiamen.

    If you won’t really misunderstand me Yout, then I would say it is good if you would have called the attention of Southern Sudanese people as whole to see these everyday killing of our beloved mothers, fathers and siblings by Messeriya nyagats as an attack to entire Southern Sudanese people.

    Yeah; you right governor Tyson Taban should have to pay his other attention beside elections to the killings carried out in Unity State by Messeriya militiamen of Southern Kordufan.

    The other think I needs to tell you if you can understand it that your calls is bad but not sending any good signal to Messariya because if they read your remarks, they will assume the whole people who they attacked are currently frightened with their attacks.

    You guys have right not to be dearmed but armed with all mean since you people are the ones fighting the South-North war with the Messeriya militiamen. Southern Sudanese people need not to ignored these killing as a problem of herders as the media potray it, No. But instead the Messeriya militiamen are the mere right arm of NCP to disturbed our people.

    Yeah; of cause, governor Tyson Taban had to brake his silence in this rountine killings of our people by Messeriya militiamen, otherwise it will look tougher on governor why not acts right now.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state
    Those Arab allies deserve a unlitimate pursuit until they surrender entering Southern states, Kiir is very responsible for such mis management of South, in fact a wise leader would have send a strong force to deal with those homeless albinos in Unity State. This is why I suggest that Kiir should have his plan B ready, which would be either resign or retired from cruel and inexperience leadership. Sick of the insecurity in South Sudan.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state
    South Sudan government must seriously act on the issue of those who kill innocent people without cause. If the Goss is not capable to protect those civilians then they should give them back their guns because their death is now frequent then it used to be during the war. Goss need to block Messeriya herders not to come to the South with their guns. Why Messeriya attack SPLA and Abiemnom county always while Goss keep quite?. Please i want Goss to give back gums to the most affected and non violence civilians.

  • Gatwech

    Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state
    Dear readers,

    Messirya do not qualify to be called Nyagat because nyagat is a very good word for those who understand Amharic language of Ethiopia from where the word origninates. Negade (mispronounced ’nyagat’) means capitalist or rich people who do business and possess money.

    During the socialist new Ethiopia era of mengistu Haile Mariam, they disliked capitalists and Garang joined the dance by also rejecting able and rich people materially in the South. He called them nyagats and to him the Nuer were the first to be called nyagats because of their rich land. Up to now they feed the rest of the South with their oil money which still qualify them as nyagats. They are hated for being rich (capitalists) by the poor Dinka.

    But Messeriya are not rich like Nuer with resources so they are not nyagats but ’slaves’ like the rest who are called slaves.

    Kick those slaves out of Unity state. It is the land of the rich (nyagats) not the land of poor slaves of ‘akul baraw’ who survive like orphans on the handouts from the Nuer oil.

  • Time1

    Clashes over grazing leave 3 people dead in unity state
    Messeriya are very stubborn groups and never listen, they never learn fromt heir mistakes, messeriya know that htey need south sudan more than southerners need them, they like to violate agreements and not not follow the rules set for them, i think this willa ffect messeriya in the long run, it might not affect them now but i see a dead end for messeriya in the long run if they continue this way, were will their cattle and sheep eat and drink water, i think they should think about this question very well.

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