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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results

April 21, 2010 (JUBA) — Louis Lobong Lojore, an SPLM candidate for Eastern Equatoria State gubernatorial post, dominates preliminary polls result against, ex-governor Alesio Ojetuk who contests independently following his failure to secure endorsement of his candidature by political bureau of the ruling party early January.

Locals say both Ojetuk and Lobong are known rivals for the same post starting since their struggle for the party chairmanship at the state level in 2008, at the SPLM Boma congress elections leading to the conduct of second national convention held at Nyakuron culture center, Juba, in May 2008.

Ojetuk who briefly held the seat during transitional period, from 2005 to 2008 as governor on SPLM ticket, lost the chairmanship seat of the party to Lobong amid tribal accusations and counter accusations that elections were manipulated based on tribal hatred.

Lobong in January 2010, secured SPLM Electoral College initial nomination on behave of the southern ruling party, a nomination that saw immediate approval of the political bureau to run for gubernatorial post in East Equatoria as official nominee of the SPLM.

The approval of Lobong’s candidature was received with bitterness by Ojetuk supporters who hence encouraged him to contest elections independently with or without the SPLM support.

Okot Johnson Charles, an intellectual from the area who participated as poll officer, in Torit town, capital of Eastern Equatoria State, said ex-governor Brigadier General Ojetuk who contests independently leads SPLM official nominee, Louise Lobong in polling stations predominately Latuka areas including Torit town but little in other areas including SPLA barracks.

He said all SPLA barracks and other organized forces like police in the whole of Eastern have voted in favor of SPLM candidate making it possible for many people to speculate declaration of Lobong as next possible governor since he leads his rival in most populated areas outside Torit

Describing how elections were conducted in the state, he said it was peaceful as caretaker Governor, Brigadier General Johnson Okot did not compromise with incidents related to insecurity in the area before, during and after the polls. “This terrified criminals allowing elections to be conducted in peaceful environment. No cattle theft clashes occurred during the voting process to interrupt the poll,” he said.

Security situation was normal but it was stiff political competition. There were only two strong camps though there were candidates from the other political parties contesting the same gubernatorial post, he said. These were between supporters of Ojetuk and Lobong, he said adding that one could find people in groups expecting potential voters in their favors, either as a supporter of Ojetuk leading independent groups or Louise Lobong who has won SPLM nomination.

The official who spoke to Sudan Tribune by phone, from the eastern Equatoria State capital of Torit, said at one polling station in Magwi County, Lobong received 7709 and Ojetuk managed to obtain 458. In Kapoeta South County, home town to SPLM gubernatorial candidate, Lobong, got 3931 and Ojetuk received zero votes. However, in Torit town, capital of the state, Ojetuk being one of his strongholds received more than Lobong. Ojetuk received 1269 while Lobong got only 667 votes.

Analysts and observers agree that people voted based on tribal linkage regardless of the records and credentials of the competing candidates.

The preliminary poll results also show that SPLM’s Arman who has already withdrawn from the race is ahead of the National Congress Party candidate, incumbent president Omer Bashir. In the three counties of Magwi, Torit, Kapoeta South, Arman was ever leading. In Kepoeta South, he (Arman) got 1474 and zero votes for Bashir.

In Torit town, Arman got 1307 and Bashir received 302. In Magwi, Arman got 7808 and Bashir again received zero votes. Equally, SPLM candidate for southern Sudan presidency, Salva Kiir led his main rival Lam Akol in all the stations. Akol got zero votes in both Magwi and Kapoeta counties but Kiir received 4881 in Kapoeta and 7857 in Magwi. Dr. Akol however got some votes in Torit town. He has 140 votes but yet Kiir received 1307more votes.



  • man of men
    man of men

    SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results
    Ahahahah look at lam Akol the shatdow of doom he get nothing at all level. shame on him

    where is that confused called logic gril to see what he always said Equatoria people are going to vote for DC who is DC death to DC doom cllaboration is it what it mean? ahahaha

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results
    To: all Eastern Equatorians People.

    You have got our thankfully to you all people. It true that when our late Dr. John Garang said, Sudan will not be same and it is up to Southern Sudanese to decide if they wanted to returned to second citizens which Northern Sudan dominating us since the independence of Sudan from British. Those who will vote for Omar al Bashir in Southern Sudan are Idiots and agents of collaborators fortunately, I think the most population of Southern Sudanese people understand very well that, we are not going to afford another Addis Ababa tactices and we are very please our people to keep up your willingness and do what is right for our next generations to come.

    Although there are many conditions facing Southern Sudanese and others Regions in the Sudan, we want you all to be very srong whatever, consequence is just manage it and make sure the Sharia Law will not be apply to none Arab believers because that is the first cause problem when they inluding Islamic agenda in to Sudan government. No matter how hard the Road to independence will be and no matter how bad your situation is look like with your family, we want our next generation to be free in Southern Sudan and that is our main goal for all these 22, plus years. Please be ready and be smart and do what is right to your people Southern Sudanese and thank you very much for your work.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results
    Thanks to Eastern Equatorian States for voting for Arman, Salva ,and your SPLM candidate. That is what we really want in Sudan. Let be strong this time.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results
    Bravo,E Equatoria state community,the state where i belong,my warm congrasultion goes to the caretaker governor H.E Brig Johnson Juma Okot for all the effort he did to make the april election in E Equatoria asuccess,i do believe that you will do more during the referendum vote.E Equatoria is the strong hole for SPLM/A movement.let all other states should follow the example of E Equatoria state,especially Upper Nile state which the mojority do not believe into our government GOSS.

  • American Missile.
    American Missile.

    SPLM candidate in East Equatoria State dominates preliminary results
    Louis Lobong must win the Governorship in East Equatoria,ojetuk will have to get another chance rather than hardlining his party.
    whatever,one can delivers is what the other one can do.

    SPLM Oyee.

    SPLM Political Activist.

    Majok AKotdit.

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