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US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity

March 13, 2010 (DOHA) — The leader of Sudan Liberation Movement Abdel-Wahid Mohamed Nur has wasted a “historical” opportunity to join the peace talks and the accord signed in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar, the US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration said today.

Abdul_Wahid_al-Nour-4-2.jpg“He [Al-Nur] isolated himself and believe that he either does not want anything or does not know what he wants and we gave him a historical opportunity and extended many invitations to him but he has had his chance” Gration told reporters in a press conference at the US Ambassador’s residence in the Qatari capital.

Last month, the Sudanese government and the Darfur Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) signed a temporary ceasefire and a framework agreement in Doha paving the way for direct negotiations and a comprehensive peace accord.

While JEM is considered a militarily strong group, observers say that the absence of Al-Nur who belongs to the Fur tribe, considered the largest in Darfur, will mean that any peace agreement signed will not end the conflict. He enjoys wide support among Darfur’s IDP’s.

Al-Nur’s persistent demands for security in Darfur as a prerequisite for sitting at the negotiation table has frustrated diplomats and mediators alike. Gration has sought to convince loyal IDP’s and SLM field commanders to overthrow him but was met with stiff resistance.

Gration said that the Doha accord marked a turning point for a resolution to the seven years conflict and called on both sides to “strictly” abide by it through the cessation of hostilities and violence so as start working on issues such as compensations, return of IDP’s to their homes, development projects in order to combat unemployment and improve the socio-economic lives of Darfuris.

The US official said that the compensation thorny issue will be determined through the participation of civil society and refugees in the peace agreement adding that he does not see any major obstacles preventing the implementation of the accord.

Furthermore, the envoy expressed hope that the agreements are done early so they can move into the implementation phase… “So that the people begin as soon as possible to experience peace and security and move on with their lives… we want this to happen now, the sooner the better, because they need to live in better conditions.”

He stressed that Washington is working for the people of Darfur and help Sudanese people expressing their wills through peaceful means such as elections. On Chad-Sudan relations he said that recent thaw between the two countries will reflect positively on the region’s security.

“We are pleased with what has been achieved on better ties between the two countries to ensure stability across the border between this building and reconciliation that would benefit the two peoples and the region as a whole and hopefully the continuation of this matter for the maintenance of regional security and stability and to promote peace in Darfur” Gration said.

Gration praised the Qatari role in brokering the recent deal saying that without Doha’s “tremendous efforts, which not only helped the negotiations, but also their efforts to unite the rebel groups to bring members of civil society here to do requisite training goes far beyond just negotiations, they have actually been wonderful in picking up tasks far beyond what is required as a facilitator…”

On elections, Gration said that the US administration is looking forward to having the “big election” in Sudan this April.

“This election is the first time in 24 years that the people in Sudan can express their will through the ballot and I think this is very important, because the process that are put into place now, the political transformation, the democratization that is happening right now might set the future generation a way of expressing their will through the ballot and not the bullet” he said.

He said he believes that the elections should be held as planned despite growing demands from the Sudanese opposition that they be delayed till next November.



  • AAMA

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    All these agreements are temporary pain killers for the Sudanese problems, from Nivasha to Abuja to Doha. What every people agree on for one place should be inclusive and implemented for the whole country, if the government decides to give the south a high autonomy status and share resources revenues, then they should give the same rights for all of Sudan. Solutions should not be confined to the people who take the guns only, yesterday it was the south, today its Darfur and tomorrow will be the east and the north plus the likelihood of a regional war between north and south after separation. Most of the people in the peripheries of the country suffer from similar problems.

  • murlescrewed

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    Scott Gration is rushing peace for the sake of one without looking at the behavior of Khartoum regime. Al-Nur is like Dr. John Garang. He did not rush into signing a peace that Khartoum would surely not implement or worst abrogate. The US needs to really consider reigning in Scott Gration before it loses credibility among the Sudanese people. Whenever this guy opens his mouth, you just crinch.

    Al-Nur has seen what Khartoum does with peace agreements. DPA is now a shell of what was signed. Minawi is just holding on to his post and not much has changed in Darfur. Violence has subsided but that is because ICC has shown its teeth and indicted genocidaires in Darfur. So why would Al-Nur rush into signing a peace just to see it dishonored like all others?

  • Shuggar

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    Al-Nur’s persistent demands for security in Darfur as a prerequisite for sitting at the negotiation table is very much valid. Of course, Gen. Gration and the other Darfur peace mediators are furstrated for the simple fact that they are either do not understand the conflict of Darfur or turning a blind eye to it.
    For Gen. Gration:
    Do understand the word “GENOCIDE”, despited your own country’s repeatedly labeling of genocide on what is happening in Darfur? Do you know how many villages burnt or destroyed? A part from lives, Did you ever estimate how much the loss in region of Darfur would be? How can you convince the victim that you genuinely work for peace while the victim is being chased as you gather concerned parties to negotiating table.
    Please, level up to the scale of the damage done in Darfur. The entire region is plunge in misery, gruesome and greivances.
    Unless you be in the shoes of the IDPs or Refugee, Gen.Gration, you and other Darfur peace brokers will remain far from reaching peace in Darfur.

    If the IDPs and refugees are those who are meant by peace, how will you be able to return them to their vilages. Mr. General, are you going to use force to relocated them from camps to their villages.

    A number of things Mr. General you should undersand:
    the IDPs and refugees will not compromise on returning to their vilages,security and disarm of Janjaweeds,individual compensations and expeling of new settlers among many other demands.
    Doha will not bring peace to Darfur neither will any country in the region.
    Darfur conflict needs to:
    1. Be seen the way it is then deal with it.
    2. Consider the root causes of the conflict and address it.
    3. avoid presenting fake justifications to for peace.

    Darfur wound will take time to heal and the IDPs and refugees are prepared for it, Mr. General.

  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    Every gambler knows the secret golden rue to survival…DON’T COUNT YOUR MONEY UNTIL THE DEAL IS DONE!

    Everyone can gamble but if he doesn’t know when the deal is done he will be the foolish of the game and the most foolish of him if he fools himself.

  • David Glenn
    David Glenn

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    It is really a pity that the SPLM/A has renounced it’s responsibility to the Sudan and the Sudanese people.Lord have mercy on your soul Dr.Joh Garang,Lord Have Mercy on Your Soul,honourable man of vision,you saw all this and wanted a solution.How much we miss your vision,your leadership to-day.
    The Movement you founded for the future now has to wait for the future to restore it to track.
    It has withdrawn into itself and sees achievment in voting for the past.
    This is a prayer of a sad Sudanese.
    The SPLM/A has withdrawn inot the South,the referandum and independence,a new state,but do we ever think of how this state will survive,with all these surrounding problems?

  • Time1

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    I agree with the US envoy that Al Nur has yet to identify what the SLM wants, Also it is not a very good idea to live in Europe while you are a rebel leader, it damages Al Nur credibility, because Al Nur is having a good time in Europe, sleeping well, eating well meanwhile those in the battle field are having it rough. however, they should make their demands very clear and known, they should also say how those demands should be met, however the government has to also give consessions not just dig themselves down to one position, they have to be flexible on all sides.

  • mohamad adam
    mohamad adam

    US official says Darfur’s Nur forfeited peace opportunity
    4th, 2010 19:42 UTC
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    Home page > News > Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in (…)
    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba

    Sunday 14 March 2010 printSend this article by mail

    March 13, 2010 (JUBA) – The leader of SPLM-Democratic Change, Lam Akol, launched today his campaign in Juba for Southern Sudan president accusing Kiir’s administration of failure and promised to end corruption there.

    JPEG – 17.7 kb
    Akol addressing a political meeting

    The former foreign minister, who splint from the SPLM and established his own party in June 2009, was banned by the southern Sudan government from exercising his political activities in the South. But the Constitutional said illegal GOSS decision in this respect.

    Salva Kiir, SPLM candidate for southern Sudan government president, recently pledged to allow his sole contender to campaign freely in the semi-autonomous region.

    Two week ago Akol launched his electoral campaign in Malakal, capital of Upper Nile State, where he pledged if elected President of Southern Sudan Government to curb corruption, promote democratic freedoms economic development in the region.

    In a first meeting organized in the capital of southern Sudan, on Saturday, Akol repeated his pledge to fight corruption in Juba if elected president for GOSS saying “Corruption has defeated people in the government. That is why it needs new people”.

    “We have been faced with unconstitutional bans and threats against our members,” he further said.

    The SPLM DC accused regularly the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of intimidating and arresting its members in the different states the South.

    Despite its young age, the SPLM DC has 120 candidates in southern Sudan and 500 candidates in the north besides three candidates for governorship positions and Lam Akol for southern Sudan president.

    On the national level, the SPLM-DC supports NCP candidate Omer Al-Bashir saying he is the sole who will respect southern Sudanese vote if they opt for independence in 2011 referendum.



    32 Forum messages

    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba 14 March 08:37, by Mel mosa

    Go to hell with your Bashier. You are enemy of your people shame on you. You said that you are against independence of South. who can vote for you? You are obvious as NCP agent. Please shut up and go back to Khartoum.


    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba 14 March 08:42, by Dinka Dominated SPLA

    lam akol is ajoke and doom who give a fuck about him as he became a champion of collaboration with our enemies death to him

    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba 14 March 10:23, by Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    This is what I have been waiting for, AKOL OYEE, DC OYEE. Time to change the way we been lead, the way we been ruled and left to insecurity. Akol as a brave man has come out to tell the truth here in this democratic city of Juba. A man of courage and vision is this intelligent dream leader. Time for Kiir to pack his corruptees and find their way to Bor or Rembek in order to join his counterpart Mr Koul Juuk. SPLA has totally fail the political management of South. It is time for Democratic Change to take over and improve the worse condition. I have been waiting for this report to appear on the media, I always carry DC poster on my 4wheel around the corners in Juba due to insecurity, tomorrow I will have it on my car displaying it to the public. Freedom is coming to my people as soon as Akol become our leader.

    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba 14 March 11:54, by SPLA

    Mr Famous Big_Liar_Boy,

    Let me assure you one thing, traitor Lam Akol will not win the presidency of South Sudan in up coming April elections. If you put your hopes on the presidency of Lam Akol then you better think again because it will not happen. You and those who subscribe to Lam Akol political ideals have no future in South Sudan. You better get used to SPLM or move some where else because SPLM is not going anywhere for the rest of our lives.

    Kiir Mayardit will still be the president after April 11 and for the next five years. Kuol Manyang will also still be the governor of Jonglei State and he will be the next president of South Sudan after Kiir Mayardit. Forget about the two traitors and the dumbest PHD holders Lam Akol and Riek Machar. Their names will never appear in the history of South Sudan as presidents. They will always be known as traitors and the ones who stubbed the SPLM/A in the back when the movement was at its best.

    Lam Akol launches his campaign for South Sudan president in Juba 14 March 15:35, by Kulang James

    HEY SPLA, Tell me what legacy do you think you will leave for your children under Kiir or kuol Manyang. You Dinka have just refused to learn not to put your eggs in one basket!!<> KOKORA is coming the second time to send the Dinka to where they belong again and the Murle have assured the Equatorians to only send them back to where they belong and the Murle will be waiting to finish them this time. Wake up from policial sleep! i tell you with your cow dung stained brains you are in for big suprises this elections,this is time to talk sence not passion.


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