Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 28, 2010 (RENK) — Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the semi autonomous government of Southern Sudan and SPLM candidate for the same southern presidency, has yesterday called on churches to preach and pray for conduct of peaceful elections.

kiir_goss.jpgThe President, who was addressing a political rally on Saturday at Turalei County of his home state of Warrap, says it is his desire to involve the Church in the development of the region adding churches should understand that Government leaders are their committed servants.

Kiir said he highly regards the church and its leaders, adding that when he recently met Catholic priests at his residence in Juba, he shared with them his respect for the Church and peace in the region. He told the gathering that it should be realized that the Church, Government and political leaders have specific roles to play in the development of the country and that such roles should not be confused.

“The role of the church is to preach unity and love and to pray for the peace of the country not politics of hatred and hate campaign,” Kiir said stressing this has brought wars to the country because successive Khartoum regimes have consistently refused to separate religion from politics.

“Religion should not be mixed with politics because it is about God and God needs peace and harmony,” he said thanking local churches in the region for preaching peace and stability.

Churches in South Sudan have been very successful. They are the ones which lobbied for the peace currently being implemented. They deplored violence as settlement to conflict, Kiir explains.

Kiir is also reported to have called on his supporters to ignore his critics and simply concentrates on the development agenda of the nation reminding them to preach peace and love for one another.

The president who is still being accompanied by his Vice-President Riek Machar, Deng Alor, Pagan Amun, Nhial Deng Nhial, Abdul Bagi Ayii Akol among others, adds people preaching violence are defiant of the churches they purport to represent. You cannot pretend to be Christians while preaching violence, he said.

He appealed to all civil population including opposition political parties to remember that the Bible demands that they respect those in authority adding Bible says all authority is from God and that God ordains leaders.

Churches have therefore a mandate to support Government and that people should pray for Government in the interest of the welfare of the nation, Kiir said.



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    It is very confusing, calling and camaining for elections and calling for postponment.I couldn’t understand.

    When you say that people should be loyal to their government , you don’t think that is mixing religion with politics!Does that mean people should vote for the government and not the

  • junub

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Truly it like how Dr. Garang said it and I quote,”on the judgement day, you will be asked not what your have country done, but what have you done” For really a fence if not a wall needs to be build between our State and religion otherwise again our next offsprings will be perishing through these confusing things.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Any militia or nyagat with the intention of creating violence in the South will be clearly be considered an enemy,and they deserved killing.
    We need to see what will be the outcome of the election and referendum without and intruption.

  • James John
    James John

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Peace will be in South unless evryone return to their homeland if not there will be tribe war and da will come right after the election…………..be’s you can’t make government with your people and not remembering other culture in Southern Sudan.

    soon there will be war after election just be’s of tribe war.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections

    Do you think Salva Kiir belief in Ngungdeeng/Wurnyang like you food lovers?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Thanks Wang, James John,and Gatwech,

    We Nuer are good for everything. Let me add something that we Naath believe in food and wurnyang.ngundeeng for centuries as our true god in our land.

    We make acoalition governmnet with Bashier in 1991 so that we can get our selve independent from Dinka who have been our presige leaders since the creation of Earth. After we make allaince with Arab governmnet, we agree with our respected president Bashier so that we can deployed our brave Nuer in the oil field in Bentiu to protect it from Dinka government who want to exploit our oil.

    We deployed Matip Nhial to protect our oil from Dinka SPLM because that is the only thing that we can lived with,no other that can help us in this soil. We Nuer have been living for stealing and raiding cattle from Dinka for centuries,and in fact if we felt like we have nothing to eat, we go and raid civilians and take their cattle for our living so that we can wait for our crops to grow in our Nuer land.

    Moreover, We Nuer value Arab more than the South because they have been giving as free food,and even they provide us free arms that can make us easy to go raiding and penetrate those Dinka who can resist our raiding. Yes, we Nuer knows that we can die but we value food than any thing and that is why we go raing the cattle because food is better than life.

    Indeed, because we Nuer have shallow mind that can compete with South Sudanese, the only thing that we can do is to be nagative always and complained when the food is ready because we Nuer have no capacity to lead at all because we are the curse comunity as predicted by Ngundeeng and wurnyang.

    Though we Nuer slaughtered Wurnyang when he gimmick as by giving as two identitical bulls, he kept one in the house and he led one bull killed and latter subsituted the dead with the alive bull and he said this bull is the bull that we killed before, as aresult, when we Nuer go to Dinka Bor land and every single dead Nuer will rose in his own house. In fact, because of the promise of Wurnyang, we just jump to the barrel of the guns and we all die while hopping that we will resurrect in our own house. None of us Nuer get up in houses therefore, we slaughtered Wurnyang and left with Ngundeeng.

    We Nuer are sure that our only and educated man- Riek Machar Durgon will be the president of South for 50 years so that he can make it like the way Dinka and Equatorians led in the country/Sudan. We believed in Ngundeeng as our only servior,and no more than that because he promise as to have aleader in the near future and he told us that we are the only people who will lead the South till death.

    Frankly, Dinka must know that we fight hard because of food and if they don,t provide us /Nuer enough food before April,then there will be no election as well as referendum because we desperately need somthing to eat. We Nuer are brave for the killing of innocents because those are the only people we can fight with. We Nuer knows that we are born empty and will die empty,but what can we do because our mind can not help us to undestand the positives of education. We are the curse community, we know about that but what can we do now.

    We Naath we die after the very best two Nuer leaders; Dr Riek Machar and Agenlina Teny because if they die no any other leader can lead the south. We hope we Naath want every one to be uncivilian than attending education because we need more young youth to do the raiding and give food to the old and weak individual. I regrete of being called Anuer because our mind is thick and dark and that is why we can not see the truth behind the eye level. Thanks Ngundeegng Oyeee, Nuer Oyeee.

  • Gatwech

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Fellow Southerners,

    I know some of you will not believe these coming changes or political events. But take a deep breath, relax, think over it and see the inevitability:

    1/ The South will become independent by 2011 and hopefully under a new and competent visionary leadership.

    2/ The name of the new nation will have to be agreed upon. It may not necessarily be called Republic of South Sudan. A different name may be discussed in parliament and given.

    3/ A new flag will be designed for the new nation to suit its history, environment and struggles and what it aspires to be. Anya-nya I flag, particularly that buffalo picture in its center will more likely feature in the new flag. This current temporary SPLM flag (also used as GOSS flag) will not be any more for the independent government. It may continue as SPLM party flag if the party will not change it or be changed.

    4/ We will have a national anthem for the first time in the history of mankind since God created this region.

    5/ The name SPLM will be changed to suit the new situation. Or many parties including the SPLM will form a coalition party in the South and give it a new name.

    6/ SPLM as a political party is more likely to disappear in the North after independent of the South because the North will outlaw it and ban it from operating.

    7/ SPLA as the South Sudan army will have its name changed to something like South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF) or South Sudan Armed Forces (SSAF) or after whatever the name of the new nation will be.

    Folks, these are some of the inevitable political events or changes that are destined to happen soon in the next one year.

    Stay well, Tut Gatwech


    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Hey! my leaders in south sudan pliz be punctuality and keenly in these
    election.i donn’t see the reason why there iz need to extend the election
    upto November.
    pliz Salva let the election be held 11 April.
    thanks u.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    yes,mr president keep churches free from politics.make them pray for peace in the whole parts of southern sudan.makethem pray for peace in jonglei state who combined different bad tribes with bad idealogies and who are loving killing others like lou-Nuer and murle.let them pray for disarment to succeed in all parts of south sudan mostly in jonglei state in the area of lou-NUER and murle who bring disasters to others.let them pray for the people of warrap state who always steal cattles and killing innocent people from unity state and for them[peopleof warrap] to leave their greedy living style.let them pray for the people of Nasir and olang counties to have peace and protect them from lou-Nuer who are killing them all years and stealing their properties including their cattles.

  • Akuma

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    If our leaders don’t pray 4 their victory or peaceful election. Then all members or voters will not peaceful mind to make free and fair election.

    Dr. Akuma
    Chicago, USA

  • Time1

    Kiir calls on churches to pray for conduct of peaceful elections
    Kiirs call of church working in the community is very good one. Lets hope the catholic church will stop raping and molesting little children like they are doing in Europe.

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