Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek

By Manyang Mayom

May 8, 2010 (RUMBEK) —The Lakes state caretaker Governor Telar Deng has issued a provisional order prohibiting consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages in Rumbek during work hours.

Lakes state caretaker governor Telar Ring Deng (ST)
Lakes state caretaker governor Telar Ring Deng (ST)
The decree seen by Sudan Tribune Deng stated that “ in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by the provisional of Article 101 (2) 6 of the Interim Constitution of Lakes state; 2007. I, Telar Ring Deng, Governor of Lakes state do hereby prohibit the sale of any liquors in the state during working hours i.e. from 6:00am – 5:00pm provided that on non-working days i.e. Saturday and Sundays the sale of liquors shall be allowed only after 11:00am”.

Last week, Lakes state has been marred by high levels of drinking of alcoholic drinks that led to violent incidents which instigated fear among civilians as armed SPLA soldiers patrolled Rumbek town market.

The governor immediately circulated the document to all (8) eight counties commissioners of Lakes state to impose such provisional order in their respective counties.

The citizens of Lakes state gave mixed reactions to the decision. Some welcomed the order calling it the right one while the majority of people objected terming the decision as an Islamic Sharia’a law being imposed by caretaker governor.

Moses Taban, a businessman in Rumbek market who sells beer said that “this decision is healthy decision but it is affecting our business in other ways” suggesting that Deng should have provided more police rather than banning alcoholic drinks.

“We are here to make money and Telar is here to provide us with maximum security protection as well rule of law but this decision is hampering our business” Taban said. He also added that security should be provided and those who cause troubles should be taken to police while business continues.

However, Mary Lilia, a resident of Rumbek, affirmed that “it is very nice decision taken at the right time by Telar, I am so much happy – our youth are finishing themselves in too much drinking of alcoholic drinks in this town – everyday, you could hear somebody is beaten and arrested by police – it is good decision to avoid a lot of interferences with job hours – there are youth sitting jobless and their aim on alcohol drinks with smoking of Shisha [hookah]”.

She also blamed Telar for not stopping Shisha smoking in town.

The youth are seeking jobs but there aren’t many of them due to limited of UN agencies in the state while government workforce is already reaching its maximum capacity.



  • Grader

    What is the difference between policies and decrees?
    This is going to hurt private sector… and take the sale underground which will cause much problems than they are today.

  • majak garang
    majak garang

    Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek
    Islamic laws in Rumbek wellcome home.I think this are Islamic mind Poeple.However as we all know that 90% of muslim in South Sudan are Dinka from Waw(Rumbek)?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek
    It would be great idea for mr Caretaker governor Telar Deng to amend the law that can prevent or regulate the abuse of alcohol in the public areas in the State of Rumbek. In this world, the law is the one that monitor the abuse of alcohol;therefore, there should be law that if you found drunk while working then you should be fire without and accuses. There should be no sell of alcohol after midnight and the consumption of alcohol during the working hours.
    The banning of the sale of alcohol will decline the business as mt Taban.
    Mr caretaker need to revise his law because it will decline the market.

  • black-hope

    Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek
    Why do our government keeps belaming and violated the right of public.To control government officials from taking alcohol during working hour doesnot have connection with business sectors, my question where do you expect those business men and women to spend aday since you close their offices(shops and bars) since they are self employed.it is better for government to terminate those who are not ready to work and spent most of their time drinking alcohol.gov’t must employs youth who are capable of doing the job.

  • Abraham Chol Marial
    Abraham Chol Marial

    Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek
    Dear Lakes State Citizen,There is nothing wrong with provisional decrees because many people are taking advance to use alchol more than their capacity and this is killing some of them and causing disturbaces within the community especial when they are on two pharses of temporary mind informity and when on the chronic mind informity and this result into madness and losing that particular member of the society.
    A good leader is the one who always cared about his society rather than leaving the society any how.
    Let us support the caretaker governor in this matter.
    Those who say it is the inducion of Sharia’a law,is not true because it is matter of avopid drinkg during the working hours from 6:00 Am to 5:00 PM so that it allow workers to turn out in their working places.
    Whoever want to drink can do that after working hours but drinking and coming to office is an offence.
    The same time it is spoiling our army which is our right arm in our belove in coming Republic of Southern Sudan.
    I hope the incoming Lakes State Legislative Assembly will support the idea and continue with it from the next elected governor.

  • CatBlue

    Sudan’s Lakes state governor bans alcoholic drinks in Rumbek
    Mr. Telar ,your decision is not very bad. You are trying what what will save the lifes of mindless drunkards but notices, it shouldn’t have been you ordering off and on sale of beer in Lakes state.It should have been Ministry of public services, I agreed with someone who mentioned it before. Also, you’ve banned it in the market but there are some beer sellers who sell it outside the market. The point here is that, should anyone drinks at the working hours, it is going to be the responsibility of the employer to discipline his staff. No body works in a vacuum.

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