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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 17, 2010 (BOR) — South Sudan ruling party, the SPLM, is leading in vote counting in the region’s largest state of Jonglei. The outcome of the counting in Bor County constituencies indicates a clear lead for the withdrawn SPLM presidential candidate of the Republic as well as GoSS presidency and State governorship.

Caretaker Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk of SPLM is projected to win (ST)
Caretaker Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk of SPLM is projected to win (ST)
The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) prediction of winning 100% of seats in Jonglei State, however, remains in balance as sources say the race is tight with rival independent candidates at south Sudan and State legislative assemblies levels in some constituencies.

Votes tallying and tabulation ended in Bor County constituencies on Saturday and results displayed at respective polling stations show a landslide victory for the SPLM with Salva Kiir leading with 100% of votes and Yasir Arman with 99.7% for presidency of the government of south Sudan and Republic of the Sudan respectively in Tong polling center, Athoc South Constituency.

Other results displayed in southern Bor County’s Payams of Kolnyang, Makuach, Anyidi also show that SPLM leads with either 100% or a minimum of 90% for the executives and national assembly. However, the SPLM gap of victory narrows with independent candidates siphoning handful of votes but falling short for a clear voter.

Nevertheless, the SPLM is not waiting. On Saturday evening, SPLM legislators from Bor County gathered at party headquarters in show of early celebration but lacking State lawmaker from Athoc north constituency number 27 where elections are cancelled.

In Twic East, Pibor, Akobo, Fangak, Duk and Ayod Counties, the SPLM candidates are objectively ahead of main rivals, according to counting staffs.

Differences between SPLM and independent candidate remain close in some constituencies as results continue dripping to the State Election High Committee.

Preliminary results expected on Sunday.



  • Gatmi raan
    Gatmi raan

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Dear Readers:

    100% or 99.9% or even 90% projection win for SPLM shows a massive rigging has taken place in that state. No way in a competitive election with independents candidates some of whom are most respected veterans is a sham election in Jonglei as Gatwech said a couple days ago that there were fake balloting and some surplus being transported to Upper nile state in hope to affect the results in that state. which I can will not succeed in my beloved state.(Latjor state) because independents & UDSF gubernatorial candidates will win the executive office of that state. SPLM candidate will not win. Now, in WES, East Equatoria, Unity(Liech) state, Upper nile(Latjor state) Northern Barh el Ghazal state all will go for independents candidates.!!!!!!!

  • Jamus

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Let us keep our fingers crossed,our independents will win and trash the arrogant,selfish,self-imposed political kings of Bor,rapacious Makuei and Maker Chol.Moreover,both are incongruous and great vermins in our constituency.They are also vindictive guys.We need to show them our strength by voting against them.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Dear Southerners,

    This is a great news that SPLM is winning almost the seats in the State of Jonglei.
    There is no way that SPLM can not win in the SPLM loyal States. For example, SPLM will win in alarge number in Rumbek, Jonglei, Warrap, and NBG. I know this election is not ajoke whereby Arab agents can not simply take the power and latter pour it away to the enemy after the eruption of war. I am proud of the above States because they are 100% SPLM supporters.

  • Wad Juba
    Wad Juba

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Look at these silly geese racing to party H/Q to prematurely celebrate while the results were not officially out yet. The problem is not who wins, but what will they do if they are elected. Time and time again, we have been lied to, cheated and scummed off our development in the south by corrupted leaders. I don’t really give a shit who wins or where they are from, as long as, they develop their areas in particular and south Sudan in general.

    Lastly, I would like to pass a big “shout out” to Commrade Ladu Gore and wish him all the best. Please clean Central Equatoria of all pests. Kulo wasaka po ya? (if you know what I’m mean).

    Juba Nikang.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Salva Kiir Mayardit for South Sudan presidency with 100% and Yassir Arman for Sudan presidency with 99.7%. I am very proud of Jonglei and Rumbek States for voting Yassir Arman is this great amount. SPLM/A oyeee.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Philip Thon Aleu,

    You lack professionalism in Journalism. That is not the way others report results. You don’t just concentrate on those polling shops in Bor town and its payams. Report from all the other counties in Jonglei.

    Reports I receive indicate that George Athor is winning in all the other major counties in the state. How will Bor town save Kuol Manyang.

    Again, though I am happy with Kiir and his twin candidate Dr. Machar winning by 100% in that single polling station, still it is useless to rate only one station’s success to mean everything. You should have atleast talked of counties results not one, two or three stations of just hundreds of voters.

    We want to know about results from counties, not just two stations in Bor town shopping stations.

    George Athor is said to be winning. And independent candidates are winning as well. I heard from a friend of mine there in Bor town that even Makuei Lueth is losing to Alier. Is that true or you are afraid to report it?

    Independent candidates are winning governorship every where. Angelina Teny is winning in Unity state, Gen. George Athor is winning in Jonglei state, Lado Gore is winning in CES, Gen. Aturjong is winning in NBGS, Bosokoro is winning in WES, etc. These are the speculations in some areas but for the case of Angelina Teny is confirmed because about 85% of the votes are said to have been counted and she is leading with a very wide margin.

  • Chol Mading
    Chol Mading

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    Hats off to Gov. Kuol! No doubts in my mind that Kuol was the best man and I truly know that it’s going to be a rough ride ahead in our state. Though I like Kuol, there are myriad of issues that will require his best than ever before. There were issues that he failed on and need special attention and improvement as he matches on. Elections were fair and balance in Jonglei State and these allegations are not true and unfound.

    Congratulations Mr. Kuol Manyang Juuk!

  • daniel kiir
    daniel kiir

    SPLM projected to win in Jonglei State
    100% are what we expected from Jonglei state; Jonglei has been and will continue to be a strong hold
    SPLA&SPLM state good job Jonglei.

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