Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Domestic observer group has 750 monitors for S. Sudan poll

By Julius N. Uma

April 11, 2010 (JUBA) — The Sudan Domestic Election Monitoring and
Observation Programme (SuDEMOP) has already deployed 750 elections
observers across the semi-autonomous South Sudan region, Sudan Tribune
has learnt.

Voters at Hai Buluk polling stations check their names before (Photo Julius N. Uma- ST)
Voters at Hai Buluk polling stations check their names before (Photo Julius N. Uma- ST)
SuDEMOP is a legally recognized network of over 38 independent and
non-partisan civil society organizations that promote democracy in
Sudan. Since November 2009, the organization has been actively
involved in observing different aspects of the current electoral

“They [observers] have been trained in all aspects of domestic
election observation and accredited by the National Election
Commission (NEC) to observe in all polling stations,” the group said
in an April 10 statement.

The organization will have static observer teams in selected polling
stations for the opening of polling stations, voting, the counting of
ballots and the tabulation of results at all levels.

SuDEMOP plans to release preliminary findings on the country’s general
elections within a period of five days from the time of elections. But
a comprehensive final report on the overall findings of the network
will reportedly be published approximately two weeks after the
completion of the electoral process.

Most polling stations opened late yesterday, with delayed voting after
materials arrived late in most stations. For instance, in Munuki South
(1), a Juba suburb, actual voting started as late as midday, following
delayed delivery of voting materials to the polling center.

“We are very disappointed with NEC [National Elections Commission].
How can they keep us waiting here for so long yet polling stations
were meant to open at 8:00 a.m.? This is not fair,” an angry voter
told this reporter.


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