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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan arrests military involved in NBGS electoral campaign

By Ngor Arol Garang

April 6, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The southern Sudan military authorities have allegedly arrested a number of army officers involved in local electoral campaign against SPLM official candidates in the state of Northern Bahr el-Ghazal.

“So far, twenty four officers have been arrested and the rest are being targeted,” said Honorable Deng Thiep Akok, a member in southern Sudan parliament and an independent candidate. He further said those arrested yesterday included Colonel Nhial Garang, Capt Garang Jong Akoon, and Captain Willian Deng Athian among others.

“This is not fair for they are singling out those alleged to be supporters of general Dau leaving out those supporting incumbent governor Paul Malong,” Deng added.

The independent candidate complained that the southern Sudan authorities have double standards active army officers are allowed to campaign besides official candidates of the ruling party while others are banned from supporting the other contenders.

“If you look at his electoral campaign management team leaders, (referring to governor Malong Awan Anei), you will find that it is being run by active military officers like Major Anei Awan, Major Jel Mangok, Captain Manut Yel Lual, lieutenant Adam Arop, Brigadier General Mamer Kuol Makuac, Lieutenant Makuac Lual Tong and has been recently joined by the two generals from the SPLA general headquarters in the name of Major General James Ajonga Mawut Unguech and Lieutenant General Pieng Deng Kuol.” He pointed out.

“These people among others are active personnel officers with higher ranks in the SPLA and are campaigning in their respected locations in favor of Governor Malong Awan issuing threats and using language of intimidations and have not been questioned or arrested,” he posed.

Southern Sudan minister for internal affairs Gier Chuang Aluong warned military officers of risks resulting from involvement in politics emphasizing that “political campaigns are not for SPLA”, he made these remarks while campaigning in this part of Joglei state on March 11.

The Minister Gier confirmed the arrest of SPLA officers in Fankak because they were close aide to Jonglei Independent candidate George Athor Deng who had denounced the arrest of his campaign managers.

The South Sudan Minster Gier said that arrest had been made in Jonglei for SPLA officers in military uniform involved in electoral campaign. He declined to name the candidate the netted officers

“SPLA is supposed to guide us [politicians] against causing violence during campaigns and elections,” he told the soldiers preparing to launch disarmament here. “Political campaigns are not SPLA,” the minister underlined.

However, the southern authorities in Northern Bhar el-Ghazal are accused of arresting a former SPLA officer who is running as Independent candidate in the state.

Captain William Deng Athian was picked up bya heavily armed military personnel driving a van and rushed him to Wunyiik barrack on April 5 after returning from Dok Kul, in Aweil East County, where he said to have held one of the biggest rallies in the area, according to Ngong Aher, an intellectual in the area who was in his company.



  • Time1

    South Sudan arrests military involved in NBGS electoral campaign
    People have been told over and over that if you are an officer stay away from elections, you can participate in elections as an ordinary citizen and support your candidate but you should not try and use your military uniform to participate int he elections, it is illegal, therefore those arrested should be punished and warned not to mess around with the law. military has no place whatsoever in political activity, those junior officer usually most of them do not understand the elections rules or laws that is why they always get confused, but the SPLA should send out an urgment communique from headquaters to all sectors , warning all army officials to stay away and not participate in any political campaign for the elections whatsoever. However this must be an isolated case because Arman officials in most south sudan states have not been involve in the political affairs and are going on with their security duties as required from them by the law. I applaud SPLA headquaters and military intelligence for arresting this law breakers, we have to show everyone that south sudan is serious with this elections and will not tolerate breaking the laws of the elections.

  • Raan Naath
    Raan Naath

    South Sudan arrests military involved in NBGS electoral campaign


    that is great done by the SPLA Leadership to arrest officers who are involved in politic during election.

    SPLA is national army and i neutral body which only protect the South Sudan from outside. Congratulation to South Sudan Minister Gier for improving Security in South Sudan.

    Now there are some SPLA Senior officers who are intimidating a voters in Unity state, among them are Brigadier Makuac Teny Yuok and Bridagier Tito Biel Chuor. Makuac held meeting yesterday with headchiefs of Leer County and told them to vote for SPLM Nominees if failed so, SPLA Will attack any body who refused the SPLM decision, he said.This has cause great fear among citizens in Unity state.

    So in this case, where is free and fair election in South Sudan?

    why SPLM Fought with Khartoum regime due to democracy yet they are not implement it?

    please SPLA Leadership arrest Makuac Teny and Tito Biel for involving themselves in local politic.

    They are planing coup in Unity state and we don’t this need in our state and south as whole.

    I will happy when i hear that those Senior officers brought to Book and face charges. Makuac Joined the SPLA in 2006 and he want to destroy it again for using illegal laws.

    By Raan Naath
    Unity state citizen currently residing in Juba.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan arrests military involved in NBGS electoral campaign
    Ladies and gentleman I told you that the most unsafe state in South Sudan is Bor and far side of NBG. Always when I talk on the right matter, some bigots such as Dinkas boy, Thelining, SPLAdominant and other prejudice believers intent to prove me wrong. For now the truth comes alone to our face, as a long as those mental individuals are suffering from their chronic issues. The matter is not bothering me. But I want my people to be safe and secure this election, arresting people for choosing other parties is unacceptable I refer this to tyrant leadership in South and his corrupt SPLA party. The HIV type of leadership must come to an end, I want the people to vote wisely in order to secure their future, and the only way for this strategy is vote for your independent candidate. We have had enough of Kiir and his fatal party. People like Koul Juuk and his son dinkas boy footprints are very suspicious in this political arrest of innocent people. As man I will always stand for my people and their future. Saving them is my first priority. Bakosoro Oyee, Equatorian oyeee.

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