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Sudan Tribune

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Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army

By Ngor Arol Garang

May 11, 2010 (WUNROK) — Lieutenant General George Athor Deng, former SPLA deputy chief of General Staff, has today hinted at possible negotiations with regional government of Southern Sudan after deadly clashes with SPLA forces on Monday.

The general who independently contested gubernatorial position, in Jonglei, is accused to have rebelled against the SPLA following attack on a military base belonging to the southern army on 30 April 2010, resulting in to death of 15 military personnel.

He is believed to have been angered by elections results announced in favor of his rival, Kuol Manyang Juuk. He however denied any involvement in the attack terming it as clash within the southern army. As, he refused to Juba, first direct contacts with Southern Sudan government failed to reach an agreement.

However after fresh clash with SPLA forces in Jonglei on yesterday, Athor on Tuesday hinted at possible negotiations with regional authorities but preferred mediation of negotiations by choosing both political and military figures he wanted to mediate his talks with regional authorities.

“If they need any negotiation with us, I have no problem because I have already started receiving calls and began direct communications with many people including Salva Kiir Mayardit,” Athor further said that he would like negotiations to be mediated by groups of leaders that he already communicated their names to Juba.

The talks “should be mediated by Lual Diing Wol, James Wani Igga, Benjamin Majak Dau, General Peter Gadet, Paul Mayom Akech and those that I have mentioned in previous communications with authorities in Juba,” Athor said.

General Athor, who also declined to mention his whereabouts in the third interview with Sudan Tribune, said his forces are not planning to attack any civil administrative unit or military base. “It is not in our best interest to attack any civil administrative unit nor to attack any military base but we will defend ourselves if attacked,” he warned.

“We will not tolerate being attacked. We are being attacked. They attacked us yesterday and have seen how we reacted in self defense,” he said.

“Their attacks are beneficial to us because we have yesterday destroyed and captured a lot of vehicles including an anti-aircraft machine gun and our forces have discovered bodies of 33 soldiers with different ranks and three officers. On our side, five soldiers and two officers sustained minor injuries and three at critical conditions.”

Colonel Malaak Ayuen Ajok, head of information and public relations in the office of the SPLA spokesman, said SPLA do not have orders to launch offensive attacks on forces loyal to General Athor but have deployed their forces to contain his movement out of the area.



  • Gatwech

    Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
    Dear readers,

    Ah, ah! There will be something fishy in that selection of mediation team by Gen. George Athor Deng.

    Look at the list below:

    “The talks “should be mediated by Lual Diing Wol, James Wani Igga, Benjamin Majak Dau, General Peter Gadet, Paul Mayom Akech and those that I have mentioned in previous communications with authorities in Juba,” Athor said.”

    Let me just comment on the first person in the list by the name Lual Diing Wol. This veteran polician has already defected from GOSS and reportedly told Salvatore Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar that they should not dare naming him in any position of their government which he said had lost the principles of SPLM and rigged the elections.

    He is now in Nairobi and suspiciously cooking something which may soon come to surface in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state where he comes from.

    How come a disgruntled man mediate between another disgruntled General and the government they both rejected?

    I have come to realize that Gen. George Athor is very clever in the way he reacts. He always denies to national and local media his planned attacks against the state government positions but he speaks his mind freely to foreign and international media like Reuters and BBC declaring his plan to attack Bor town.

    What a tactical man. GOSS and Kuol Manyang should quickly look for a solution before they are suprised in Bor one night.

  • deng deng
    deng deng

    Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
    its very unfortunate to see a general like athor involved in such skirmishes, negotiations are the order of the day since he is on the run within a cordoned area, he has no where to go, nor resources and supplies to sustain the war he dared to. The question is, he has been wild to matip and to an extend of not salusing him! Won’t matip and the other generals flatly tell him off, you resigned from the army and killed our soldiers? Go full time politics.

  • Albee

    Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
    Dear Southerners,
    First of all,let leave our hatefulness behind and focus for what Western World need us to do at this moment. I thank general Athor for understanding our sitautions in whcih we have been through since the birth of our Lord as South as he knows,too,and those whom he mentioned for their excellencies and expertises that negotiation will be meaningful to us in order we will not see any more blood for our people as we did. My suggestion to this negotiation is for it first time since the incident started because it is good to do it in Atar or Khorfulus,or President Kiir will chair it in case something may happen to Athor,so Kiir will be responsible for that. Warning to South,this the best son for Padang remains in high position and do not put your hands on him. hopefully,this negotiation will end peacefully. My word is choosing by Almighty. I love peace for all mankind.

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
    General Athor has made a big mistake that will go down as a black mark against him in history. He will be known as the man who first caused confusion at a time when South Sudanese needed peace and tasting democracy for the first time in their lives.

    Lost of an election should not lead to taking arms against your own people. As a result Gen. Athor must face judgement for the lives lost. You don’t just order killing and get away with it!

    What is happening with these heroes we once admired? Trying to turn this country into another Somalia? Exploiting South Sudan youth to bucher one another? Creating tribal conflicts for selfish benefits?

    General Athor must face trial for the betrayal of his country and death of his nation’s soldiers.

  • [email protected]

    Athor hints at negotiations after clashes with South Sudan army
    I am very annoyed of southern Sudanese who urge for destruction in south, i don’t understand what will they get in these destruction, as there are big things ahead of us which need to be addressed instead of useless issues like George Athor lost his governor seat. What stupid things are people talking about instead to urge leaders to get ready for coming referendum, which there are many things are awaiting to be solve before time out of date or the people don’t see the real issues with their fact eyes.

    Those people who are preaching for south destruction are short sighted or they need to be stayed in refugee camps for ever, which mean they don’t like south to be free people like others.

    Southerners, we are supposed to put for south freedom over every thing instead of pulling things around, don’t you see many people don’t have people in this government, they are keeping quite with out making noises around do you think they are stupid people, i don’t think they are but they don’t to disturb people for unready freedom, such as me i don’t have any one in my area who present us in south government even in state government. what do you want us to do? Do you also want us to the bush and fight south government for useless Representative in unready government? No, we won’t do that because we are not stupid like people who are crying every time for their useless things or representative in current government, but when south is totally free you will see us are getting our necks into that government or we will fight for our right to death in politic way not as stupid way most people like to do.


    From western Upper Nile State”Unity State” .

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