SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
By Ngor Arol Garang
April 22, 2010 (WUNROK) — The leadership of the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement has today downplayed the defeat of three top members of the ruling party in their respected constituencies in three states of Western Equatoria, Jonglei and Upper Nile to independents and candidate from SPLM-DC of Dr. Lam Akol, describing it as speculations.
He further added that it is too early to give out any official statement confirming victory or concession of defeat because votes counting continue to take place in most states. This is what delays announcement of the results, he adds.
However, Amum, who talked to Sudan Tribune from Juba, revealed his participation in the SPLM leadership consultative meeting called by the chairman of the Southern ruling party, Salva Kiir Mayardit but declined to give details of the meeting.
He also disclosed that announcement of election results would be on Monday 26. All SPLM political bureau members will come on Sunday 25, to take part in an ordinary meeting of the political bureau that would be held in Juba before elections results are announced, he said.
Pagan’s remark came following reports from preliminary results extended to media that shows three prominent members of the SPLM contesting parliamentary seats in their respected constituencies have lost to their rivals.
These important figures and members of the movement includes first lieutenant General, Oyai Deng Ajak, former SPLA chief of General Staff and a current minister of regional cooperation in the regional government of Southern Sudan.
He is reported to have lost parliamentary seat to a SPLM-DC candidate for Juba based parliament.
John Luk Jok, who holds membership at the SPLM political bureau, a highest organ in the party hierarchy and a current minister of energy and mining in the SPLM led government of Southern Sudan, is also reported to have been beaten by an independent candidate in his home constituency at Akobo.
Kosti Manibe, another long serving member of the SPLM who holds ministerial post in the government of national unity in Khartoum, as cabinet affairs minister, equally suffered defeat by an independent candidate in his home state of Western Equatoria.
Achuil Malith Banggol, SPLM Secretary for political affairs and syndicated organization in the southern sector, told Sudan Tribune by phone, in his home state capital of Kuajok, that he heard rumors about defeat of three SPLM candidates by their rivals.
“I heard rumors that they have lost to their rivals in the preliminary results but it has not yet been officially confirmed,” Achuil said.
It remains speculations floating around in the media. It will only be confirmed by the National Election Commission in the upcoming announcement scheduled for next week; Achuil adds stressing preliminary results do not confirm outright victory.
“A candidate who has close links with members of the media always appear to be in the lead because of constant communications with them but end results from the concerned authorities like the NEC may give out actual, authenticated and surprising results mostly in favor of those whose preliminary results attracts no public attentions”, said Deng Agiu Deng, an SPLM member in the capital of Warrap state, Kuajok.
However, Martin Majut Yak, who serves as SPLM secretary for popular and syndicated organization, openly accepted defeated of the three top members of the ruling party saying there is nothing the party could do to save politicians he described as “unpopular leaders”.
maduel Anok
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
Really the leadership of the SPLM is now in doubt because there is no clear policies prior to the party’s most crucial items to be announced. Each an every member goes on air and speraheading the announcement to be made for the public consumption.
Who is Martin Majut? is he not an SPLM respected member? This man according to yesterday’s article, seemed to have accepted concession/defeat on the SPLM top members in the party’s hierachy. Adding that his party couldn’t do something to backup those he described as unpopular in their home villages.
Ironically, the SG Pagan Amum gave another unbeleivable announcement that there has never been such announcement indicating the defeat of his members. This is a clear indication that the SPLM is rigging election in favour of her members. Who knows those opposition members who have won elections in their respective constituencies can do better than the SPLM favoured members. It is just a matter of close supervision to the elected cabinet members or PMs in their asigned duties.
SPLM in this stage should be careful because all the southern sudanese are eangerly wanting to know what the SPLM is doing in the country’s politics and therefore, if denied a chance, may trigger another terrible rebellion claiming to doing good for the people. This could be possible.
Am Dr. Maudel James
[email protected]
Sala Gai
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
Think Big Before Making Something
Leadership is not about compromise. It is about working through problems in a collaborative way for the greater benefit of everyone. Compromise is at best a temporary solution and at worst it is unsatisfactory to all and risks repeating the same mistakes over and over again. President Kiir and his Administration are already at a critical crossroads in this one year into their work for the Southern Sudanese people to fulfill the promises and contract he made in struggle with all of us to turn around into the goals of hope as nation, which were being heading in the wrong direction by Dr Machar Riek and Dr Lam Akol in 1991, which still running down up to now as the plan. It is becoming a choice of compromise or real leadership to Kiir. So, it is necessary at this time to take a closer look at what is happening in order to see more clearly if we are really heading in the right direction under the promises and vision of real leadership or the wrong direction under SPLM/DC and rest of parties are the ambitions of political cronies and compromisers. Now is the best time to take a look when we may still be able to right the Ship of State that seems to be floundering under the weight of compromises that are not fulfilling the promises, hopes and wishes of the Southern Sudanese people. Let us assess each of the important issues affecting the nation and see where mistakes are being made and what is necessary for real change we can believe in.
Regarding the economy, President Kiir and late Dr John Garang has inherited a nation on the brink of economic catastrophe. His calmness and poise at first have been reassuring for Southern people who have been losing their homes, jobs, health care benefits and money at record levels. His quick action to develop an economic “stimulus” plan seemed to be just what the country needed to get back on track. However, instead of a real stimulus to put money into the pockets of consumers and SPLA/GOSS small businesses, you should have to develop a plan to give states money for “shovel ready projects” that would create jobs and stimulate the economy. This plan has yet to reap benefits as unemployment figures continue to rise since it takes time for money to filter down through the states and be allocated for designated projects rather than funding feigner . And, most of this state money is being used to retain existing jobs with few new jobs being created. We need a new jobs program for youth and young people for the benefit of the Southern Sudan. A real stimulus plan that would have put money immediately into the hands of Minister and undersecretary should be ignored by GOSS. Consumers/GOSS would have done two things with this money – spent it in the marketplace which would have stimulated business or deposited it into the banks which would have helped to shore up our floundering financial institutions
If these checks were sent out immediately we may be already seeing the results. Instead, the Riek Administration settled for an Economic Development Plan for his own leadership instant of making coup that may not show results for many months that will show in few time of independent of Southern in planning. And, instead of providing stimulus money for Main South the Administration has continued the Republic of Militias plan out with billions of dollars of money built on the false leadership. In the meantime jobs continue to be lost and foreclosures have reached record levels even with the effort to provide government funds to help some homeowners to refinance their mortgages.
Regarding health care reform Juba, the President has talked about a “Public Option” for health care to provide a viable low cost alternative for those Southern who cannot pay for the skyrocketing increases in premiums by the private insurance companies. Now, he has been quoted as saying he does not consider the Public Option essential for health care reform and appears to be backing off of this important element of his proposal. However, in reality President Kiir had already given up his greatest bargaining chip for health care reform when he agreed during his campaign to propose a plan far short of Universal Health Care. Our President has never actually supported a one payer system for health care reform. And, now Southern face the possibility that mandated health care is being proposed in Congress without a way to lower costs or help Americans pay for insurance premiums. In addition, the Kiir Administration has met with representatives of the Pharmaceutical industry of Canadian and rest of the world to garner their support for health care reform by proposing changes to Medicare that will decrease services and may raise the cost of Medicare for Senior Citizens in the new Country Southern Sudan. With all of the money flowing into Street as we have seem in Juba as development started, how can we do this to our senior citizens?
Why is our President dealing at such an early stage with those groups who have helped create our health care system problems in the first place? Even the most inexperienced of negotiators save their most important and valued bargaining chips to use at a much later date. Why is he selling out at such an early stage in the negotiation process? Mr. President, we hired you for your leadership and not your ability to grant concessions and compromises dealing with groups that are part of the problem and not the solution. You work for us and not your political cronies in the Juba/GOSS or your GOSS advisors or the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. We need your leadership now. We need the transformative leader that you appeared to be in your campaign for the presidency and not the dealer and compromiser you seem to be now. It is not too late to change. It was okay to listen to your political advisers while you were running for president. However, now you must listen to the real leader in yourself and give us change we can really believe in. Or, was that just a slogan to get you elected in SPLM/A?
Mr. President, for those of us who really believe in change of in dependent of country, your actions will contradict your words went you fail to separate from the North, Nevertheless, Northerner and Southerner Arab hard money are taking the country down the same road we were on during the Bashir Administration. We are still mired in two wars with no real end in sight. Education is still emphasizing teaching to the test and the development of raw technical knowledge instead of supporting our young people with collaborative skills, more leadership curriculum and a set of democratic values that they can carry into the workplace to help create a better society. We are propping up a Street economy when our free enterprise system and real economy, built on consumer buying in a regulated marketplace, are floundering. And, health care reform is becoming just a political prop to cover up a lack of real reform that was compromised from the start. It is time that you hold up your end of the contract you made with the American people. If we wanted more of the Bashir Administration we would have hired another NCP as president. Right now there does not seem like much of a difference with very little change we can believe in. Please, Mr. President, do not make us hire another NCP in the next up coming separation election. Give us the leadership you promised now and heading into separation of own Country.
abushook malakal
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
Very funny to unpopularity leaders in the Goss.
Anyway we have to respect the election results because we beliefs in democratic that why SPLM/A took up the army to liberated the Southern Sudan. If first Lieutenant General Oyai Deng Ajak, lost to his rival that is the way of democracy. Mr general is weak in politics to win the mind of people, Oyai has no popularity in shilluk area since he was born but he got popularity in the SPLA/M because he was with Dinkas commanders and brave fighters sons from Dinka, that why he had got high level in SPLA. Now let Oyai go home to services Nyikang from shilluk.
belle gatlueng liah
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
SPLA is getting defeated in all the states becuase of their negligence of ruling for this five years. they had been concentrating in constructing tall building than building the live of the people in the regions. i will agree with whoever wanted bring chnages in all states for the better of the South Sudan citizens.i have been big supporter of this movement for many years but my pretty support had died away because of what i had seen during my visit to South sudan last years. whoever in this administration does not know what they are doing apart from stealing and sneating money out of the country. so people had spoken for their rights and freedom.
belle gatlueng liah
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
SPLA is getting defeated in all the states becuase of their negligence of ruling for these five years. they had been concentrating in constructing tall building than building the live of the people in the regions. i will agree with whoever wanted bring changes in all states for the better of the South Sudan citizens.i have been big supporter of this movement for many years but my pretty support had died away because of what i had seen during my visit to South sudan last years. whoever in this administration does not know what they are doing apart from stealing and sneating money out of the country. so people had spoken for their rights and freedom.
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
Pagan Amum,
Tell us about when your investigations begin because of your indiscipline and rebellion to the SPLM chairman. Could the Juba meeting include your investigation?
Look at him in the picture, he looks really a communist revolutionary waiting for any “red terror” revolution.
SPLM is delaying the announcement of results with the hope to rig them in favor of their candidates. But preliminary results have already indicated defeats of many of top officials including those three mentioned above.
I talked to people in Akobo yesterday and confirmed to me that John Luk has lost to Taban Juch. I am not sure about Oyai Deng and Kosti Manibe because I have not talked to their constituencies.
John Luk was led down by Kuol Manyang during the forces back up. What took place in Jonglei is that the whole SPLA Division in Jonglei state was on the constant move from station to station with the full order to back up SPLM candidates.
They were divided into brigades moving from station to station. Today in the morning they voted in station A and in the midday they vote in station B and in the evening the same brigade repeats to vote in station C.
There was no verification of their names as their overall commander, General Peter Bol Kong told NEC staff that the forces were not registered in Jonglei during the registeration period so they had to vote any way.
Those of Kuol Manyang, Michael Makuei Lueth, Dr. Benjamin Marial, Gier Chuang etc were backed up by the overwelming SPLA forces to defeat their rivals who had majority support among the civil population. Kuol Manyang was very clever enough to have manufactured ballot papers in Bor town which he supplied to soldiers during the voting. That was a smart way of stealing the elections unlike Taban Deng Gai who had to react to the results after his defeat.
Unfortunately, John Luk Jok, Oyai Deng Ajak, Kosti Manibe and the rest of losing SPLM candidates were left in the cold without SPLA forces backing them up in their constituencies, leaving them victims to the merciless and angry civilian voters!
Deng Ateny Lueth
SPLM’s SG downplays defeat of top figures in parliamentary race
Hey guys maybe this is another indication that NCP is trying to abrogate the CPA as it was done in 1972 after ADDIS ABABA agreement. we don’t want history to repeat itself. why NCP won both seats in the north and not SPLM in the south. this show that Arabs have compromisingly coordinated and make indoor deal among themselves to face one enemy which is us. it shows that southerners are really hungry for leadership. we don’t want Arab in the north to do us what seem like Si-lanka government did to the timol tiger rebel after they ruled their region for four years. i and the rest are allergic to that condition reflected.it is not acceptable to us anymore.