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Sudan Tribune

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Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity

April 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese 2nd Vice president Ali Osman Taha, Vice-President hailed remarks made by South Sudan president Salva Kiir regarding “affirmative action” towards the unity of Sudan.

Taha told state media that Kiir statements reflects the awareness on what can be provided by the unity of the Sudan in terms of development, and its ability to cope with the difficulties that obstruct progress.

He further said that the post-referendum issues will be discussed in the same spirit of national unity to promote the former, noting that next week will announce the formation of Southern Sudan Referendum Commission comprised of figures known to possess both patriotism and objectivity.

This week Kiir said that unity of Sudan would make it a strong nation but blamed the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) for not making that choice to Southerners who head to the polls in January 2011 and chose whether they want to split off as an independent country or remain united with the North.

It is widely expected that Southerners emerging bitter after two decades of civil war that claimed 2 million lives mostly through hunger and disease. One of the major objectionable items to citizens of South Sudan is the application of Islamic Sharia’a law which they demanded that it be abrogated if they were to remain united with the North.

But the NCP made it clear that the issue of Sharia’a law is not up for negotiation. Currently the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) exempts the South from these set of laws.

Taha emphasized that the NCP will deal responsibly with Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) headed by Kiir and all the other national parties for the goal of reinforcing the unity of the country.

He also reiterated the NCP’s commitment to a united Sudan, adding that the NCP will work diligently in the coming period to promote this idea among the people of South Sudan.

The 2nd VP also noted that work on demarcation of the North-South is border proceeding as planned and agreed upon, adding that dialogue continues with the SPLM leadership to agree on the remaining items including formation of the new post-elections government.



  • thieleling

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity

    Dear Readers,

    This is nothing then political theatre propagating the aspirations of south sudanese’s political right to secede from the North.

    Taha is a red cobra in the unity scales while Kiir is an incompetent kid in the block playing with fire in the playground of politricks in sudan. But who is tricking who? Taha is tricking Kiir.

    It is upto south sudanese masses to prove Taha who is taking Kiir for a ride, wrong!! Sudan would NEVER be a united country comes rain or shine. It is either “bullet or ballot” that would disintegrate sudan, whichever comes first.

  • Frak Cho
    Frak Cho

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity

    You Arabs are very slippery and hopefulless.
    If you talk of unity of Sudan, why did Omer Bashir affirmed the rule of Islamic Law in Sudan during his campaign. Islamic Law is one of the factors that made people went to war 1983, unless you people have forgotten the history.

    Talk of secular rule before you talk of Unity.

  • Othogomoi

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    Hi dear readers
    let us start compaign for separation of south Sudan, i do not trust those leaders of ours.because they are longing for money, they tested the fruit of being in Authority and playing political game, they can change their mind when given money.
    No to united Sudan, yes to independent South Sudan
    start proclaim the separation to your people right now, other wise we will be the victim of referendum as now we are victim of this election

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    Yes my friends and President of the GOSS,
    Sudan will never be the same if all things are not put in place at first that is CPA implementaion among two parties involves ( SPLM/NCP ) toward Southern Sudan.Please I said forget and you should forget at all Unity of Sudan.But put in mind ” SEPERATION OF THE SOUTHERN SUDAN AT ALL COST IS POSSIBLE “Too late for us to get back at the moment for Unity.Bye and good bye as soon as possible !

  • Thyinka

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    Unless the leaders in South Sudan are genuinely for separation and I hope they are because of the experiences of war that Southerners have had to endure from the North for all these years, there is a high chances that they are going to rig the referendum in favor of unity if they are threaten with war or some other untenable demands from the North. This is the golden chance for the South to slip away while there is war in Darfur.

    Despite the noise-making in the North of being willing to keep the Sudan united, there is no will in the North for anybody to fight in the South and they also fear the support of the United States for Southern Sudan. So a peaceful divorce is likely than a messy break-up.

    I do applaud Salva Kiir remarks though, it is good to understand his comments in context. Salva Kiir was addressing Egyptians who are interested in the unity of Sudan and he has been branded in the Arab media as a separatist. Therefore, he had to find a way to deflect this image and provided a realistic assessment of the situation on the ground. He is not as naive as you think. At least he is beginning to cut his teeth in politics.

  • Muorter Majok
    Muorter Majok

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    The first sentence of paragraph 5 is incomplete.

    It should read : It is widely expected that Southerners emerging bitter from two decades of civil war that claimed 2 million lives mostly through hunger and disease WILL VOTE FOR THEIR INDEPENDENCE. (Or any similar meaning).

  • Moses Deng Malual
    Moses Deng Malual

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    I am not worried about that, because our people(Southerners) are expected to vote overwhelmingly to form a separate country.

    The remarks made by H.E Kiir regarding “affirmative action” towards the unity of sudan will not be possible practically,so i suggest to H.E to discuss the outstanding issues in the CPA with Ali Osman M.Taha.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Taha hails Kiir’s remarks on Sudan’s unity
    guys, Do you all thinks it would be wise for our leaders to keep reminding NCP about what it should be doing inorder to saft the unity of the sudan,which is not rooted in hearts and minds of the people on both sides at this last minutes.i don’t think it was the right thing for mr. president elect, Gen.Kiir to remind or blame NCP for anything regarding unity of the country at this time if the issue was not seen five years ago.this forthcoming period should only be used to educates our people to be keepers of the referendum, which will guarantee freedom, prosperity, and make us proud African people in our own land. north will used money to bring to their side our money -hungry politician,and the will betray our course before january 2011 mark my words on this issue. i have already stretched my hand to cast my vote for the course that will remain secret until the day of universal vote in 2011. i’m sincerly warning those southerners who are still being deiceive by their hearts about the unity. don’t be fall victim during referenda, and don’t betray your livs. seperatist and unionist will experience bad consequences if votes are not in favor of what majority of southern sudanese want. there will be a showdown between seperatist and unionist,and don’t anybody caught offguard this sensitives issue.

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