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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV

April 6, 2010 (WAHSINGTON) — The US based Carter Center has reportedly requested an apology for Sudanese president’s remarks threatening to expel them or else they will reconsider their monitoring mission.

Sudan's President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (Reuters)
Sudan’s President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (Reuters)
The Dubai based Al-Arabiya TV quoting unidentified sources said that the Carter Center, a non-governmental organization founded by former U.S. president Jimmy Carter that aims to further democracy and human rights, informed Khartoum about their intention to withdraw unless they receive a “written and public” apology from president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The Sudanese president has twice threatened this year to mutilate and expel any foreign observers if they call for postponing elections.

“There is no chance to postpone the elections, even if one day…… any observer party requesting to delay the elections or interfere in our affairs….will not stay [another] 24 hours in the country” Bashir told a rally in Al-Jazeera state in central Sudan this weekend.

“[Our government] before expelled the British ambassador and the Canadian ambassador and special envoy of the United Nations … Whoever tries to insult us we will cut off their neck and extend his tongue to abuse us we will cut off his tongue” he added.

Last month Bashir made similar statements also apparently directed at Carter Center.

“We wanted them to see the free and fair elections, but if they interfere in our affairs, we will cut their fingers off, put them under our shoes, and throw them out,” he said.

The only long-term international observer mission in Sudan said last month that Sudan may need a slight delay in its elections to deal with logistical problems, with hundreds of thousands of names missing from the voters’ list.

Carter Center also officials issued a report saying Sudan’s April presidential and legislative elections remained “at risk on multiple fronts” and urged Sudan to lift harsh restrictions on rallies and end fighting in Darfur ahead of the ballot.

The NCP and National Election Commission (NEC) have dismissed calls for postponement insisting it will go as planned.

Al-Arabiya TV also said that Carter Center protested NEC rules prohibiting non-Sudanese monitors from conducting their activities outside Khartoum.

Today, the Sudanese presidential adviser Mustafa Ismail sought to downplay the tension with Carter Center describing it as a “highly competent and a recognized neutral body” according to statements on state media.

He noted out at a press briefing in the Sudanese Journalist Union headquarters that this centre was the one that supervised the elections in Palestine and said that the misunderstanding with the Centre “has now been overcome after the clarifications we received from the centre and we now have full confidence in the centre and in its neutrality”.

Ismail said that Bashir has personally took the initiative and invited the Carter Centre be an election observer and has also commended former US President Jimmy Carter and his efforts.

The elections are followed by a southern referendum on independence in January 2011, which most analysts expect to result in secession. Both are benchmarks of a 2005 north-south peace deal which ended more than two decades of civil war.



  • Gatbentiu

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    Haha! Bashir to apologized,I don’t think he will do so.

    If Carter Center withdraw from observing Sudan election its non of Bashir business.

    As organization they should respect Sudan and can not threaten the government.

    If they put their nose in Sudanese politics then the government can hit that long nose back.One thing they need to know is that if US conduct election non of African based organizations never observed American elections.

    Carter Center needs to be discipline.

    [email protected]

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    Only wise can apologize and admitt to his/her mistakes but, damn and foolish creature like Albashir who lies to his own self and people can not understand the meaning and important of apologiation.

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    To: Westerners in Sudan.

    This is not the first time for Omar al Bashir killer to threaten Western Countries in Sudan, it has been long time against UK, U.S. FRENCH and all others Western Nations, but the question is why Omar al Bashir got indicted recently and there is no follow up to arrest him.? Bashir did a lots of things against Western Nations and quite frankly, he help Bin Laden to get a way for good in Sudan. Bashir also had send two batallions to Iraq to fight against U.S. Iraqis freedom and this Omar al Bashir still continues killing innocent people in Western Darfuri Regions wmeanwhile, he was already disobeying the ICC Judges. So when you look to all these he had did badly then, you guys need to take action because he think very primitive that, there is nothing will happen to him because the Western Countries have been unable to take seriously action against him and his Regime. Why do we ask apology from indictment rather than jailing him.?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    Mohamed Ali,

    Please can you stop crying about SPLM. I always said that youu are a south pretender,but you don,t want to admitted my analysis. Why are you crying if you not Southerner?
    Go and followed your master bashier in the North not in the South. HE will be hang in frong of you,and what will you do?

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    the two decades civil war in sudan is already ended by 2005 peace agreement and that will lead to the succeed of southern sudan for their referendum and their self determination.now if Bashir does not want eyewitness who can see his wrong doings and mistreatment of people of sudan during election,it is upto him.southern sudan will be separated next year from arabs rules and we will stand as special nation in Africa, GOD Will do it.any body who does not want observers,is the one who know all his works are ending wrongly.Oh!! GOD bless southern sudan to stand alone.we will have our president Salva Kiir Mayar Next year not Bashir or who so ever BASHIR’S supporter.

  • Omer Hassan Omer
    Omer Hassan Omer

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    It quite shameful that the president speech that to cut the tongs of the international observers who will monitor coming election. This statement is absolutely serious and it will affect the election procedures. We all know that there are some corruptions that NCP committed during registration, and the election commissioners confessed and promised to solve them promptly. The speech of president on election has three messages, first he want to intimidate the international observers for not to disclose the riggers, secondly to confirm to opposition parties and international community that the international observers can do no thing to him, third he want to confront to his non supporters that I will win the election. However these observes were come according to the CPA which the government was part of it. Obviously he knows what dose monitoring mean and its consequences? The Carter Centre said if the president didn’t apologized to them they will not continues on election process however the apologize alone is not enough for many reasons the top priority is the safety and security of election personnel national or international and once they are feeling unsafe they cannot monitor the election perfectly and the immediate result of that is the winning of current president which will create great disappointment inside Sudan and outside Sudan and the centre will lost confident

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    The remaining observers excluding French, are the onces whose aims are to earn money but not observe the elections in the Sudan. We will tell who they are soon.

    They are the onces who encourage the chaotic situation in the Sudan to continue.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV
    That is it!!!!
    Who should you think that Bashir will apologize to and the whole world is aware of him being the criminal and the world’s second Bin Landen. Those who are in need of him to apologize are playing with fire or wasting their time. If by military, that will be acceptable. At this point the world will understanding that we Southerners where fighting to eradicate injustice and terrorism. I am not so sure for Bashir to feel sorry even on dead bodies from Southern Sudan and Darfur leave alone the threats all these make him feel relax. Nothing call Human Right for Bashir is not even a educated person to read it from news. What he is Armbushing and Air force.


  • ismail

    Carter Center threatens to withdraw from Sudan unless Bashir apologizes publicly: TV

    Southern Sudan: The Birth of a New Era?

    Southern Sudan: Emerging from the shadows? Photo courtesy
    Sudan will soon cease to be the largest country on the continent. It won’t even be the second or third biggest. Soon, the language of Junubi, kaffirs and slaves in Sudan will die. Soon the newly born baby will be seen. The much ignored, exploited and despised will take their future in their own hands. It’s just soon and very soon.

    Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of South Sudan ( and vice president of Sudan) has said that Southern Sudanese have two choices come next elections-cum- referendums about the future of this biggest country in Africa: to vote for toto freedom or to vote for being second class citizens in their own motherland. This can not be something to pooh pooh.

    “When you reach your ballot boxes, the choice is yours: you want to vote for unity so that you become a second class in your own country, that is your choice,” Kiir said addressing worshipers at a Juba cathedral. “If you want to vote for independence so that you are a free person in your independent state, that will be your own choice and we will respect the choice of the people,” he continued.

    Logically, all sane people will vote for freedom. Apart from being their leader’s vision, they are tired of the thuggish and exploitative North. The South has no reason to solemnize any marriage with the North.

    Khartoum’s skeptics wrongly think that if the South goes solo, she will be orphaned. On the contrary, the South has a good partner in Kenya and Uganda. Presently, the South gets almost all of its supplies from and through Kenya. Kenya has hosted Southerners since the inception of the concept of emancipation. Nairobi was a hub and bastion for leaders of Southern Sudan’s freedom fighters. So, warm and strong was the relationship between Kenya and the late John Garang. Southern Sudan will thus be more at home doing with a reliable and supportive partner than the suspicious and bully one.

    Being a baby in the making, Southern Sudan has a brighter future in the East African Community than in Khartoum. After all, Khartoum needs the South more than the South needs it thanks to how it underdeveloped, degraded, neglected and exploited it for long. There is nothing that gears the North to support the re-unification of Sudan but resources in the South, especially oil. Will the South allow itself to be bitten twice?

    Racism and ideological differences

    North Africans regard themselves as Arabs. Northerners discriminate against Southerners for two reasons: One, Southerners are either Christians or traditionalists and two, they’re blacker than they. With time, the perception of colour-though artificially conceived (for even northerners are Africans)-and hate influence from the Arab world is likely to go even deeper. Northerners do not like Southerners. But given that the South is awash with oil, they’ve no alternative.

    Incorporating South Sudan in the East African Community should be done with all assurance and urgency as it has more to offer than Burundi and Rwanda put together.

    Another thing that is likely to force Khartoum regime to its knees is the whole burden of Darfur. There are fears that Darfur may team up with the oil-rich South so as to take and Square circle on the north and assume power of the whole Sudan thereby making the dominant northerners to become subjects of their former subjects. This shocks President Omar Bashir to the bone.

    Though separation defeats the spirit of African unity, it is better than wasting time wrangling and scheming against one another. Hither we can borrow a leaf from Eritrea. Its secession from Ethiopia enhanced peace and tranquility in the region.

    On the one hand, some people are blaming Mayardit as being myopic and a separatist different from his predecessor, the late John Garang de Mabior Atem who wanted to take Khartoum through the ballot box. It must be appreciated that things have changed since the untimely demise of Garang. By then it was easy to take Khartoum by the way of referendum. But currently, it is easy to take Khartoum and re-unify Sudan by going solo so as to team up with Darfur and reclaim it.

    Khartoum, without oil, will be nothing but a sitting duck. Though many fear that marriage of convenience with China can hamper its reclamation, this is hogwash. China, just like any other moneymaker, will bet on the winning horse. This being the situation, it remains to be seen if going solo for South Sudan means gain or peril.

    By Nkwazi Mhango
    Mhango is a Tanzanian living in Canada. He is a Journalist, Teacher, Human Rights activist and member of the Writers’ Association of New Foundland and Labrador (WANL)

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