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Sudan Tribune

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Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan

April 26, 2010 (JUBA) – The Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Pagan Amum, has said that his party will not participate in most of the state governments of northern Sudan.

Pagan Amum
Pagan Amum
The SPLM Northern Sector had unilaterally decided to boycott the executive and parliamentary elections in 13 states of northern Sudan with the exception of the northern Southern Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.

The party’s Political Bureau had earlier took a collective decision to withdraw its presidential candidate, Yasir Saeed Arman and boycott elections in Darfur region, citing insecurity and perceived irregularities as the causes behind the decision.

At a press conference in Juba, Amum explained that the SPLM had boycotted the electoral process in the Northern region and therefore will not have any presence in the state governments there.

However, Amum added that the SPLM will participate in the federal Government of National Unity (GoNU) and be involved in the governments of Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan and all Southern Sudan states in the country.

Amum disclosed that the “most important” political event the party wants to pursue from now on is the conduct of the upcoming referendum on Southern Sudan self-determination.

He however added that even in the event of the South forming its own independent country in the next eight months, the SPLM in the North would still continue with the New Sudan vision to democratically transform Sudan.

Some observers however criticize the party for boycotting the elections in the north, saying the decision will paralyze its expected active role in northern state governments at least for the next five years.

Earlier, Amum also called on the National Elections Commission (NEC) to expedite the release of the election results, adding that further delays would not be in the interest of all parties.


Meanwhile the Southern Sudan Political Parties Council has criticized the manner in which the elections were conducted and announced that electoral irregularities in Southern Sudan were widespread during the voting period.

Speaking to the press in Juba on Saturday, Acting Chairman of the Council, Ufondi Ndima, stated that the political parties had submitted to the NEC a detailed list of these electoral discrepancies, stating that polling stations were poorly managed and that voter intimidations were widespread.

He added that voters were prone to duress during the process as many were coerced by security operatives, to vote for candidates that were not of their choice.

The body composed of mostly opposition political parties in the South was formed with assistance from the African Union to ensure that political parties in the region adhered to an electoral code of conduct.

All Southern Sudan political parties including the ruling SPLM had earlier signed a code of conduct and collectively pledged to ensure free and fair voting in the country.

Despite the dissatisfaction in the electoral process, Council however called on the people of Southern Sudan to unite and focus on the upcoming referendum on independence of Southern Sudan.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan
    Dear South Sudanese,

    SPLM must know that they would have win the Sudan presidency if they did not scare a way the supporters of CDR Yasir Saeed Arman in the North. This decision was really wrong and we are blaming SPLM for this because Arman would be apresident of Sudan.

    Now, Arman got more than 90% vote in Southern Sudan,and he would win amost the entire Blue Nile state and great number from Nuba Mountain,and some significant figures in the Northern Part.
    It was clear that if arman win this presidency,then the South would have been waiting for referendum peacefully without fearing for Omer El Bashier.

    CDR Arman can not forced South Sudanese to vote for Unity if we all want seperation. Arman can not destroy CPA that was assigned in his present. Arman can not encouraged mistreatment and undermining of South Sudan since this was the same reason he was fighting for against the North.

    Apparently, Bashier will win this election because of the decission made by SPLM and Political Bureau in Juba.
    There might be something or political struggling that encourage this unpleasant decision.

  • Padiet Gagag
    Padiet Gagag

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan
    That would not be posible solution if you are defile your part with the other part which may mess up the referendom, but first have to make good relationship with southerners to be procced straight.

    Those who want to defile the CPA they are under curse,the wicked leader will not reach the independent of south they will be disappear with their evil act.

  • babadit

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan
    Dear Comerades,

    Begins to beep up the campaign right now , otherwise, Arabs will buy all those votes again

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan

    Dear South Sudanese, can all of you read this quote from Nyawich.

    “This communist “red terror” part-time revolunary has now admitted that their shallow minded decision to boycott elections in the North has harmed the SPLM presence in the next government of northern states”

    The little murmuerer need to understand that people always write what they know intsead of things that they don,t know. Gatwech is among those fools Southerners who can not reasons base on evidences and justifications.

    He has been supporting the withdrawal of CDR Yasir Arman from the presidency race frequently but now, i don,t know what he is talking about. Your parargraphs does not make sense my dear.

    What do you means when you said that Pagan “admitted there there shallow decission to boycott election in the North harm SPLM?” You are foolish indeed and i want the entire people to ignored you because you always make no sense at all. You always want to write because you want to. How come don,t support the withdrawing of Arman at this minutes.

    This is why you are born empty and you will die empty. You have to take example from my usual arguments, have you seen my shifts or alternation base on the situation? know, because i know what iam talking about instead of jumping up and down like squrrel. I always disagree with the withdrawal of SPLM candidates in the North because this is a transition democracy in the Sudan to reached referendum base on the document signed in 2005 by both NCP and SPLM.

    You always dennied it,then why making noise at the moment my dear if you are not avery fools who have no ethics of debate at all. Indeed, you might be born in 1990s in refugees camp and that is why you know less about SPLM and their leaders,and what will take the South to the favorable side of the Nile.
    If you don,t know ,then people or the ST users are remembering what you have said since the beginning of using this site.

    You always don,t support Salva Kiir since you use this site and rather support Dr Lam Akol,but you had changed the course little bit when Salva Kiir announced in his compaingned that Dr Riek Macjar will be his running mate- you embarked liking him and you start calling combining him with riek.

    After that you start disowning Dr Lam Akol for presidency and recognized Salva. Is that the way your parent thinks or just only you? I am currious because human being admitted the truth from fales,but you i really not at all.
    Second, you had stated many times that SPLM is Dinka party,and latter dennied it when Riek was envolved in the negotaition process.

    Third, you also said that the election will be in the favor of independent after the results are announced: you convidently said it that Gorge Atho will win governorship in Jonglei, Angelian Teny in Unity State whether people like it or not. The list of lies goes–========== my friend nyawich.

    I think everything you said in the past are waste of your energy for sure because you can not justified your previous argument to help people believed your writing at all. Tell me about the truth you said in all the prose you have been jotting on this net ever since. None!

    Please i urge you to tell leadership and philosopy courses to widen your reasoning. I hope next time you don,t wander like the lost calf.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan
    To all the above readers,

    You lack anticipation skills.

    SPLM took the right decision.

    Why? unless you accept that the election was not rigged.

    Rigging election can turn the winner second runner and the second runner winner, believe me or soon you will believe.

    Let us speak pacts.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Amum says SPLM will be partially represented in northern Sudan
    Sudan virus ,

    Thanks for your baseless arguments.
    Who tell you that all South Sudanese agree that the election is rigged.
    you have to take phil and leadership courses before jumping up and down like squerrels. The election is not rigged and i don,t agree with the withdrawal of CDR Arman in the presidential race. Haaaaaaa, man you are really Sudan virus on how you think.

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