Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan government officials escape confrontation with opposition leader

KHARTOUM, April 28, 2004 (Sudan Tribune) — Sudanese presidential political adviser Qutobi al-Mahdi and the Sudanese ambassador in London Dr. Hassan ‘Abdin declined meeting with opposition leader Seed Ahmed al-Hussain in ‘al-Ray al-Mua’kis’ discussion of the Jazeera Channel yesterday, April 27.

The Democratic Unionist Party Deputy Chairperson al-Hussain, former deputy prime minister of foreign affairs of the democratic government of Sudan, as well former 7 years’ detainee of the NIF Ghost Houses, ascertained regime’s full responsibility of the Sudan’s destruction: “all trades unions and associations were banned by the Inqaz coup to avoid popular movements. However, days ago in Khartoum, the unions started to move,” emphasized the opposition leader.

Hussian criticized “the regime’s destruction of agriculture that increased unemployment and poverty in a country never before was known for poverty with such levels.” This fact was supported with statistical info by economist Ibrahim Kabaj who spoke from Syria to the Jazeera popular program.

“Is it true external powers are responsible for the destruction of Sudan?” asked Dr. Faisal al-Qasim.

“This is a trick. The regime claims that it came with projects to benefit Sudan and the whole world. Nothing is far from the truth! We [the democratic opposition] signed peace agreement with Garang that would have made peace without conditions to distribute wealth or authority. Inqaz had no projects, whatever, to help the country. Inqaz wants nothing other than staying in the seat. External powers enter only if allowed by internal conditions.”

“Yes, we want to remove this government. Sudan now is a country with no agriculture or industry. Sudan now is under great danger. The government might sell the country to Americans, as it sold its own supporters.”

“The International Community correctly supports the SPLM… We do not consider John Garang as a [pro-government] commentator said. Garang is unionist. We are Unionists, his allies. We consider him an excellent person who is serving the Cause of the Nation.”

“The regime alone is responsible for the current war in Sudan because the regime pity one group against the other. Fur and other DarFurians constitute 70 percent of the total population of the region. Arabs are only 30 percent who want with government support to monopolize the whole land and wealth of the region. It is the government that invited external intervention with wrongful policies.”

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