Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lawrence Sulubia of Western Equatoria, a hero of electoral law

April 26, 2010 (JUBA) — While some of the respondents said it was important for SPLM to maintain gubernatorial positions “by all means’ in all the Southern Sudan states in order to maintain smooth inter-governmental relations with Juba, others criticized the alleged rigging through the help of the States High Elections Committees.

Sudanese women sit under a banner urging them to vote as they wait for fresh ballots to be brought into a polling station after they ran out in the outskirts of the south-central town of Yambio in southern Sudan on April 12, 2010. (Getty)
Sudanese women sit under a banner urging them to vote as they wait for fresh ballots to be brought into a polling station after they ran out in the outskirts of the south-central town of Yambio in southern Sudan on April 12, 2010. (Getty)
They criticized states electoral bodies, which allegedly allowed for rigging of votes in favor of incumbent governors, for being democratically unprincipled and violators of the electoral law that should have guided their work.

They appreciated what they said was a neutral position taken by Lawrence Suluba, chairman of the State High Elections Committee in Western Equatoria state. Many called him a “hero” of democratic principles who did not bow down to the direct threats on his life allegedly by the state authorities or did not surrender to material gains in order to rig or inflate the elections results.

In particular they owed the announced winning of the Western Equatoria’s independent gubernatorial candidate, Joseph Bakosoro, to the principled stance taken by Suluba in the face of the intimidations.

Suluba reportedly “escaped an apparent assassination attempt on Thursday” allegedly through police conspiracy after he refused to rig the votes in favor of the SPLM gubernatorial candidate and incumbent governor, Jemma Nunu Kumba. He instead sent the true counted ballots results to NEC office in Khartoum as they originally came from the polling centers.
News reports from Western Equatoria state suggest that he is still being hunted by state authorities that have now lost the elections for not cooperating with them to rig the election results.

“That man [Suruba] is a hero. Unlike his colleagues in other states, he decided to remain neutral by avoiding rigging despite the threats against him. He bravely sent the true elections results to NEC office in Khartoum and this has now resulted to Bakosoro winning the elections as expected,” said one of them with excitement.

His two Information Technology (IT) professionals, namely Alfred Gimigu and Benty Singba, were reportedly kidnapped, beaten in the state and their whereabouts are not known. The two officials were tasked to type elections results into the computer data before transmitting them to NEC head office in Khartoum for announcement.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Lawrence Sulubia of Western Equatoria, a hero of electoral law
    This reporter seems like Justice Ambago who want to murmur around with unpleasant report against SPLM and the respected Jemma Nunu Kamba.
    Yes, Joseph win the election and he will be the governor of WES. This is democracy and that is why others who are complaining will learn that the true winner is awinner and aloser is aloser.

  • julius mowanga
    julius mowanga

    Lawrence Sulubia of Western Equatoria, a hero of electoral law
    SouthSudan is a postponed independent country since the day CPA intered into law and ratified by NIF/NCP leader Pr; Omar Hassan Ahmed.For us the South Sudanese people, who emerged from the military struggle into the civic one,left without any capable democratic leaders,who promotes and asssure the soft transitioin of power through fair and transparent election.

    We left without proper civil laws that govern our political practice,without intimidation,harassment and life threats till “April 2010 the election time” caught us with a surprised complicated voting proceure,we have been blinded by tribalism,illitracy and lack of neutral media, that should reflect the democratic stances of our politicians.
    The New-sudan project has been salvaged when SPLM/A resorted to its political gains over the SouthSudanese people interest,depriving the masses of popular consultation about the CPA articles,a right that granted to South BlueNile and Souhtern Kordofan people,our comrades in the liberation struggle,but we forced to accept what SPLM/A opted regardless of our own will and interests.

    We adopted the western Demcracy governing system while it doesn’t fit to our needs and demands with a coherence with our customs and traditions in a multy ethnic ,multifaith society,even though we were desperate for our human rights and fair representation in the governing body nationally and regionally as well.

    Mr;Suluba is a national hero,desrves all the respect and appreciation for his heroic stand against the corruption junta and its local culprits.
    Mr Sululba is an idol to the new generation of South Sudan ,who never enjoyed practicing their full human rightds since they were born under dictatorship and military rules.
    The CPA ensighted the interim period to advocate the masses about the democracy and its obligations,national duties and rights,human and infrostructre development prior to the declaration of our independent in 2011,but shamelessly,SPLM failed to deliver that principles,but Mr Suluba did.
    I hail you and wish you the best,Mr Suluba………good job..good work and lets go forward building the brighter future for our people ….

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Lawrence Sulubia of Western Equatoria, a hero of electoral law
    Lawrence Suluba is a real hero
    and i was wondering after learning that Col Bakosoro was the winner in WES how did that happen? now it is crystal clear it was because of Lawrence Suluba head of WEC in WES who stands firm in the face of intimidation, threats to his life, and resist bribing by the state incumbent governor Nunu and state police.
    that man has principles and values and he is true to them he was given a mission and he excel in it by deliver the true results according the polling stations.
    Unlike those cowards in the other six or five states who succumb to rigging and inflating the results in favor of the SPLM candidates, Lawrence is the new hero and he deserve a medal for honesty and bravery.

  • Bill Dhieu Manyang
    Bill Dhieu Manyang

    Lawrence Sulubia of Western Equatoria, a hero of electoral law
    Dear People of WES,

    I would like first to register my sincere thanks and happiness for having voted wisely for man who tirelessly worked for the party(SPLM) that disowned him yesterday and who now seem today willing in welcoming him back.

    Your decision to vote for Governor elect Col. Joseph Bakosoro is a true confirmation of political maturity and intellectuality among many countless merits that you people of western Equatoria have. Bravo my dear friends and my In-laws for that matter.

    I would like also to Thank the Chairman of State electoral commission for having maintained his partiality, professionalism and principles of the job demanded of the job required of him. Thank you Mr. Lawrence Sulubia for good Job.
    I think giving you an Job by H.E Governor elect will meant nothing but we hope that only God will reward you for your frank and truthfulness, a quality that is hardly found in the South and general Africa at large.

    But all in all, I would like to give my thanks to Governor elect H.E. Col.Joseph Bakosoro and a few words of advices.

    1. He should remember that those how voted for him are SPLM members who support the will of the people, hence working with them in the forthcoming cabinets will be an added advantage given that he himself is 100% SPLM until he was disowned.

    2. The first Governor was voted out the office not because she is a woman as other people may say but she was more than a triballist , so try hard to include all able people in your government of all tribes by merit of technical know how but not know who which has been an ideal practice by the former three Governors.

    3. forget who has done what including former Governor madam Nunu because that will prove your words. They did it for the sake of power struggle, now that they lost it, you need not to continue. The Bible says, though I do not know the last time I read it ” for give them because the do not know what they are doing”.

    4. Investigate all elections incidents and punish those culprits and wherever possible, dissolve the structure of state security body, they may have hidden agenda to implement.

    Long live Governor elect Col. Bakosoro and long live people of Western Equatoria.

    Bill Dhieu manyang
    +256718140952/ +256779530218
    Fort Portal Western Uganda

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