Monday, January 13, 2025

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Arman vows to end war in Darfur

March 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Yasir Arman, SPLM candidate for Sudan president, vowed today to stop the war in western Sudan and to respond positively to the demands of Darfurians.

Arman speaking in a meeting while his slogan
Arman speaking in a meeting while his slogan
Arman launched today his electoral campaign in the restive region by visiting Al-Diyaen and Nyala in South Darfur. He was flanked by the SPLM Deputy Chairman James Wani, SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum, the Movement’s candidate for South Darfur governor Omer Abdel-Rahman.

The thousands of people who attended the meeting welcomed Arman by chanting slogans like “Yasir Arman has a new regime” and “Darfur land for Darfur people”. Arman’s media officials said local authorities had attempted to prevent residents of Nyala camps from attending the rally.

Addressing the crowded electoral meeting, Arman said his first presidential decision will be to end war in Darfur by responding to the legitimate demands of Darfurians including the establishment of one region and refugees and IDPs voluntarily returning to their homeland.

The SPLM candidate also pledged if elected to provide the necessary compensations to the war-affected persons so that they can heal themselves and return to their normal life. Arman, in addition, promised to direct the budget of war to the pressing development issues in Darfur.

The National Congress Party-led government is negotiating with Darfur rebel groups in Doha, Qatar, to find a lasting solution for the seven year conflict. The two main rebel groups refused in 2006 a peace deal that did not include clear solutions for the issues of land ownership and individual compensations.

In accordance with Abuja deal signed only by Minni Minawi, the administrative situation of Darfur — whether to remain as three states or unite into one region — should be determined by a referendum.

Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, the founder of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), refuses to join the Doha talks asking instead that Khartoum first provide security to the IDPs and to disarm the militiamen who were the principle cause of their rebellion.

The Sudanese government and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement agreed last month to sign a peace deal on March 15. However, the IDPs say they would not be affected by the accord as long as it does not prioritize their major concerns for security, and land ownership.

The issue of ethnicity also is of major importance in this conflict, as JEM leadership belongs to a minority group, Zaggawa; the dominant group of Fur is expected to reject the peace deal as it would be detrimental to their influence in the region.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Arman vows to end war in Darfur
    Thanks Yasir Saeed Arman. We South Sudanese are behind you because you are the hero that we know that can change the criminal Bashier regime in the country. Please i really support Darfurians to vote for Arman because he is going to solve the war that Bashier impose against you.

    Arman had been the hero in the South-North war till CPA;therefore, I am sure that he can lead us in 2010 until the outcome of 2011.
    SPLM/A oyee, Arman oyeee.

  • Akuma

    Arman vows to end war in Darfur
    Yassir Arman the man of change if Sudanese elect him to be the president of the Republic of the Sudan. Sudan would not be the Same as our Late Dr. Garang said ” Sudan will never be the same again.
    Yassir is the real man that Dr. talk of.
    Vote for him and you will free in your locality.

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago,

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Arman vows to end war in Darfur
    For sure Yasir Arman Said is the only candidate to fulfil all the issues in the country Sudan,the chronic one is the Darfur issues,local police should not stop people to attend the campaign of comrade Arman plus senior Comrade in Goss,Darfuri people permanent peace will be in your area when you voted for Yasir Arman.

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