Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president meets his Egyptian counterpart

April 27, 2010 (CAIRO) – Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir returned to Khartoum after a brief visit to Egypt where he met President Hosni Mubarak who is convalescing after surgery in Germany last month.

The visit took place twenty four hours after the announcement of his re-election with 68% of vote by the National Elections Commission following five days of polling earlier this month.

President Mubarak congratulated Bahsir on his winning a new presidential term in the election.

The official news agency SUNA said Bashir and Mubarak held talks on bilateral relations and issue of common concern. He was accompanied by Bakri Hassan Saleh, minister at the presidency and Ali Karti, state minister of foreign affairs.

But the Egyptian MENA said the two leaders discussed Southern Sudan referendum and Darfur peace process. Mubarak told Al-Bashir that Egypt was anxious to see Sudan’s internal conflicts resolved, while maintaining the territorial integrity of the country.

Egypt expressed concern several times on the possible secession of southern Sudan after a referendum scheduled to be held next January. Cairo hosted last February talks between the two peace partners but failed to broker common grounds on the disputed issues.



  • belle gatlueng liah
    belle gatlueng liah

    Sudanese president meets his Egyptian counterpart
    look at these ARABS, SUDAN is not AN ARAB COUNTRY, stop saying unneccessary statement about SUDAN. we will not prevail arabs to role SUDAN anymore. it is time for arabs to leave SUDAN with their ugly sharia law especially ABEL ALIER who LOOK 100% black but inside is ARAB by naturalization.

  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Sudanese president meets his Egyptian counterpart
    The processes and all aspects of the Referendum discussion should first be discussed inside the country. The Referendum should not be used as a business or trading card or agenda. Bashir and Mubarak should discuss their Arabs’ and Islamic relationships rather than wasting their time on deceptive agendas of confusing the world. What we are told here is the other side of the coin.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese president meets his Egyptian counterpart
    Dear South Sudanese,

    This article contain alot of fragments which make it hard for people to understand the reasons of Bashier and Mubarak meeting in Eygpt. The Egyptian president says that they are always eager for the secession of South Sudan,but in which way. Why not elaborate it more so that the people of South Sudan can understand it more better than indeed confusing them with quantity(Impurities).

    I guess that the president Mubarak might be interest to make the South sudanese to be the second class citizens under their ( North and Egypt) undermination. Why Mubarak kept quite for decades and now attempting to enforced Omer Bashier harder to the interest of Southerners against them through indirect speeches. We have been together for centuries,but none has been done to the South.

    Can Mubarack visited South Sudan villages so that he can see the suffering of South Sudanese for decades other he will regrete the ill activities that they did to the people of South Sudan. They attempted the destruction of the citizens of South Sudan when the proposed the digging of Jonglei Canel to drained the entire water to the North and Egypt under their contract with France to built the premanent project.

    Haaaaaa, who are those South Sudanese to be fool again and latter die because of hunger, bullets, and hatred base on the suppression in term of education and other infrastructures in their own country? i don,t really know while we have been given this chance.
    This referendum will be the end, the peace ,and the great lives for South Sudanese through ballots or other means if not achieved.

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