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Sudan Tribune

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Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat

By Ngor Arol Garang

April 30, 2010 (WUNROK) — Ex-Upper Nile State gubernatorial candidate, Major General Gatluak Deng Garang who contested the recently concluded polls independently against SPLM official nominee, Simon Kun, has accepted defeat stressing the need for peace and stability.

Fomer Governor Gatluak Deng (L) with the Shuluk King (Rath) in his royal headquarters of Alak, Upper Nile (File photo – ST)
Fomer Governor Gatluak Deng (L) with the Shuluk King (Rath) in his royal headquarters of Alak, Upper Nile (File photo – ST)
General Gatluak Deng Garang contested gubernatorial race independently after he had been removed from the same chair late 2009 by southern Sudan presidential decree following request made by leadership of the National Congress Party to replace him with Dr. William Othwon.

NCP chairman, President Omer Bashir however denied having recommended his removal hence prompted hesitation to step down from the seat.

This removal without prior notice resulted in to Gatluk’s resignation from the National Congress Party but he did not form a party or show intention to join any other political force.

The general who twice held the same gubernatorial position in the same state was appointed as member of the NCP in accordance with provision of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement under power sharing protocol, which gives one gubernatorial seat to the northern Sudan ruling party in the southern states before resigning.

The NCP during the interim period had equally given one gubernatorial seat to Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in northern states besides other ministerial and executive positions at states level as per provision of the power sharing protocol of the 2005 agreement.

In an address to his supporters after losing elections to his village mate, Simon Kun, he said accepted the defeat not because he was defeated but “because I do not need clashes over this position”.

“I did not go to elections so that my loose or winning become the source of any clashes. I do not need to deny any of our citizens chance to enjoy peace and stability. We all need peace and development. This was why I accepted your calls to stand independently because you all know and believe that I can serve with full commitment,” he said

He continued saying he has never missed leading all political contenders in the polls “You all know that I have been a head of all gubernatorial contestants including him (in reference to his SPLM rival Simon Kun) in all polling stations. You all know that I was getting assurances and congratulatory messages that I have never lost leading them in any polling centre even in the last day of the counting”.

“We have not lost but we cannot fight because those who voted for us will be the victims,” General Gatluak said amid resisting voices calling for no recognition of the results.

The peaceful vote in the Upper Nile state saw participation of other political contenders as Sarah Nyannath who contested independently after failing to secure approval of her candidature by the SPLM Political Bureau. Also among the runners there was GOSS culture and sports minister, Gabriel Changson Chang, from South Sudan United Democratic Front and ex-governor Dr. William Othwon from National Congress Party.



  • Kuany Dak
    Kuany Dak

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    Bravo. general Gatluak Deng, this is excellent move to your people. It is true that you were leading the polling centers until the last voting counts when Mr. Kiir had ordered that he does not want to see any independent winning gubernatorial race. Good leadership is a wisdom. I commend you for the wise move, let Mr. Kun Puoch take this chance as the governor of the greate state of Upper Nile.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    Thanks general Gatluak Deng Garang for your leadership style.
    You are agreat leader and that is why you don,t make loud noise when you get defeated. In any democratic nation, there is win and lose,thank you dear.
    Your time will come and i will support you sometime because your speech is great. Let alone those who cry after their defeat.

  • choldit

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    The General make this statement: “I did not go to elections so that my loose or winning become the source of any clashes. I do not need to deny any of our citizens chance to enjoy peace and stability. We all need peace and development. This was why I accepted your calls to stand independently because you all know and believe that I can serve with full commitment…”

    Today, General you make it clearer to the World and Sudanese in particular the real Nuer behaviour, the fact that Nuer are always visionary leaders wherever they can be found.

    I always wonder why people keep lot of hope on you though you are not an SPLM member. But today you come out tale in the streets of Great Upper Nile showing off how ungreedy you are brought up by your Nuer parents.

    Let the greedy generals like Gen. George Athor prove how greedy they are by destorying the dream of the South Sudanese when the goal of the Liberation of the South Sudan is just about to be achieved.

    You and John Luk Joak in Jonglei has proven yourselves that you can do better for South Sudanese people.

    John Luk Joak is unlack General Gatluak in that John Luk has done lot of damages to Nuer through is submassiveness to Dinka lead systems but he (John Luk Joak) has done a very good thing during this election. Therefore, the Nuer should forgive him but not forget his past deeds. He refused to cause division amongst his people for the sake of SPLM.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    that is the spirit of real leader General Gatluak Deng.
    You said it all Gatdeeng(not Gatdeng kuoth of course the revered spiritual leader in Mayom county).
    It is obvious that you did not contest that election out of greed for money or athirst for power. You did it for the laymen in upper Nile , that why you are empathetic and require only peace for you supporters and do not want any clashes because you did not allegedly win.

    the people of upper nile appreciate what you have done for them during your tenure has a governor whereby you build for them new power plant, schools,hospitals, and roads. only that manafi Ali is that who halted what you was doing when unilaterally that manafie removed you with kiir cowardly accepting and carry out that request without the knowledge of albashir .how pathetic is Kiir mayardit, to accept an order from a junior official while he was the first vice president of the republic.
    definitely this election results were rigged in favor of Simon Kuon Puoc, but would have been a great pleasure for the people of upper line if either if either Gebral Gatluak or Gabriel Changson Chang won the election.

    we look to the future where there will be another election without rigging and definitely you can win. people of upper nile appreciate and love you.
    we wish mr. Simon Kuon good luck in his new job as governor.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    We are great leaders and that is why we are proud to you general Gatluak Deng Garang because you and your father roles Nuer-Gaajak for decades. This leadership was really orginally from Dinka by blood. Let them understand how leadership works because we are proud of you to be the Nuer leader in Gaajaak.
    Some food lovers don,t know that you are Dinka . Enjoy your leadership because they have no leaders unless Dinka. We are proud of your great speeches. Great!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    Haaaaaaaaaa, Samuel Gai Tut, Gatluak Deng Garang, william Nyuon Bany, and many other leaders in Nuer are all Dinka originally and blood.
    No single leader that come out from Nuer if not from Dinka.Haaaaa, iam not a new born dear little kids.

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    Dear readers,

    This is Gatluak Deng Garang Aleer Abit from ( TWICE EAST NORTHERN BOR ) in particular Adhiok Community.Please my cousin remain yourselve at all cost regardless of politcs and position you will still serve us at home.
    We are proud of you and the Nuer community at large for unity and respossibility that had been shown to us through you and the family of Deng Garang Aleer Abit by Nuer tribes.This is truth Love of the Mother and the community in which she is born. Very good example for all Sudanese to do the same as Gatluak Deng did and we know and beleived that he won election as State Governor of Central Upper Nile State through votes we cast for him.

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat
    Thanks you General Gatluak Deng to accept the defeat.that is not a big deal to compete and fall.you will win next election.let Simon Kun who is brother in blood take over the administration with peace.I hope you will deserve an other post in the southern sudan.

  • Khent

    Ex-Upper Nile gubernatorial contestant concedes defeat


    Because of the ethnocentrism of some like you – you have developed a penchant for developing extremely twisted ideologies, that apparently help you to bolster some notion of ethnic self importance. Gatluak Deng a man from a supposedly “superior” Nuer culture, allied himself with the enemy.

    Ps: Gatluak Deng is a member of the NCP – a TRAITOR! You cannot compare your TRAITOR with George Athor, a man who has NEVER sided with the enemy, and one that has *defended* the South with valour. You and your ilk may indulge in the illusions of superiority, however, when you’re done with such self gratifying illusions… Gatluak Deng will still be just a TRAITOR, along with your other oil-field Guard-Dogs.

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