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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government

April 18, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur rebel leader has rejected today the outcome of the “fraudulent” elections in Sudan urging opposition forces and the southern Sudan ruling party to not legitimatize the National Congress Party (NCP) by participating in the next government.

A Sudanese refugee woman enters a polling station in ZamZam IDP's camp in Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 12, 2010 (AP)
A Sudanese refugee woman enters a polling station in ZamZam IDP’s camp in Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 12, 2010 (AP)
Abdel Wahid Al-Nur the leader of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) group did not join the peace process brokered by the Joint Chief Mediator in Doha asking to disarm the government militias and to provide security for civilians in the restive region before to negotiate with Khartoum.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Paris, the exiled rebel leader said his group does not recognize the results of the general election since the beginning because no election can be held in a region of war.

The Darfur IDPs association today dismissed reports about elections in the camps adding that the government had organized “a farce” in some IDPs camps to lure the international community. “We had massively refused to be registered; so how we can participate in the elections?” he wondered.

Al-Nur further urged the opposition parties and the SPLM to not participate in the post elections government as it is proposed by the National Congress Party. Instead the rebel leader said they should work with the SLM and form a large coalition that can seek “Sudanese solution” for a national government.

“I urge them to stick on the principles they share with us to achieve peace and democracy in Sudan,” he said adding that the “history of Sudanese people is rich with political experiences that can inspire us to achieve a Sudanese solution”.

The Darfur IDPs told Sudan Tribune that their exclusion from the current elections means that the National Congress Party is dividing the country to separate entities. “The elected president is not chosen by Darfur people, he does not represent them and we are against him,” they added.

They urged Abdel Wahid Al-Nur to seek a new political dynamic aiming to bring political change in the country. They further said they intend to hold a general protest on Tuesday, the day where the elections results are expected to be announced, to show their opposition to Bashir’s re-election.

Al-Nur said he is willing to work with the democratic forces in the country in order to form a coalition government that can bring a “genuine peace” in Darfur. He also said they should not accept foreign pressures and promises.

“We are already in contact with many political forces and proposed them to work for that end,” he said.

He said this government can organize a new census, and hold free and fair election in a democratic environment.

“Also this government should implement the CPA on all the Sudanese regions with the sole exception that the self-determination right remains only valid for Southern Sudan,” he said.

The rebel leader seemingly was referring to the establishment of semi–autonomous administrations in the different Sudanese regions as it is the case now for southern Sudan. In May 2006, he refused to sign a peace agreement with Khartoum asking to establish one regional administration in Darfur province.

He also said this national government should deliver the ICC wanted persons to the international justice besides the creation of local courts for all those who are responsible of crimes and atrocities committed in southern Sudan, Nouba Mountains and Darfur as well as other parts of the country.



  • Gatwech

    Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government
    This rebel tourist in Paris called Al-Nur should stop making unnecessary noises in France thousands of miles away from his poor Darfurians when he doesn’t even know how to help his people.

    Shut up, ya al-Nur. Don’t even talk about South Sudan. We have done elections in order to be in the next government. What the heck are you then talking about?

    French government should tell this guy to shut up. He has done enough tourism and begging in that part of the world.

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government
    Direct your message to your northern parties only, for we SPLM have nothing to do with the mess in your drity terrorist rgime in khartoum.

    By bullet or ballot we are going on Jan 2010.

    Tired of you

  • Rasta

    Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government
    Dears Southsudan FREEDOM FIGHTERS , can you just hold down and take it easy ? Darfur people are your family . As you are FREEDOM FIGHTERS you should be FREEDOM LOVERS too , you know what i mean ?! Because :- you + me = freedom fighters (( SPLM )) RIGHT ??!! Then , why do you hate DARFURIANS ???! My brother this GAME is not yet over , may you need help later !
    More over i would like say it from the bottom of my heart ,, CONGRATULATION man , i wish you the best peaceful & great land in future NEWSOUTH SUDAN .
    The only thing i want you to remember that :- Darfur is JAH KINGDOM so no matter where we go , we are the LIONS of Jah kingdom………………yes , Darfur is Jah kingdom.
    If you are not able to help Darfur ? please leave us alone and open your eyes to know who´s your ENEMY . I think the situation of DARFUR is not your level to understand it !! Do you realy know what does it mean GENOCIDE ?! One love

  • man of men
    man of men

    Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government
    who care a bout your gov.

  • babadit

    Darfur rebel leader urges Sudanese forces to rebuff NCP government
    look at the way Al Bashir and his government is going to be isolated , don’t give them legitimatecy at any level……..
    we in the south will all go out during referandum to mobilizes people to vote for seperation of the south from north completely

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