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Sudan Tribune

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UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south

May 2, 2010 (KHARTOUM) –Tong Lual Ayat, a leader of one of the southern political parties based in Khartoum has on Sunday, said his party had rejected elections results in the south and vowed never to congratulate President-elect, Salva Kiir Mayardit.

On Monday 26, April 2010, National elections commission announced election of SPLM candidate, Salva Kiir Mayardit as successful candidate against his rival, Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin. Kiir was declared winner with 93% votes while Lam Akol was given 7% votes.

As Kiir accepted elections results announced in his favor, Lam protested the results in Khartoum at a press conference he held in which he vowed never to recognize elections results with leaders from other southern political parties.

In a press release extended to Sudan Tribune today on Sunday, United Democratic Party (UDP) accused the SPLM of rigging the vote, and rejected the election results, announcing it will never congratulate SPLM candidate for winning elections.

“United Democratic Party is rejecting the elections results in Southern Sudan and refused not to congratulate Lt General Salva Kiir Mayardit as elected president of the Government of Southern. Because the Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) has rigged elections massively in favor of their candidates starting from GOSS president downward,” said, UDP leader in his statement.

“We fought the war for Democratizations, rule of law, respect of human rights, transparency, accountability and integrity, but SPLM continue to do the contrary in the south” Tong added.

The DUP and other opposition parties in southern Sudan said they had been deprived from their right to campaign and reach their supporters or mobilize them in democratic atmosphere.

Tong said deployment of the SPLA soldiers, public Security elements was done not with interest to protect voters during voting process but to terrorize heavyweight southern politicians so as to frustrate their concentrations.

“As UDP we called on Southern Sudanese to massively condemn this mistreatment and abusing of powers by the rogue in the strongest terms possible,” he said adding that SPLA is a south Sudan Army, not the army of the SPLM.

The leader of the opposition party also urged the southern Sudan ruling party to distance itself from the army establish a conventional and neutral army which is not involved in politics.

He also called upon the international community and the African Union to intervene in their elections disputes with the SPLM. He however urged southerners avoid violence as alternative to expressing their grievances.

“We are encouraging Southern Sudanese whom their rights have been robbed from them to desists from violent and pursues their cases legally instead of resorting to violent. It is not good for our people in the south to embrace because of election frauds. We have to use legal avenues to resolve differences as we all wait referendum outcome in January 2011.”


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    Fighting of mouth is unexceptable at the moment.

    Where were you during the war? why do you ( South oposition) thrive in Khartoum if you were working for the interest of South Sudan? Why are you not come to Juba so that your parties and SPLM will always sit down and discussed the future of South Suda with you in the South? your paradise is Khartoum,who not you guys never help the South instead of all of you running their mouth gainst the South before the referendum.

    What interest where you talking about while you have been assimilated into Khartoum government for decades? where were your arms and power since you were blind folded by our enemy through indirect rule in the country. What good thing will comeout from opposition parties in the South. The only thing is betrayal of South Sudansese.

    I wonder how South Sudan will be if we all complaint for everything. election= complain, leadership=complain, power= complain, tribe= complain,and many more. Wow! Please, God help South Sudanese so that we can catchup the rest of the world.

  • Kur

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    They were collaborating with the enemy when the war is being fought. Now they are claiming the vote they did not deserve from us. Can Lual, Lam or any other traitor tell me why should any South Sudanese vote for them?

    Lam Akol has told us unequivocally that he would not accept an independent South Sudan. Or perhaps he would not allow the referendum to take place because he believes that South Sudan cannot be a viable state in a blatant rejection of what we fought for. In reality he insulted the people of South Sudan who long freedom in their independent state. Despite this mallicious betrayal, Lam and his puppets expect the people of South Sudan to vote for them. Now they claim that they were cheated in the elections. What a joke. Let me tell you that we did not vote for you, and so no one cheated you. The message is simple: we do not want you because you have betrayed and sold us out.


  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    Tong Lual Ayat should look for something else to do instead to bark for results which have already been sealed. he can go to court to plead his case but i doubt in this case that he has any chance of winning.
    how will he prove that there was intimidation, fraud in the election? if he has prove than let him go to the court.

    for the presidential election in the south there was no need for rigging as Kiir knew that Lam is unpopular in the region, many consider him as stooge for NCp myself included, and the spirit at the moment is for the independent of south that is why the southerners voted for Kiir. they know that Kiir, and Dr. Riek will deliver the independent of south as opposed to Lam who is pulled by strings of the NCP in Khartoum.
    For the parliamentary election, and governorship elections there may be regularities and rigging but some of them were fair for example three heavy weigh SPLM officials lost their seats, such as John luk jok, and Oyai Deng.

    who has an evidence of rigged election can go to court and present his case. but some leaders already gave up that call and live goes on. let the southerners wait for better fair, intimidation free election after independent.

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    Dear brothers,

    I don’t see any feasible manner that Tong will get election results back into the ballots box whatsoever. He his right to complain if he thing election was unfair in his thinking capacity, why doesn’t he complains about election results that have been massively rigged by the notorous vicous iron fist ruler Omar Bashir?

    I don’t know what is wrong with our people, I think this is power greed battle going on here, not democracy. If it is democracy, why people accuse each other falsely.

    I would love to see Mr. Ayat to come to the South to raise his concern over the election results, and leave hidding behind Bashir’s court yard. I know some of them are being brain wash to act stupidly, but they are playing with fire. I can only thank him for calling on South Sudanese not to resort in violent to express their concern.

    That is a good call for good citizen who love his people, but Mr. Ayat looks kind of vague, and doom. It is okay if he doesn’t want to congratulate Prisedent Kiir of GoSS for winning the Presidency.

    People will cry, and cry but they will not go nowhere with that cry out. We need to forget about the elections and get on board to start the work for the country. There are still more elections coming; drop the cmplain Mr. Ayat, and join the GoSS.

    stop begging Bashir all the times. Those days are gone folks. I hope you will reverse yourself to send some congratulations messages to your president Mr. Mayardit in Juba.

  • Aturjok

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    When the mighty SPLA army headed by Garang and his right-hand man (Salva) were dodging bullets and bombs days and night for more than twenty years in the bushes of South Sudan, opportunists like Tong Lual Ayat were (and still) in Khartoum leaking Bashir feet for their daily survival. The boat of freedom rowing by Salva is on the verge of crossing the river. No matter what the crocodiles do to sabotage the boat, it can never be overturned. Crocodiles like Tong Lual needs to be told to shut up.

    [email protected]

  • Dansedit

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    these are just Arab-slaves for money who are base there in khartoum uttering unneccessary statements to the media,but the fact is that the knows the truth,so keep on being in Khartoum but don’t make mistake to say those statement in south sudan.

  • Akuma

    UDP Leader rejects elections results in the south
    UDP should reject election results because Sudanese people never exercise democracy since they independent tyme. Sudan election is recommended as African standard level rather than international level.

    So, what was there in Sudan was just not democracy but terrorism.

    Dr. Akuma,
    Chicago, USA

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