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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba

March 31, 2010 (Juba) – Western Equatoria State’s Independent Gubernatorial candidate Wednesday pledged in a meeting held in Juba that he would fix the economy, lead Western Equatoria to victory over the insecurities that have engulfed the restive state and move employment in all spheres of the state government.

Bakosoro supporters out side the place of the meeting in Juba, Wednesday March 31, 2010 (ST)
Bakosoro supporters out side the place of the meeting in Juba, Wednesday March 31, 2010 (ST)
Col Joseph Bakosoro spoke to several hundred people at Munuki – block B playing ground in the capital of the semi-autonomous region. The arena held an estimated 500 people and was full. In fact, hundreds more watched on closed circuit TV in an adjoining recreation center. One organizer said 13,000 tickets were given away.

Bakosoro’s rally in Juba lasted for 3 hours and went over a diverse array of topics including the economy, health care and tackling insecurity in WES.

During his speech Bakosoro mostly focused on how he and his planned cabinet would tackle WES’s problems. “Our campaign has the track record that proves we can do this,” he said. “We haven’t just been talking the talk. We’ve been walking the walk.”

“We need someone who can talk about the insecurities that WES is facing and isn’t afraid to use the word victory,” Paul Tiel said, who represented the County of Mvolo.

It took minutes to get through traffic jams and lines outside the arena to see Bakosoro. Many inside said it was worth the wait. Some waved signs reading “Vote for Bakosoro”

“I think it’s the best thing that’s happened to this campaign,” 20-year Bakosoro supporter Christine Minaida, 50, we’re voting for Bakosoro,” she added.

The southern Sudan ruling party on Wednesday evening has withdrawn its candidate for the Sudan presidency Yasir Aram but reiterated in the election for southern Sudan President and southern Sudan states governors as well as Southern Sudan Legislative and states assemblies.

Mrs. Jemma Nunu Kumba is the official SPLM candidate and the Western Equatoria State caretaker governor.

Bakosoro’s visit came on the same day that both SPLM and Caretaker Governor and her team arrived in Juba.

He slammed the WES administration as being the government of stomach not government of the people. The Independent candidate further vowed to end WES’s chronic virus of tribalism.

“The phenomena of one tribe from top to bottom in one ministry or department will cease to happen during my administration or tenure office,” he said amid applause from WES communities.

The former SPLM official urged his supporters to vote for Gen Salva Kiir for the GOSS presidency and vote Yashir Arman as the next President of the Republic of Sudan.

The communities’ leaders of all WES ethnic groups in Juba during in speeches they delivered endorsed Bakosoro ascend to WES’s top job.



  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba
    Excellent Mr.Bakosoro. You will join us in Central Equatoira State to wave the waves of freedom for the people of Southern Sudan,and Sudan at large.Go go Bakosoro. Equatorians are not after tribalism but after a capable person to lead South Sudan.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba
    We are behind you Dr Bakosoro, the government of stomach not government of the people has totally ruin our people. The time has come, this morning I bought a paper from the nearest shop, I come across some statement claiming that the salary of Doctors in South will be increased by 70% which all lies and culture of greedy government. The time for polity has come to an end. Bakosoro Oyee, Greater Equatoria Oyeeee. I was proud to see you contesting independently and giving a confidently speech, taking the courage as son of greater Equatoria.

  • Controller

    Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba
    Great Speech Dr. Bakosoro.

    I am sure and confident, the Western Equatoria State citizens are ready for change.
    But not only Western Equatoria alone, all ten states are ready for change they can believe in a gain.
    A vote for Independet candidates, is a vote for peace, development and future of the conutry.

    Remember, citizens of all ten states, a vote for SPLA candidates, is a vote for looting, raping and killing of civilians.

    Take a look of what is going on in all ten states under SPLA in power.

    Is that the way you wanted to continuous to live like that?

    I think this is your chance to make change or this country gonna run red with blood if you don’t make change.


  • Ben-Fu

    Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba
    Poor Bakosoro is baking is sorrows!
    He is planning to rig election for his own gain, how could his team gives away 13000 tickets when only about 500 people show up?
    He is a power greedy tong-tong under cover.

  • Wad Juba
    Wad Juba

    Independent Bakosoro addresses W. Equatoria communities in Juba
    Good on you, col. Bakosoro. Thats the way to go forward ‘coz at this present day and age, we the people are not gonna be cheated of our right to vote for the leader who has an agenda that will breathe change in our communities at all levels.

    The time has long past, when our elected leaders could get away with empty promesies made during campaigns and are shelved once they are elected to office.

    I just hope more leaders could borrow a leaf from your chapter.


    Wad Juba a.k.a Str8 up ya face.

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