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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan police and int’l organizations on high alert ahead of elections

April 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese security forces, UN peacekeepers, international organizations and the people of Sudan have all boosted security measures ahead of the nation’s first multi-party elections in 24 years set to start on Sunday.

Sudanese police patrol in the town of Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 8, 2010 (Reuters)
Sudanese police patrol in the town of Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 8, 2010 (Reuters)
Concerns have been raised in recent months of chaos and violence during the elections particularly in the South and the remote part of the country.

The Sudanese interior ministry said on its website that Khartoum governor Abdel-Rahman Al-Khidir discussed with the police the security arrangements as well as the food reserves and electricity and water supplies. He denied rumors that a curfew has been imposed in some areas.

“We have planned for more than 100,000 police officers to supervise the elections [in North Sudan],” General Mohammed Ahmed Ali, in charge of election security, said earlier this week.

The protection plan involves tracking rumors, securing polling stations, VIP security and foreign missions.

Embassies in the Sudanese capital have advised their citizens to adopt “precautionary measures,” like stocking food, filling their cars with gasoline and making sure they have alternative energy sources in the event of demonstrations that could overshadow Sunday’s polls.

The security forces are increasingly visible in Khartoum, amid rumors that some residents have left the city as a precautionary measure. “During the past three (days), movement out of Khartoum has greatly increased,” said Yousuf Dufaalla, who heads a transport company to Agence France Presse (AFP).

Normally we have 20 coaches a day on the roads, but since Wednesday we have gone up to 50,” he said. “I am returning to my birthplace in Wad Madani because I am uncertain that Khartoum will be safe, said Moutawakil Hassan Sharif, a 27-year-old student, referring to a city about 200 kilometers (about 125 miles) south of Khartoum.

“I anticipate a lot of election-related disorder,” he added. Sudan, Africa’s largest country, holds multi-party legislative, local and presidential elections from Sunday to Tuesday, the first in the impoverished, war-ravaged nation since 1986.

South Sudan is plagued by spiraling tribal violence, and the pre-election situation has been tenuous in the towns of Bentiu and Malakal, in the far north of the territory, and in the Jonglei state, according to witnesses.

The United Nations “blue helmets will ensure safety in areas where the threats of armed conflict are present,” said Haile Menkerios, a UN special representative in Sudan. The United Nations has nearly 10,000 soldiers and police officers in south Sudan and in border regions.

Also, our troops will help ensure that these conflicts do not create an atmosphere where the populace are not able to exercise their voting rights,” he said at a recent news conference in Khartoum.

In Darfur, where a state of emergency is in force, there have been violent clashes over the past few months between rebels and the army in Jebel Marra, and between rival Arab tribes in the towns of Kass and Nertiti.

The Darfur rebels oppose the elections, but have not threatened to derail them in a region prone to endemic insecurity. European Union election monitors were withdrawn from Darfur for security reasons, officials from the observer group said.

We are ready for any eventuality … We did not put our protection mandate in parentheses because of the elections,” a
UN spokesman in Darfur, told AFP.

The Sudanese Red Crescent is on a state of alert for the elections, and has already mobilized some 15,000 volunteers nationwide to cope with emergencies, an official told AFP.



  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Sudan police and int’l organizations on high alert ahead of elections
    Ant-Southerners Police,

    Those police are simply brought to deal with Southerners who like violance in the Khartoum city so much so open your eyes or you got shoot.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • mayombo

    Sudan police and int’l organizations on high alert ahead of elections
    Those are Bashir policemen I heat him for that matter

  • Time1

    Sudan police and int’l organizations on high alert ahead of elections
    Those who say south sudan has been spiral with tribal violence are just lairs who want to make their stupid idea of violence in the elections to come true, but this is not realistic to spread rumour out of evil wish. Can they point to us were in the south did the tribal violence occur during this election campaign? can they say which state which town and between which tribes did the tribal violence occur during the election campaign? there were some violence that was before the election period and that has been controlled and reduced.

    Actually this election campaign has been much more calm and peaceful than any other period when there was some violence, even Jonglie which had more cattle raiding clashes has been the most peaceful during the election campaign, so those who are going around spreading rumour that south sudan is going through tribal violence durting the elections are just losers and lairs. the next president will have to be serious, there will be no more sympathies and playing around with fake organisations and agencies, we want to see real organisations being properly regulated and Sudanese getting their full rights to work in those agencies.

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