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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan seeks Lebanon support in UN Security Council

May 7, 201 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese Presidential adviser travelled recently to the Lebanese capital to ensure the support of the Arab League member to its positions in the United Nations.

Mustafa Osman Ismail
Mustafa Osman Ismail
Since January 2010, Lebanon is elected as non-permanent member of the Security Council. The Arab country will serve a two-year term.

Khartoum faces international pressures over its rejection to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC). Arab and African countries asked the 15 member council to suspend the jurisdiction of the war crimes court on Darfur but Britain, France and the US showed opposition.

Last April the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo asked judges to report Sudan to the U.N. Security Council for refusing to hand over a government minister and a militia leader accused of atrocities in Darfur. The court ordered the men arrested in 2007 on 51 charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Mustafa Osman Ismail paid a three day visit to Beirut where he met with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman and the Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri to brief them on the position of the Sudanese government on Darfur and implementation of the 2005 peace agreement.

Mustafa told the official SUNA that Lebanon is now representing the Arab group in the Security Council and presides over the Council during this month of May 2010.

“We hope, as is natural, that Lebanon stands by the Arab and African decision which supports Sudan.

He also said that the Lebanese officials he met reassured him on their support to Sudanese position over all the issues raised in the Security Council.

“They are with the Arab and Africa decision, and with the interest of Sudan. Also they would support the Sudanese positions before the Security Council,” he said.

Lebanon has witnessed the opening of special tribunal in The Hague to try the suspected assassins of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri in 2005.

Al-Hariri’s son Saad who is now the Prime minister, at the time, commented the ICC indictment of the Sudanese President saying that justice will reach Bashir as part of a growing trend in the region.

The remarks drew a rebuke from the Sudanese embassy in Beirut who said that “linking Al-Hariri’s trial to efforts by the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for Bashir is illogical and defies the reality of things”.

“The special tribunal [for Rafiq Al-Hariri] was requested by the Lebanese government to help in investigation then prosecuting Al-Hariri’s assassins,” he adde.




    Sudan seeks Lebanon support in UN Security Council
    I was closely following this young Libanese guy name Hariri , his position is very clear. If Mustafa would hand down Bashir to ICC then he will look ways to help Sudan. I don’t think he will change his mind. Yes he is an Arab but reasonable one.

  • telfajbago

    Sudan seeks Lebanon support in UN Security Council
    Mustafa has to know that the Lebanese original Arabs are not in need of Sudan oil so that, they can simply support your injustice and the killing of innocent civilians in Darfur. Furthermore; demise of Saddam Hussein had served as an eye opener to the progressive -minded Arabs and therefore, there is no way you can lure the Lebanese to play the game by your side. seek your supporters among the cash- starving undignified Africans.

  • David_N

    Sudan seeks Lebanon support in UN Security Council
    What is behind Lebanon means Damascus, Syria.
    The E.U. wants the presence between Israel, it’s mandate always pressure Damascus, which means Lebanon is more like puppet dog under Syrian regime and the European Union pressure Israel which is in Jerusalem through Damascus.

    If you know the truth, Sudan shouldn’t be attracted with Bilad-Sham European Arabs for it’s help!

    I don’t even trust them, the Lebanese and Syrians are worst Arabs in the world.

    Sometimes, they pretends like Europeans and behind the table, they acts like Arabs.

    Bilad-Sham are not Arab, but Caucasian-White Anglo Saxson, who immigrated through Europe, many French origins long ago.

    When the pork sweat, it stinks into your nose!!!
    SUDAN don’t need no ‘PORKS’ in the African soil.

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