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Sudan Tribune

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Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election

April 26, 2010 (YAMBIO) — Col Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro will become South Sudan’s first Independent Governor after emerging triumphant from one of the most extraordinary elections in the semi-autonomous region.

Col Bakosoro in Mundri addressing a crowd of his cheerful supporters last March (ST)
Col Bakosoro in Mundri addressing a crowd of his cheerful supporters last March (ST)
The Independent candidate got 78563 votes with over 5000 plus votes over his main rival Mrs. Nunu Kumba (SPLM) who had 73057 votes. The other three candidates got the following votes Abbas Bullen Ajalla Bambey (UDSF) 8815 votes, Natale Ukele Alex Kimbo (Independent) 5510 votes, and Awad Kisanga Said Ahmed (NCP) 4893 Votes.

There were tumultuous scenes near Bakosoro’s private resident as many people at Masia in Yambio – and hundreds more in the various counties of WES – as SSTV and other Radio Stations simultaneously declared him the winner at exactly 5pm local time to bring an emphatic end to the Jemma years.

Projected winner in the stronghold battlegrounds of Greater Mundri, Yambio and Ezo – as well as Nzara, on which Mrs. Jemma Kumba’s pencil-thin path to the State house had depended – were easily enough to give Col Bakosoro the popular votes he needed.

After an often tempestuous campaign – Jemma is expected to deliver a gracious concession speech during his inauguration soon.

The immense turnout in April’s election was testament to the energy, excitement and expectations of a rejuvenated Western Equatorian exemplary democracy, as well as the fears of a state standing at a crossroads of history.

The new Governor Elect faces economic and social convulsions at home, LRA rebels’ conflict imported abroad.

Exit polls showed Col Bakosoro performing strongly among voters who regarded the security as the most important issue, cutting a swath through counties in the east, while making deep incursions into once-solid SPLM gubernatorial territory in the deep West of Western Equatoria.

As the dramatic night unfolded, political analysts said, Col Bakosoro’s victory is head-spinning stuff, Col Bakosoro inspired thousands WES diversified communities.

The NEC announced Monday the winners of the 10 gubernatorial races with the SPLM winning nine (9) out of ten (10) states of Southern Sudan.

SPLM gubernatorial candidate in WES lost the race to Joseph Bakosoro, an independent candidate.

In Central Equatoria State, incumbent care-taker governor and SPLM candidate for the post, Clement Wani was declared winner.

The other SPLM candidates who won the rest are: Eastern Equatoria State (Torit), Ojetuk, Northern Bahr El Ghazal (Awiel), Paul Malong, Western Bahr El Ghazal (Wau) Rizig Zakaria, Warrap State (Kuajok), Nyandeng Malek, Upper Nile State (Malakal), Cde. Simon Kon, Jonglie State (Bor) Kuol Manyang, Lakes (Rumbek), Cde. Chol Tong, Unity State (Bentiu) Taban Deng.



  • kuminyandi

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Congratulation Col, Bangasi Bakosoro. Even though I am a Gov,Nunu supporter, But I wish you the best for your next stage as a governor. Southerners, let us give a democracy chance to prevails. If lost today you may win tomorrow, and this should our motto of democratic process. Thanks


  • Acid

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Congratulations col. Joseph Bakosoro! You are true SPLM and you deserve this victory. This victory is not only for Western Equatoria but for all diehard supporters of SPLM and South Sudanese at large who were shameless threw behind the bus by fake SPLM called SPLM Political-Bureau by brainless Kiir Mayardit. Your win will save SPLM from falling in the hands of traitor and corruptor. Once again, congratulations!!

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Hurrah and congratulation to Colonel Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro for being the sole independent winner of governorship post in western equatioria, and congratulation to our people in western equatoria for their choice of the one whom they see fit to lead them in the coming periods.
    Now to work colonel, tackle the notorious LRA, discrimination; and other key issues such development, education.
    I can’t help it but i feel that there was a double dealing by the SPLM during the election and at the time of tallying( in terms of governors elections). Those states where double dealing was obvious are central equatoria, Unity state, Northern Bahr Elgazal, upper Nile, and jonglei state. In those states Splm candidates face stiff competition from independent candidates and the results were rigged in their favor either through bribing, intimidation or using the SPLA soldiers as voting vehicles to vote as many times as possible.
    In some states, the rigging occurs due to special interest, or greed, either by the incumbent governors themselves or their minions (unity state and upper Nile and the 2% share). I hope that in the any future elections there will be no ill practices such as those witnessed during the past elections especially in the presidential, and governorship ones.

  • thomas

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    I am also a Nunu supporter but I congragulate Col. Bakosoro on his win, and am proud of Western Equatoria people and also the state SPLM, who have behaved like gentlemen. I believe we also owe Gov. Nunu our thanks and respect for the difficult job she faced and for her proving her democratic credentials. Frankly, she has not lost anything, likewise WES SPLM has lost nothing. The whole state has gained.

    “For what is a man profiteth, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” – Matthew 16:26.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Dear readers,

    This is clear now that some people are crying for nothing.
    Can you guys see this that Joseph Bakosoro has won the election and he will be the governor of WES. This is a democracy sytem whereby you accept win or lose. Why others are complaining while their candidates lose; anyway;a true winner is awinner and aloser is aloser.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Congratulation to all of these governors and please serve your people and SPLM well other .

    ” From Eastern Equatoria State (Torit), Ojetuk, Northern Bahr El Ghazal (Awiel), Paul Malong, Western Bahr El Ghazal (Wau) Rizig Zakaria, Warrap State (Kuajok), Nyandeng Malek, Upper Nile State (Malakal), Cde. Simon Kon, Jonglie State (Bor) Kuol Manyang, Lakes (Rumbek), Cde. Chol Tong, Unity State (Bentiu) Taban Deng plus Indepenedent Joseph Bakosoro”

  • babadit

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Bravo HE. Joseph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Infact Joseph Bakusoro is the new and energytic governor of WES give him respect and salute him as well.
    but the writer is seem not an informed person or he might have come some where not south sudan, because he was not in position to diferentiate between HE.Louis Lobong Lojore being the governor of EES and failure called Alloisio Emor Ojetuk, a man who has divided the state according to his interest and stolen alot of money from the state for his homes in Nairobi and Kampala.
    Please ! next time you should look for a good and proper news articles to write to the public but not wrong infromations that may caused sectarienysm and spilts on the citigens

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Parajok and Thieling,

    My friends, you need to take some leadership courses in the upper institutions to help your reasoning capability. Governor Taban Deng Gai won the election, why not you just stop your childish crying and support him in Unity State. Why Nuer in Unity State are always crying about 2% oil revenue, who benefits with this if not Unity State.

    This is why i really see some of you as baseless because most of you guys has no core reasoning ability other you guys should asked yourself what is the connection of Taban and Salva in term of 2%? .How did the two of them take those share between themsleves.

    Second, why do you called Governor Taban as Dinka Slave if you are not barking dog in the wilderness.

    Many people knows that none of you respect leaders. How many leaders from your own people killed by you let alone others because of power greed?. You always killed your own sons because of finite stuffs, and that was the reason you guide the oil field for arab and killed your own innocents people.

    How many factions you guys have and it happens due to the disagreement of leadership. Leadership is only acquired through leadership style and birth,but it should not be acquired through noise, fight,or any other dehumanized activities. It’s time to learn guys because this time will varied and their will be nothing like stealing the properties.

    Democracy will be here and the only people who will benefits are those with leadership style.

    Prepared yourself for the best other you will complaint till Jesus come on the Earth if you refuse to accept the truth of live. Now, can you see from WES. Thier independent candidate won the election,why? are you also blaming SPLM because of his win in WES. This shows that SPLM is fair other this independent would also lose like your candidate.

    Please attempt to reason like human being who had attained 8th grade.

  • Thyinka

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Congratulations to Col. Bakosoro on his win in Western Equatoria State. Nunu had been acting up from the very beginning as if she was frightened of losing. She should have behave with confidence and just play fair without intimidation and harassments of the opposition and independent candidate’s supporters. Anyway, let democracy takes its course.

    The only leaders that are going to change the life of Southern Sudanese are those who are accountable to the people, not to the party. Although SPLM is still standing up for the people, it has to be led by those elected by the people. Independents should be welcomed back to the party to ensure the unity of Southern Sudanese. The least that is required at this time is political division and bickering especially with the approach of the referendum which need to be faced with a united front among all Southerners.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election
    Congratulations Col Bangasi. Now start working don’t sleep!

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