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Sudan Tribune

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27 MPs declared winners by default in Sudan elections

April 16, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The National Elections Commission (NEC) today announced the names of 27 winners by default in the National Assembly, the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly and states legislative assemblies.

A Sudanese electoral worker listens to a colleague counting votes at a polling station in Khartoum on 16 April 2010 (Photo: Getty Images)
A Sudanese electoral worker listens to a colleague counting votes at a polling station in Khartoum on 16 April 2010 (Photo: Getty Images)
The names of winners are known since the start of the elections as there was only one candidate in these electoral constituencies. Most of them are in southern Sudan.

In the national parliament, the NEC said five MPs have been elected by acclamations, four among them in southern Sudan, are members of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) while one from the National Congress Party (NCP) elected in eastern Sudan.

The four SPLM winners for the National Assembly are – the following is phonetic transcription from Arabic language – 1- Angelo James Splitro, Central Equatoria, Juba West, 2- Atem Garang Deng, Jonglei, Bor, 3- Johnson Jonbiko Kwlang, Lakes State, Yirol West and 4- Waal Deng, Warrap, Gogrial West. The fifth MP chosen by acclamation is Mahmoud Ali Beatai, Kassala, Hemshkourib, the National Congress Party.

The electoral board also announced that four MPs are elected by default for the Southern Sudan legislative Assembly. All of them are members of the SPLM. 1- Ngor Marc Lotidi, Eastern Equatoria, Kapoeta North, 2- Marc Lochabi, Eastern Equatoria, South Kapoeta, 3- Lino Makina, western Equatoria 4- David Deng Athorbi, Lakes state, Yirol west.

According to the NEC, 17 MPs are elected by acclamation in 10 states, two MPs member of the NCP in: Northern Kordofan and Kassala, and eight SPLM MPs, in southern Sudan : Central Equatoria one MP, Eastern Equatoria two PMs, Western Equatoria one MP, Lakes state one MP, Jonglei one MP, Western Bahr el Ghazal two MPs, and Warrap six MPs.

The first multiparty elections in the country since 24 years are seen as a crucial benchmark in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by the ruling NCP and the former rebel SPLM.

However, the SPLM northern sector joined by several opposition parties boycotted the electoral process in northern Sudan. They accused the dominant NCP party of irregularities and rigging.

On Wednesday, the NEC decided to re-run elections in 33 national and regional constituencies, 15 for the national parliament and 18 in different states largely in northern Sudan.

The electoral body admitted printing errors. Ballots in the concerned constituencies were missing candidate’s symbols in other cases the logos were swapped. The elections in these areas are expected to be held within 60 days as provided in the electoral law.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    27 MPs declared winners by default in Sudan elections
    Wow! SPLM/A Oyee.
    Haaaaaaaaa, great!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    27 MPs declared winners by default in Sudan elections

    Democracy works that way. Then what do you means about democracy if you opposed the result. Yes, leadership is not about mumbling,it’s about showing leadership characteristices. My friend, you have to show leadership style so that your likes can compete for the next leadership formation,but i doubt if your likes are like in their lively hood of age,then their is no way that you will appear in any leadership positions. Our leaders will be always the family of Teny and no body else. Haaaa, killed yourself dear for the results Mps.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    27 MPs declared winners by default in Sudan elections
    Thanks to those South Sudanese who spent their spare time in long line because of the election. We South Sudanese need this election as the start and the pre-condition of democracy and referendum. I really give special thanks to SPLM-the party which brought South Sudanese this kind of freedom during the dark period. Our heros liberate South Sudanese and indeed,they redemned Southerners from Slavery other we would be from nowhere if SPLM did not took sucessful arms against Khartoum government. A proud person like me can not talk negative about SPLM because SPLM liberate us and still will take Southerners to the respected place. SPLM suffered lots of setback,but she brought the peace and democracy through CPA. We have to say thanks to Dr John Garang de Mabior and our SPLA heros alive or dead. I know people are now drinking and eating their sweat and blood but it’s ok. They deserved respect though they did not taste the single dim,but their leagacy prevailed. Thanks

  • Time1

    27 MPs declared winners by default in Sudan elections
    where are those wo have been doubting the popularity of SPLM, how do they feel not that SPLM have swept the elections by accumulating al seats?

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