Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state

March 31, 2010 (JUBA) – Addressing his party’s supporters in the Sudan’s oil rich Unity state at Bentiu Stadium, during his Tuesday campaign hunt for voters in the state, the incumbent President of the Republic, Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, promised to develop the area if re-elected.

bshir_candidate.jpgHe vowed that the state capital, Bentiu, would be raised to the level of Khartoum through infrastructural development if the state voted for his re-election.

Bashir also promised that his re-elected government would establish Bentiu University; a pledge he made in his past visit to the state but could not begin to realize.

Among many other promises, Bashir also vowed to construct a tarmac road to link Unity state with the neighboring Southern Kordufan’s capital, Kadugli.

“I have a special dream for this state and it is my hope that all of you will vote for the NCP,” he told the crowd.

“This state is the center of the economy of Sudan and I spent most of my military time here,” he told his supporters in reference to the state’s vast oil resource and his memory of military activities in the area during the war.

In a fierce battle with SPLA forces over the control of Mayom town in Unity state in late 1980s, Bashir sustained a bullet wound in his leg while directly commanding the government forces which clashed with the SPLA forces that were under the direct command of the current Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar, who was then the SPLA’s zonal commander in the area from mid 1980s.

The Sudanese President was the Unity state’s area commander during the earlier part of the 21 years old North-South war before he took over Khartoum’s Palace through a military coup in 1989.

At a certain occasion while on his visit to Juba last year, Bashir challenged the SPLM’s principle of peaceful and democratic settlements to political issues when he jokingly told the GoSS Vice President and SPLM deputy chairman that his [Bashir’s] wound on his leg would testify that the SPLM had always wanted to settle political issues using violence, in his reference to a political crisis that occurred between NCP and SPLM over the implementation of the CPA.

The incumbent President was accompanied by his party’s candidate for Unity state governorship, Paul Liyliy Mathot, who pledged to work hand in hand with both Bashir and Southern Sudan President Salva Kiir if elected governor.

“ I will work with the two leaders towards ensuring residents have access to clean drinking water, better heath facilities and good schools”, he said.

Unity state is one of the rare states in the South where all the main four presidential candidates for both Khartoum and Juba [Bashir of NCP vs Arman of SPLM and Kiir of SPLM vs Akol of SPLM-DC] have had visited in carrying out their election campaigns this month.

While the three other presidential candidates successfully carried out their respective rallies, Salva Kiir however could not complete his campaign in the state after an argument arose over the presence of supporters of independent candidates at Bentiu Stadium; the venue for the rally.

The incident forced him to cancel his appearance at the Stadium and flew back to Juba. He has not also completed his campaign in Lakes state; bringing to two the number of states in which his direct campaigns were incomplete.

Sudan’s polling day for presidential and parliamentary elections is scheduled to begin on 11th through 13th April and the winners are expected to be declared by 18th April. Six months later on the event shall also be followed by a referendum vote on independence of Southern Sudan in January 2011.




    Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state
    Big lie to Omar Bashir!. What kind of dream is he talking about by the way? I think he might mean the dream of killing Civilians or the dream of proselytizing all Nuer Communities in Unity State to vote for him. I hope no one from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom(Abiemnom) or Dinka Panaruu Community can vote for this useless man so call Omar Bashir.

    Second, I believe that the woman or a girl carrying Omar Bashir’s picture is from Nuer and I do believe in this. I’m really sure that the woman or a girl carrying this picture is from Nuer. I’m definitely sure and sure. No Dinka from Unity State can carry that picture except only Nuer.

    Shame to Omar Bashir and his allies or supporters.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state
    “Special dream in Bentiu”!. Bassier mean traitoring.

  • Gatwech

    Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state

    First of all I say sorry to the hyena called Yasser Arman for being withdrawn from presidential candidacy by his party in the last hour. (Ooooops, didn’t predict that before that they would be withdrawals during the next two months from the nomination?)

    Dear readers,

    I could laugh at Bashir’s remarks because of his leg which was shot by Dr. Riek Machar’s forces in Unity state. How can he called it SPLM’s use of violence? That was a war for liberation. What was he doing there in Unity state as area commander? Was Bashir not using violence also to dominate the South?

    He is lucky that the shot did not cripple him. And this remains a permanent reminder to the President that the war is not good instead of talking about his leg as a funny thing. He should allow the South to go freely in January 2011. We the South Sudanese congratulated Dr. Machar that time for such effective battle that wounded the president himself.

    As for the empty promises he made, no that is rubbish. I don’t want Bashir re-election because of false promises. I want him re-elected as the father of the CPA to complete the remaining six months to referendum instead of hyenas like Sadiq Al-Mahdi and Yasser Arman (ooops he has been withdrawwn from the presidential candidacy as I predicted before).

    Sorry Arman. You will NEVER understand how the wind of secession blows and sweeps away unionists from within that want to get power in order to spoil separation!

    Thanks Salvatore Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar for the nibbing in the bud!

  • Time1

    Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state
    What about the empty rumour on ST website that Sudana rmy dropepd bomb in south sudan, why was this bomb issue not addressed during that rally? do you think bashir is a fool to bomb the south or start a war during this elections and then go to rally there in the south the same day? even a stupid man will not do that for no any good reasons at all. what a fake news report, shame on the reporter if the news is not true and if its true then shame on him for not checking the exact cause.

    However despite all this the elections has to go on, bashir should sweep the north while SPLM sweeps the south if this is what this cowards enemies of peace want to see.

  • Gai Kuol Deng
    Gai Kuol Deng

    Bashir says he has a special dream for Unity state
    To hell with your dream Satan, it is not a time for blackmailing. Shut up.

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