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Sudan Tribune

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No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie

April 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese presidential assistant and deputy Chairman of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Nafie Ali Nafie said at a press conference today that the upcoming government will not be a coalition one casting doubt over domestic and international efforts for a broad based cabinet that will guide the country to the 2011 referendum in the South.

Nafi_Ali.jpgIn mid-April, the Sudanese presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen Al-Attabani said that the NCP would extend invitation to all parties to join the government even if they lost in the elections or boycotted them altogether in order to “garner as much support and as much consensus”.

But president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir who led the NCP to a landslide victory downplayed his aide’s statements saying that only the parties which have won would have a chance of joining the government. Senior NCP officials later gave conflicting remarks.

Nafie said he expects formation of the new government to be by the end of next May or early June at the latest noting that this will take place after president Bashir is sworn in for a new term.

The NCP official said that the formation of post-election government will be based on the campaign pledges made by Bashir.

He revealed that the upcoming cabinet could include ministers from outside the national assembly, stressing that it would bring on board figures who are in agreement with the NCP ahead. The candidates who could be tapped to join could be “national, partisan or independent personalities”.

Sudan’s legislative and presidential polls officially concluded this week are the first multi-party elections since 1986 but were marred by logistical and technical issues as well as boycotts by opposition parties including the Umma party, Northern sector of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM), Sudan Communist Party (SCP) and Umma Reform and Renewal Party (URRP).

Two heavyweight parties which opted out of the boycott, Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) led by Mohamed Osman Al-Mirghani and Popular Congress Party (PCP) head by Islamist leader Hassan Al-Turabi have cried foul accusing the NCP of fraud and vote rigging.

All the Northern opposition parties have suggested that they are not interested in taking up the NCP offer but in recent days some have softened their stances.

Nafie speaking at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum said that the success achieved by the NCP “was based on precise statistics, close follow up and deliberate plans at all the national constituencies, localities and centers countrywide” saying the success of this strategy was “unprecedented”.

On the referendum Nafie said that it would be held as planned emphasizing that there are no obstacles preventing that.

He said that the NCP believes that there is opportunity for reaching unity through political work and guaranteeing the freedom of choice despite the short period remaining.

Yesterday, the SPLM chairman and South Sudan president Salva Kiir expressed skepticism that the NCP could succeed in changing Southerners mind in the next eight months.

“This requires a miracle because there is only two or three months left in order to make the south a ground similar to heaven, but he [Bashir] announced that he would put the unity of Sudan on his priorities and I think that after the success the elections, he will face difficulty in doing this because it is not about words, but needs into practical action” Kiir said in an interview.

It is widely expected that Southerners emerging bitter after two decades of civil war that claimed 2 million lives mostly through hunger and disease. One of the major objectionable items to citizens of South Sudan is the application of Islamic Sharia’a law which they demanded that it be abrogated if they were to remain united with the North.

But the NCP made it clear that the issue of Sharia’a law is not up for negotiation. Currently the CPA exempts the South from these set of laws.



  • Gatwech

    No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie

    This is very crazy statement from Rebecca Nyandeng. She is against Gen. Alfred Lado Gore to death. Nyandeng “vowed she would ‘completely undress herself’ and ‘personally exhume her husband’s body and take it to her home in Bor.”

    That may happen in the near future!!!

    For any doubting Thomases, below is what was exactly posted on southsudannation.com about Rebecca Nyandeng. It was not me who brought it up in the public. I can tell you guys that this is very, very serious issue in there in Juba.

    READ IT!

    It’s widely being alleged and speculated in Juba that Dr. Garang’s widow, Rebecca Nyandeng, had very strongly warned Pres. Kiir that should independent candidate for governor of Central Equatoria, Gen. Lado Gore, is ‘allowed’ to win and become governor in Juba, the ‘mother of the nation’ vowed she would ‘completely undress herself’ and ‘personally exhume her husband’s body and take it to her home in Bor.’

    Nyandeng’s alleged venomous hatred and objection against Lado Gore is allegedly attributed to alleged imputations from his opponents that Lado Gore didn’t like Garang’s grave in Juba.

    Could these innuendos be the motivation of Nyandeng’s aggressively animated opposition against Lado Gore in spite of not being a native of Central Equatoria state? It’s widely known that the former First Lady has vast business interests including numerous land plots in Juba.

    Gen. Lado Gore, a former close friend of Garang and SPLM ideologue and founder, was inexplicably imprisoned in absolute isolation for a long time during the war by Garang. Is there still an unresolved enmity from the First Mother-of-South Sudan? Let the public know!!

  • Lorolokin

    No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie

    If those who are in power are the one brewering all these un wanted tribalistic cookies then what will you as an ordinary person think, how will you convince the populace.

    My friend this government need to be screened after this election to give room to others also representation otherwise
    things fall apart in the near future.
    Let Dinkas go to their regions,take their capital from Juba to Rumbek or where ever they want to take it. we need greater Equatoria clean of Dinkas we dont want them coz of their behavior.
    Come on Lokorai look at those Dinkas who were born in Juba or in Equatoria as a whole and compare them with those……you will really see to it that they are disciplined and looks smart as well as civilise and behave humane am telling you.


  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie
    No coalition government will be formed after election,because the southern sudan will stand on its own as an independent nation.

  • Mounyjang

    No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie
    Dear readers,

    I would like to comment on the Nafie his statement of doesn’t wants any other political forces to be includes in the next formed Government,it is not good to refused people in forming Government even though you won,you should includes other political parties because of the Country that wanted to remain united.

    Me,i suggest that the incoming Government whether it is in Khartuom or in the South Sudan should includes other political forces in order to maintain peace and security despite that
    some of the political parties have loss election.
    Even independent Candidates who won election should be respected and consulted on the ground of their electives.
    Thanks and listens peoples’voice than rigged.

    SPLM Political Activist.
    Majok Akotdit-from Juba,Southern Sudan.

  • Malakal

    No coalition government will be formed after elections, says Sudan’s Nafie
    Gat-witch (aka Riak Machar and irrelevant Ngundeeng)

    Inciting hatre among Southerners with this foolish demogoguery is not going to work, ask Riak Machar when he attempted it in 1991.

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