Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

WBGS governor-elect pledges inclusive cabinet

By Ngor Arol Garang

May 3, 2010 (WUNROK, Warrap) — Rizik Zachariah Hassan, on Monday the Governor-elect of Western Bahr el Ghazal state on SPLM ticket pledged to form inclusive government in the state.

On Sunday 25, the National Elections Commission declared SPLM candidate, Rizik Hassan as successful gubernatorial candidate in the state of Western Bahr el Ghazal beating candidates from other political parties.

He replaces first CPA appointed Governor, Police Lieutenant General Mark Nypouch Ubang who did not secure SPLM endorsement of his candidature in January. Nyipuoc and former Lakes State governor Daniel Awet Akot were not endorsed by the SPLM Political Bureau to which both of them holds membership.

The elected governor who continues to receive lots of congratulatory messages from citizens across the state and beyond thanked the citizenry of Western Bahr el Ghazal saying they have never lost focus and interest in work together for peace and unity. Our people have never forgotten to promote peace and unity among themselves; Rizik said adding they have always strife to ensuring prevalence of peace as means and project for development of the area.

The former Raja county commissioner is also reported to have thanked citizens of Western Bahr el Ghazal for having massively voted for SPLM candidates almost in all constituencies. Votes received by the SPLM candidates in the state shows that SPLM is in the lead. All constituencies are almost taken over by SPLM candidates.

Thanking caretaker governor Effesio Uguak for providing conducive environment for the conduct of the elections, he said he knew his election would have not been possible if security was not given any priority.

He said his election as governor of the state did not come to him as surprise. ” Their decision to choose me from other candidates shows that they a trust and confidence not only me but SPLM”.

Tomorrow, SPLM deputy secretary general for southern Sudan, Anne Ito, is expected to address a rally organized to celebrate the election of the party’s candidates in the state.

Rizik also called for reconciliation and forgiveness stressing its importance among political leaders and opponents. He also urged the preparation for the 2011 referendum saying “I therefore call upon our people to start preparation for this journey to freedom,” he said



  • Mabor Yiel
    Mabor Yiel

    WBGS governor-elect pledges inclusive cabinet
    Congregulations Governor Rizik:

    You are the people’s chosen leader unlike the blackfox by name Mark Nyipouc Ubang a man who led the state like his own house. I have seen your leadership skills in many ocassions and hope you will bring the image of SPLM alive in the state since it was dead during Mark’s epoch.

    May God bless you……!

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