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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader

April 3, 2010 (WASHINGTON) — The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has warned his First Vice President Salva Kiir that it is in the South’s best interest to withdraw Yasir Arman from the presidential race, an opposition leader said in an interview broadcasted today.

Bashir2009.jpgThe Umma Reform and Renewal Party (URRP) chief Mubarak Al-Fadil told the Dubai based Al-Arabiya TV that Bashir, who is the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) runner for president, dispatched his adviser Salah Gosh with a firm message to Kiir of the consequences of not pulling Arman from the race.

According to Al-Fadil, the Sudanese president said that under no circumstances will there be a second round in the presidential elections and that the army will stage a coup should it appears that Arman has an edge in the elections.

This week the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) abruptly pulled Arman as its presidential nominee which took the Northern opposition parties by surprise and led some to describe the decision as “betrayal” and “rushed” with some hinting that a secret deal with the NCP was behind the move in return for facilitating the 2011 referendum in South Sudan.

However, the SPLM leadership denied any deals saying the decision was prompted by their desire to deny Bashir any legitimacy particularly in light of his indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes he allegedly masterminded in Darfur.

One of Arman’s campaign officials have told Sudan Tribune on condition of anonymity this week that he appeared “shocked and deeply disappointed” by the SPLM move.

The decision by the SPLM threw the opposition into disarray with little consensus arising on whether to join the boycott and to what degree.

According to Al-Fadil, Bashir promised Kiir that the NCP would offer concessions on the issue of North-South border demarcation and Abyei paving and allow the south to secede if it chooses afterwards in the 2011 referendum.

The remarks by the URRP leader are likely to cause a huge embarrassment to the SPLM given his close personal relationship with Kiir and other political leaders in the South and his long stays in the semi-autonomous region. Al-Fadil is largely seen as the driving force behind bringing the SPLM closer to other Northern political parties particularly the Umma Party led by former prime minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi.

The SPLM spokesperson Yen Mathew speaking to the same TV station dismissed Al-Fadil’s disclosure saying that his party could not hold this deal with an indicted individual. He further said that Bashir has been calling Kiir daily urging him to withdraw their candidates but was met with stiff resistance from the SPLM chairman.

Mathew said that the SPLM will hold a press conference on Sunday to reveal violations and breaches by the NCP in the elections.

The SPLM has also withdrawn from running for legislative posts in the war torn region of Darfur and also left the door open for boycotting the elections in the whole of North Sudan.

Observers say that the South is more interested in securing the referendum right than running in the elections, an ideological shift that occurred following the death of late SPLM chairman John Garang in 2005.

The presidential, parliamentary and gubernatorial elections are central to a 2005 peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war between Sudan’s Muslim north and the South, where most are Christian or follow traditional beliefs.



  • Greater Equatoria
    Greater Equatoria

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    He is the only person to lead CES.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    SPLM need to be clear instead of talking of withdrawal of its candidate. The issue is not about Darfur problem, not about rigging the election,and not about unhappiness.

    The only issue is that SPLM agree secretely for the postponement of election and the referendum,and that is why traitors like Riek Machar mumble around like little girl who fear her mother.

    I know SPLM agree for the postponement of both election and referendum,but that is against the interest of South Sudan because it will delay our seperation that was about to available in 2011.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    Why NCP requested the withdrawal of Yasir Arman since he was elected and at the last minute it was accepted by SPLM.?

    Seriously, there is doubt about what SPLM leaders and PB did in front of Southerners. For sure, Riek Machar,the negotiation team leader is bribe by NCP. He is not acre person, he just go with something to eat and in fact it’s not the first time Bashier bribe him.

    God save South Sudan under this recent leadership because most of them don,t know what they are doing.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    I don’t know why many people blame SPLM for Arman’s withdrawal. Bashir is a dictator who is ruling with an iron fist, and has nothing to worry about if the country go back to war. Bashir got no kids, war in Sudan will affect. He is using being in power a shield for his indictment because he knows ICC will have no time to get him to the court once he lost the elections. First and for most, we do not want Yasir Arman to lose his life. Bashir is a killer, whatever happened Dr. Garang rests on him, we do not want the same to repeat itself. Let’s see what good is Bashir going to get out of threatening people in the elections. That means, CPA is not working with the NCP rules. Bashir, your days are counting down. Southerners, SPLM seems to have made a bad thing, but I do not blame them because there seems to be no fair elections in Sudan. I would do what is in the best interest of the Southeners, and that is what we need to look forward. our interest, but the interest of the dictator. Southerners are doing,and must continue with that progression.

  • babadit

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    if this is true i am deeply diappointed and left in the open with nothing to say in the electoral process in the sudan.
    with all the SPLA army, if there has been threat by NCP for coup in the south ? why Kiir keep it a secrat from us? when he knows well that we can not be tempted again by the Arabs.
    he should have informed the world of the threat being said here
    Kiir is and will never be called a leader in his life.

    shame on you for leading us down

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    Hey peter Nhiany,

    Please stop telling me that. I fought the war with no any interferences and no fear,and in fact there is no need for me to be hopeless, OK. I am blaming SPLM for the wrong deed and their leadership for being the blind who can not see thing beyond their eyes level.

    Please i can take controlled of where i belonged and i can not allow the mistreatment of Jallaba,but i don,t want another dishonoring like the Addiss Ababa my friend. It is better for us to wage war instead of being fools again. Understand!

  • Abyei

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    Dear Southern

    The Sudan is now faced with a new wave of democractic change, and most leaders and electorate are coming to terms with it. Sudan and it leadership are not exceptional to the wave of change particularly with the indictment on the president El-Bashir. The paricipation of a credible election involving north and south will ease the pressure on the presidency, thus encourage the global community to have a second look at the activity of Sudan not forgetting the south intention for independent.The more threats Bashir issues, the more obvious it becomes that these elections will not be free and fair. When the election observers suggested the elections be adjourned, he threatened to expel them. Similarly, when the Darfur rebels requested the elections be moved to another date, he threatened not to abid by the on-going peace negotiations. Yet again when the SPLM talked of boycotting the elections due to suspected fraud, he also threatened not to honor the up coming referendum.God be with us all the time from devil in the North NCP party.

  • Gatwech

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    Dear readers,

    Mubarak Al-Fadil is a frustrated liar. The Northern opposition led by the traditional hyena, Sadiq Al-Mahdi thought that they were going to use or ride on the back of the SPLM as they used to do during their NDA era with John Garang and ended up leaving the SPLM alone.

    I know the guys are against self-determination. They have however forgotten that they are dealing with very intelligent wise leaders of the new SPLM who are very focused on their vision and know where they are taking the people of South Sudan to.

    He is crying that the SPLM has left them in the cold after trying to hold the SPLM hostage and use it to destroy the CPA, particularly the referendum on independence of South Sudan.

    Guys were are not interested in putting hyenas into office. We already have the devil we know (Bashir). He signed the CPA and we want to holp him responsible for its full implementation until the referendum is conducted (under whatever circumstances) or until the CPA expires.

    No waste of time in changing Arab master with another Arab master in Khartoum. We want to deal with this last Arab master (Bashir)!!!

  • Time1

    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    The issue sh ould be left at that, the decision of withdrawal of Arman was a hard but strategic decision in the interest of the continuation of the CPA, there would be alot of danger ahead if Arman did not withdraw. The issue should be left there and the elections should continue.


    Sudan’s Bashir threatened Kiir with coup if Arman not withdrawn: opposition leader
    “Omar Bashir threatening Salva Kiir Miyardit about the withdrawal of Yasir Arman from Election”. How is that sound to Salva Kiir Miyardit? To me, I can not blame Omar Bashir because Salva Kiir Miyardit is the one who defended Omar Bashir from going to jail according to the ICC indictment imposed on Omar Bashir.

    This is what I always been talking about that “politic without foundation is useless”. The threatening made by Omar Bashir is a signal to CPA deterioration, but Salva Kiir doesn’t know it. Omar Bashir has no right to give warning to Salva Kiir.

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