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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price

By Isaiah Abraham

April 30, 2010 — History was made in Western Equatoria of the Southern Sudan in the just concluded elections. The people of Western Equatoria State chose Col Joseph Bakosoro against the SPLM choice Madame Jemma Nunu Kumba. The contest was too close, a slim margin separated the two. Yambio the capital city of the State was forensic; it was flocked by supporters of the triumphant new governor. People congratulated each other for what they seemed to have achieved, and the man of the moment never disappointed anyone as he exuberantly roll out why he was the best; with a sigh of relief read out over his little face. My congratulations go to all, the winners and the losers for making this event a reality. Mr. Governor elect, my salutations!

Before we celebrate too much however, there is a ‘cost’ to pay as far as the decision to shun the party in favor of the person is concerned. Being an independent is particularly tricky in our case, where an ‘island’ (WES) sprang out of an ‘ocean’ (SPLM). It would take a bit of wisdom to wither conspiracies that are likely going to be unleashed on anybody would be challenging the ruling party. Technically to date, our independent candidates are renegades and sought after by other political groupings. They have made no secret of talking openly against the SPLM party. The SPLM looks resign to that fact and are not in hurry to waste resource and time to woe them back. The Secretary General of the party has hinted something related to the same.

Independent candidates in Houses in other parts of the world enjoy all the privileges like any other members of the ruling party. They are also the blue eyes of other political parties since their voting trend could swing and make a difference. They enjoy being independence since they are answerable to non but to themselves, and on remote cases to the people that brought them to power. That is about members in the house, but for governorship I don’t think its easy to play it safe all the time, the same way a member of the house could play his cards there.

Governors per our Interim Constitutions have specific responsibilities of running their states autonomously. This fact negates nothing on major policy practices stem from ruling parties. This is where the problem lies about this special case at hand (Independent governor). Someone has joked that by electing an independent candidate as governor we must not be surprise if he appoints an independent cabinet. I don’t know what that would mean to other arms of the government that are likely to be pro SPLM party, if that came to passed.

In simple English, Governor elect Bakosoro has a problem in his hands. If he goes defiance like he did at this election, the possibilities of him losing his seat would be high given SPLM majority in the house- gurbash known as impeachment. But even if the party chooses not to play conspiracy, the areas under party suspicion are slowly ‘tortured’. Don’t be surprised this is what happens across governments. I’m not saying this should be the case in, but am afraid we might not be unique! We have read parts of cities around the world through which opposition/independent candidates emerged winners. They are destined for raw deals with no clear way of stopping it, whether you shout it or cry it. Don’t make a mistake about power of the ruling system. Everything is possible and perfect when done, until someone changes the system; politics is all but interests.

But the lost of Governorship seat by the SPLM has sparked heated debate among Southerner intelligentsia. Some attributed it to poor show by the outgoing governor, Madam Nunu. They say Madam Nunu was presumptuous, sometime harsh, proud, and often gibe on his opponents. Others still feel (trivial argument though) that there is no need to have Kumba dynasty representing them- the husband as a minister and the wife as governor. She was also charged of having dropped civil servants from one particular community there, a charge that was denied.

On an overall, there are those who believed an argument that there is a sentiment created by two incidences in 2006 and 2007. One was tribal and the other was criminal. The former was a feud between Azande and Dinka and the other was the killing of senior police officers. The two weren’t nice incidences. Lives were lost and many homes and properties were destroyed in 2006. No one knows how did it end, or what measure was put in place to stop it from recurring. The big Vice President Dr. Riek Machar quelled it anyway. But smoldering of that incident still haunts the SPLM party that is unjustifiably tag as a Dinka party. Madame Jemma was too close to the party and to the leadership given her contribution to the party long enough. I don’t know whether these are issues in consideration.

In the process of grabbling/finding an answer (s), there is no way for us to look back, other than focus now on the aftermath or repercussion of whatever that has happened in the WES. The repercussion am talking about in few words is this: how will Governor Bakosoro fair with the SPLM dominated government when he has officially broke rank with it? In another word, how will his relation with his erstwhile comrades look like? Work sometime can’t hinge on rule, but relationships.

But the lost of that seat to independent candidate never bothered SPLM party. In the first place they didn’t put enough attention owing to its geographical position. It has been a strong hold of the SPLM after all, and that assumption never goes anywhere. Late Samuel Abu John Kabashi comes for that green state. No one would doubt the sacrifices made by the people of Western Equatoria state for the advancement of SPLM military cause there. 99% of WES are die heart SPLM members and nothing really could be suspected to be happening against the party. The incoming governor was careful to associate himself with the party, he’s one of the liberation heroes. SPLM didn’t do much there!

Yet politics is dirty as the saying goes. Mr. Bakosoro isn’t looking back. Am seeing a pariah governor taking an oath; he is most likely going to be isolated from within his state (SPLM majority supporters) and from his executive headquarters in Juba. This is a sad truth unless the man takes a leap of faith to start talking to the party for a kind of an alliance or political cooperation, since he is unlikely to declare himself back to the party, given Mr. Amum caution reaction to those who would have wish to return. The choice of people’s governor was well intended, and it is a right by the voter, but there is another ‘small’ choice that was overlooked, a choice the people of WES must now rectify or stand the chance of isolation from the rest of other Southern states. May that is my wild conclusion, what do you think?

Isaiah Abraham lives in Juba; he’s on [email protected]


  • SPLA,corrup

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price

    Are you analysing WES polictics or you are hinting us a secret, when I read your statement I find it hard to understand,your last comment is very conversial,when you talk about Isolation of WES it seemed you are telling us something.SPLA/M told us we are fighting for freedom if i can put that way,WES is practising that part of freedom to vote for whom they have choosed, now you saying WES will be isolated.I’m not sure you red the CPA careful.We don’t care the SPLM dominating but should be capable of doing something to the people,but five years now NOTHING have been done. Billions of dollars was donated for the development of South Sudan including oil revenue and find that teachers,Doctors and many are going 9 months without salary, WHERE IS IT now? SPLA did not protect WES from LRA and have fail to provide security to the intire South Sudan not to talk of many. To tell you the fact,after refferendom SPLM party will lose badly and don’t be surprised of that new party coming soon……Boy.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price
    Prof Isaiah

    it is true what you said about history has been made in WES by people and the independent candidate Joseph Bakosoro, but i have to tell you that history has also been made by other independent candidates in unity state, Northern Bahr Elgazal, Central Equatoria, Upper Nile, and Jonglei state. in those states the results were skewed in favor of the SPLM candidates and through rigging , intimidation they have won. there are proves that the vote have been rigged for example in unity state Taban Deng the SPLM candidate and the man competing against Angelina Teny whom Kiir wanted desperately(the PB rejected the nomination of DR.joseph Guen manteil) was in the brink of defeat when the preliminary results of eight counties were announced he was lagging behind by a big margin. only the results of one county was not considered and that was pariang or panaru. the population of the county is about 82000-100,000 according to unofficial sources. when the NEC announce the exclusion due wide spread rigging even voting during the days when it was closed/ and then inclusion of votes from pariang they deliver 74000 votes while their voting register is around 45000.where did those 29000 votes come from? can you see the paradox, my own county which is the biggest even didnt reach two third of that magic number and pariang is known in unity state to be the least populated.

    in Upper Nile state, the same patern occur General Gatluak Deng the independent candidate was ahead through polling and surveys carried out even one day before 11april. but , the results is a different story, he knows that he was not defeated but just let it go for the sake of peace and stability of the state; and you might have came across his moving statement yesterday concerning the results. the other candidate is Dau Atorjong who also face the same fate of votes being manipulated in favor of Paul Malong Awan. General Lado Gore was widely regarded as the winner in central equatoria, he is well known , popular, one of the SPLA founders and a great man you may know better than i do because you are in juba and the news reported that he was/ was not under arrest. but iam sure the results are also manipulated there. you did remember the rumors that Madam Rebbecca Nyandeng threatening to exhume the body and bones of Dr. Garang and take them to bor if General Lado is allowed to win.

    the Bigger security threat we had at hand now is the fight an attack that have been allegedly staged by General George Athor Deng the independentcandidate between jonglei and upper Nile states. this is due to the result of the elections which he highly doubt that it was fair and accurate. we may have new civil and internal fight but we hope that it can be subjugated soon.

    i want to point out also why Joseph Bakosro is an outlier among the ten states of south to win as an independent candidate. it is because of one man and those who are in his team of WES electoral commission. that man is Lawrence Sulubia he defeated all the odds. his life was threaten by assassination, he was not even sleeping in his house, plus the pressure they mount on him to rig the vote to the other candidate, and the ballot boxes that hijacked and burned but he stay true and didn’t waver. the results were announce as they came from the polling stations and that was the mystery of Bakosoro ‘s win in WES.

    As for Bakosoro being discriminated against by the SPLM, it is possible but they should not forget that he is representing a whole state and not himself; if they(SPLM) isolate him as you said he can take some measures such as conveying the message to his supporter in the state what the splm is trying to do and there will be a clear repercussion as a result of that. as you said that 99% of western equatoria support SPLM but that percentage can disappear in no time if SPLM try to suppress them in the person of Bokosro only because he is an independent.
    It might be political tactic to try to remove him, but people are aware now politically and they will know that the SPLM is against the state. it is not easy to win a trust back.
    Overall if Bokosoro as an independent governor being treated badly it will amount to SPLM being dictatorial and it does not want really democracy to flourish in the south.

  • Thyinka

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price
    You have a point but the fear of reprisal from a party should not impede the exercise of democracy. It is the only way for people to choose the leaders they want and a means of disposing of corrupt leadership in favor of reform. I expect more independents to win after the referendum or see a real attempt by the party to meet the need of the voters.

  • sanduksanduk

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price
    Isaiah, Dinka boy, Gatwech and the likes should take their nonesense to Jongolei, or was it Upper nile where ballots and bullets go side by side. WES will not be isolated because of voting Bakosolro. WES and Bakosolro should be given time to plan their new goverment and not to worry about threats.

    Bakasorlo is not a triabalist. Triabalist do not welcome people to live in peace with the locals. Asking to respect the traditions of the locals is not too much a thing to ask. For ur information, Col. Bakosorlo has relatives and supporters who r not Zandes.

  • Wad Juba
    Wad Juba

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price
    Its right about time that we in southern Sudan open our minds, the moment of truth has been realised in W.E.State. The election of an independent ( Col. Bakosoro ) is not a coincidence, but a reflection of the people’s will for a change. The SPLM has not delivered in any way or form. So instead of politricking and intimidating the voices that yawn for a good governance, the SPLM should go back to their drawing board and figure out where they went wrong in-order to avoid future set-backs. There is a wise saying that says ” where a river flows once, it will flow twice ” my point is that more challenges will face the SPLM as the people’s trust of the party (SPLM) starts to peel off.

    It is in the interest of the SPLM and south Sudan as whole, that the SPLM as a dominant party, refine and reform its system of governance, as it is evident that many states and people have rejected or oppose candidates nominated by the ruling party, and to me, this sounds like alarm bells that calls for action if the SPLM wants to save its face and rebuild its tarnished creditability among the southerners in particular and the whole world in general.

    Wad Jube

  • Oduho Oduho
    Oduho Oduho

    Bakosoro’s election will not be without a price
    you seem to have a point, but your point entirly sided with the concern of the SPLM. In democracy; you can cry until smole rivers run off from your face, and that is not going to silence peoples’ voices. Have you ever paused yourslef once and think of why did the people of WES did vote against the SPLM flag barer? and for your information WES is not the only state where there is an independent candidate, that is the only state where indendent candidate manage to find his way arround, because SPLM manage to shut up indpendent from other states.

    If SPLM decided to isolate WES with their backward thinking that once they did so people would vote in their favor next time arround, it would be a big grave mistake, because in the end people who will be affected by that isolation will be the ordinary citizen and their anger will lead them to vote even worst against SPLM in favor of other parties. It’s a matter of time, It could be a year or so, SPLM will find it self in the back yard against other parties.

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