Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The issue of unity concerns all the Sudanese – Nafie

May 9, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese Presidential Assistant said the issue of Sudan’s unity does not only concern the National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) but all the Sudanese political forces.

Nafie Ali Nafie
Nafie Ali Nafie
Nafie Ali Nafie was speaking to the press following a meeting with the visiting Eritrean delegation led by Osman Saleh, minister of foreign affairs who was in Khartoum to congratulate the Sudanese president for his re-election last April.

Presidential adviser Yemane Ghebremeskel, who is also director of Eritrean president office, told reporters Sunday in Khartoum they transmitted congratulations of president Issayas Afeworki to his Sudanese counterpart on the occasion of his victory in the presidential race.

He further said Eritrea is keen on the unity of Sudan’s people and land, expressing hope that the upcoming referendum leads to a comprehensive unity. He also renewed Eritrea support to the ongoing Darfur peace process in Qatar stressing they are with every Sudanese effort to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in Darfur.

Nafie told reporters that the unity of Sudan is not an issue of the NCP and SPLM alone, but rather of all the Sudanese people through its various orientations and political parties. He also reiterated the NCP support and readiness to any action that would lead to the unity of Sudan in cooperation with the SPLM and the other political forces.

He also described the Eritrean-Sudanese relations as “eternal”, adding that Sudan agrees with Eritrea in many national and regional issues.

In the past, President Afwerki denounced corruption in southern Sudan and its reluctance toward the unity of Sudan.

Eritrea in the past supported the SPLM and the Sudanese opposition in their war against the Islamist government in Khartoum which had backed the Islamist Eritreans.



  • Dr.Agany

    The issue of unity concerns all the Sudanese – Nafie
    It is too late Nafie to talk with soft tone!! We are leaving you brothers.

  • Gat nyaraan
    Gat nyaraan

    The issue of unity concerns all the Sudanese – Nafie
    Ali Nafie wants to shield away from responsibility and blame of what will take place later on, which is the separation of south from north. he want to share the blame with other parts so that the NCP will not be historically deemed the mastermind and only the political party in the north that engineered and triggered the south to separate.

    in reality, southerners can thank the successive northern regimes, political parties, because they help in one way or another to make them aware of their rights by oppression, marginalization, brutality, and their endeavor to impose the Arabic and Islamic culture on the south.

    Now it boils down to whether south should separate or remain in unity with the north and the choice of southerners will definitely be separation because they already exhausted all the trials and versions of governments with the north from federation,military regimes, parties, and autonomy after the addis ababa agreement.

  • Jerie

    The issue of unity concerns all the Sudanese – Nafie

    So this ’Alliance’ that Yassir Arman is calling for to be formed would include the traditional enemies of South Sudan such as, Umma party of Sadiq al Mahdi, PCP of Hassan al Turabi, the DUP of Al Mirghani, the Sudan Communist Party of al Nugud……. etc. What makes him think that after more than 50 years of being lied to, this ’Alliance’ will crack open the hardened South Sudanese this time around?

    The CPA was signed to be implemented to the letter and spirit. It is not up to any bigoted northern politician or military to choose what to implement and what to delete from the peace agreement. The CPA DOES NOT need Yassir Arman’s dubious and really suspicious “alliance”, as a tool for its implementation. If Arman is about to form his version of “Alliance for Unity” similar to what Omer al Bashir has done, it would be better for him to be sincere with himself, and to rest of us South Sudanese, and straight forward join the Al Bashir camp. let Yassir Arman and his other unionists clearly understand that the so-called “alliance” which he is now actively calling for is obviously not in the interest of the people of the South Sudan who have made it very clear beyond reasonable doubt that they are for an independent South Sudan Nation.

    North is for unity under Islam and Sharia Law, and South for secession away from Sharia Law and Islam, and no room for the ambiguous and utopian New Sudan Vision. The only person who would have been capable of twisting the Northern regime’s hands into its implementation passed away prematurely, and the New Sudan conundrum should be dead and buried.

    Start your countdown timers folks. Let’s do it this time. At least there’s no politics among us in this one. It’s South Sudan united for a purposeful course!!!!

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