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Sudan Tribune

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Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt

May 13, 2010 (JUBA) – Jonglei state’s renegade General, George Athor Deng, has come up with fresh demands that the current Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) be dissolved and a new transitional government be formed to supervise holding of the Southern Sudan referendum.

GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by Salva Kiir Mayardit  (ST)
GoSS Council of Ministers chaired by Salva Kiir Mayardit (ST)
The former Deputy Chief of Staff in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) told the Southern Sudan-based widely listened to Miraya FM radio, in an exclusive interview on Thursday, that he called for the cancellation of the elections results all over Southern Sudan.

He said a new transitional government would be formed to include all the political parties and independent candidates, describing the incumbent President-elect, Salva Kiir Mayardit, as “blind” who doesn’t see the unfolding situation.

The defeated independent gubernatorial candidate accused the current SPLM-led GoSS leadership of allegedly abandoning the party’s vision which was based on the principle of democratic transformation.

Athor, who recently began rebelling two weeks ago, warned against what he described as an imminent comprehensive war in Southern Sudan unless his demands are met. He is currently in an area between Duk Padiet and Awet, a closer location to Jonglei state’s capital, Bor, than his previous location.

Athor also claimed that he is receiving support from within the Sudan People’s Liberation Army.

The SPLA spokesperson, Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol, refuted the presence of Athor’s supporters within the army, adding that Athor’s forces are not more than a hundred soldiers, and that they have fled to uninhabited areas.

Kuol threatened to eliminate Athor’s forces by military means if he continues to make ‘false allegations’. However, he stressed that SPLA wants the issue to be resolved peacefully.

Senior officials in the government had earlier indicated that Gen. Athor could be having a coordinated presence among some military leaders in many towns including Juba, the capital.

The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) has pledged to mediate peace between the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and the renegade General.

A delegation from UNMIS, headed by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Jasbir Lidder, on Wednesday met with the Vice President-designate of the government, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, to explore ways to initiate the process.

The meeting discussed the possibility of halting the crisis by reaching a peaceful settlement to the ongoing clashes in the troubled Jonglei state through negotiations with Athor.

The UN team briefed the Vice President about their ongoing phone contacts with Gen. George Athor whom they said was expressing willingness to negotiate with the government.

The delegation expressed UN’s readiness to provide logistical support for the process.

Dr. Machar said he supported the idea and the peaceful initiative, but would however consult first with his colleagues as a government before he could promise any decision to the UN body.

Athor initially demanded the sacking of the incumbent governor-elect, Kuol Manyang Juuk, who he accused of stealing the election results and warned that he would attack his state’s capital, Bor, if his demands were not met.

“We are organizing our forces in all areas and we are going to converge in Bor….attacking Bor,” Athor told Reuters adding that he is willing to negotiate.

It is widely believed that the renegade General could be recruiting forces from armed youths from various communities in the state and other disgruntled former SPLA soldiers who were not confirmed or incorporated into the Southern Sudan army.

Athor recently claimed yet another victory over SPLA forces in their recent clashes for the third time during which he said his forces on Wednesday killed more than 30, captured a military vehicle and destroyed a number of them. The SPLA confirmed the clashes but denied the number of casualties.

The minister for Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development, Michael Makuei Lueth, rulled out any negotiations with a “renegade.”

“There is no question of sending a delegation to a commander who has mutinied. So there’s nothing like that. He must be crushed militarily,” Minister Makuei told New Sudan Vision from Juba.

“As the Government of Southern [Sudan], it’s decided that this issue should be addressed militarily. The position of the caretaker Government of southern Sudan since day one has been that this thing should be addressed militarily,” he said.



  • World Maker
    World Maker

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Dinka Boy,

    Are you there? General Athor does not give a damp. The man is for real. He is too closer to kick ass.

    Athor Oyeeeee

  • maumau

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Dissolving GoSS cabinet, hahaha.

    This is a huge demand which is impossible to meet. General Athor should just return to the army otherwise the repurcussion will be disastrous. He may have won but it is too late for him to complain. MAUMAU

  • MJriaksdca

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Becareful not open up a pandora box! It may end up costing us the CPA which will be good for Khartoum.

  • murlescrewed

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    People like Makuen Lueth should watch their mouths. He is instigating a fire that he will not have any role in putting out. There is no evidence to support his baseless allegations that Gen Athor has mutinied. What Gen. Athor is doing is exactly what the real SPLA fought for for the last 20 years. Gen Athor is fighting for true and honest democratic principles. People’s vote matter and should not be stolen at the whim of politicians in Juba.

    Makeun Lueth is reducing these legitimate grievances to mere mutiny and that is a dangerous precedent. What is needed is a direct talk with Gen Athor and resolving this in a manner that will not result in further chaos. To his greatness, Gen. Athor has so far avoided attacking civilian areas because he is fighting for their votes. That is not how mutinous forces behave. Usually, they terrorize the local population to extract concessions. Gen Athor’s forces are not doing that. They are defending themselves from hyenas like Makeun Lueth who has not idea about how to deal with military affairs.

  • Kur

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Athor must be completely mad.


  • thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny
    thokpiny de Deng de Thokpiny

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    The GOSS fail and then take of Jonglei renegade general.i don’t agree to that .the GOSS lack negotiation capabilities and believe in the use of force which they really lack.iam urging the Lions in Juba to look a solution to this problem before it is out of hand.They should not take of Jonglei .it is not our falt but thier failure in juba that make their general to rebels

  • Akuma

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Athor is primitive, how can he live his position as general in SPLM. He will left like his brother Dr Lam Akol who is frustrated in Southern sudan

    Dr. Akuma,
    Chicago, USA

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Dear Kirr Mayardit I just to remind you about Gen, Athor if you agree to send any one of your ministers to go and negotiate with him it will be a big chellnges in your career and more problem will be rising soon in the same manner to make it simle give a room to SPLA forces to bring Athor into Juba base by militarily means this is only option I can see.

  • Brooke Obe
    Brooke Obe

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Information coming from Bahr el Gazal says that SPLA/M has started arresting the independent candidates possibly to preempt an Athor uprising. If this is confirmed to be so, then, indeed someone is leading President Kiir to a dangerous territory. There will not be a referendum and the status quo (unity) will remain. The saboteurs should be apprehended now while there is still some hope! I can feel a military coup against Kiir brewing.

  • Gatwech

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Dear readers,

    News coming from Juba say that Rebecca Nyandeng de Garang has fled Juba and went to Nairobi because of fear for General George Athor’s planned attacks on Bor town.

    She also fears the people of Central Equatoria state because she was behind the rigging of Alfred Gore’s votes.

    Please, should somebody there in Juba confirm the news for us?

    It is said that Nyandeng fled about three days ago.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Funny indeed , some people joined Athor because they want ranks and to became SPLA soldiers but ended up dead on the side of Athor.

    * There is something wrong with their IQs.

    * They can NOT make a realy true soldier of the SPLA .

  • Gatwech

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt



    Nairobi SRS) – The renegade former SPLA lieutenant-general George Athor says he will defend himself if his demands are not met.

    Athor whose forces allegedly attacked on SPLA barracks in Doliep Hill last month has been involved in subsequent clashes with SPLA soldiers this month.

    In an interview with SRS from an undisclosed location on Wednesday, Athor told SRS producer Daniel Danis that talks between him and the GOSS president-elect are at a standstill.

    [George Athor]: “The talks are not going on. They have stopped talking to us and they are attacking us. Not a single soldier can move without the knowledge of the president or the commander-in-chief of the troops.”

    [Daniel Danis]: Can you confirm whether you will still maintain your position of defensive and not offensive, because rumors has it that you will probably attack Bor, or any other town within the South.

    [George Athor]: “I believe that within days, my attack will be against Bor town because I have learned that Salva is somebody who only likes fighting and he doesn’t want to talk. So it is for him to listen to what we are saying, I am organizing my forces for Bor town.”

    [Daniel Danis]: But are you not concern that you might sacrifice the lives of civilians by doing this?

    [George Athor]: “Well, my warning to all citizens is that they should leave Bor immediately and any place with military bases, they should leave it, because our target is only the military.”

    [Daniel Danis]: Can you really hope to deter or actually fight the SPLA forces?

    [George Athor]: “We are not playing chess my brother. Fighting is fighting and I can not tell you how many troops I have.”

    [Daniel Danis]: What exactly are you hoping to gain by this action?

    [George Athor]: “Our first demand is the abolition of the election results. Because the elections were rigged, and so we don’t recognize it. Second, we want the dissolution of the Government of Southern Sudan, and then all the political parties of southern Sudan should come together to discuss how they can form an interim government that will lead us to the referendum and then elections after the referendum.”

    George Athor, a former SPLA lieutenant-general, was talking to SRS on Wednesday.

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Funny indeed , some people joined Athor because they want ranks and to became SPLA soldiers but ended up dead on the side of Athor.

    * There is something wrong with their IQs.

    * They can NOT make a realy true soldier of the SPLA

  • mass

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    Dear readers and commentators
    This is my second time to write comments on Sudan tribune, however I do read some of the everyday comments send by members of Sudan tribune few of which are educating and interesting and relevant to the original topics and some not so good at all, but who am I to judge? I suggest you my fellow commentators and members to grasp unity among our tribes with your right hand and division let it fall down.
    Anyway the subject that I’m going to comment on is Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    I believe there is no point to support such person as George Athor Deng and his rebellion against the southern Sudanese authority. Regardless of his reputations if he has any good ones during the struggle I still see no good reason for anyone to side with his rebellion because first off, southern Sudan as whole is in chaotic condition which leaves us walking on the confusing and dangerous waters of democratization and transformation-that is southern Sudan is already multi-stacked with huge burden after huge burden. However some people fail to understand and appreciate the power of teamwork. Instead of working towards the interest of southern Sudan i.e helping in rebuilding and developing southern Sudan and paving the path for self-determination or autonomy they choose to transgress. In stead of running the country interdependently and in harmony and as group, they tend to run it independently. In the case of George Athor Deng it is pathetic to watch him on the brink of sabotaging the goal and vision and conviction of the Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army (SPLA/M) which is to liberate southern Sudan and other marginalized territories a cross the country in hope of giving them peaceful, just and free world they have been denied of for so long. It is also pathetic to see him carrying it out during important moments that are bound to happen in the history of southern Sudan.
    Therefore it is extremely important for the government of southern Sudan to pursue peaceful means to end the crisis if George Athor is willing like he said. It is seems that Athor is definitely a grasping man whose ambitions are power, and pride. It is obvious that his rebellion is a revenge for his defeat in gubernatorial election for the state of Jonglei and he believes that by rebelling against the Juba government is self-satisfying and relieve. George Athor must know that rigging, cheating and corruption are plagues contracted by most human but are best contain in the legal instrument known as court of law. George Athor is exacerbating the situation by calling for cancellation and dissolutions of the recent general elections results and government which is beyond his power and instead he should aware that Juba authorities patient is wearing thin and subsequently have the capacity to shut him down any time.

  • R. TOOL
    R. TOOL

    Athor demands cancellation of elections results, dissolution of South Sudan govt
    To you all on this website, … Where are the (there silent is deafening) many tribes of southern Sudan, why it’s always Dinka, Dinka, and sometime Nuer?. Where are the other tribes?. Are these tribes enjoying the Dinka, Dinka and Nuer killed off each other. Regardless of how small your tribe is, you all need to participate in the struggle to free yourselves for the Arabs north. Is south being run by these 2 tribes?.

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