Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers

May 14, 2010 (JUBA) – Five members of the Southern Sudan army, Sudan’s People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) were killed in the fourth attack carried by forces loyal to renegade general George Athor on Friday.

Athor rebelled following his defeat in the race for Jonglei Governor by incumbent SPLM candidate Kuol Manyang Juuk last month. The general who accepted UN mediation asked the dissolution of southern Sudan government and cancellation of election results.

Force loyal to General Athor ambushed on Friday afternoon a SPLA truck in Jonglei’s northern Koliet area, said SPLA spokesperson Kuol Diem Kuol in statement to Reuters.

“The SPLA soldiers managed to fire back. The fighting killed five from the forces loyal to Athor…but others were injured,” Kuol said.

But General George Athor Athor, dismissed the claim saying said the SPLA started the fighting.

“It is dark now and we are not sure of casualties but we are going to see the ground tomorrow and count the dead,” he further said.

Forces loyal to a renegade south Sudanese general clashed with government troops for the fourth time in two weeks on Friday, leaving at least five soldiers dead, the southern army said.

Many southerners called for a peaceful end to this rebellion in order to avoid bloodshed and further instability and divisions ahead of a referendum on self determination scheduled to be held within seven months.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    Dinka Ngok vs. Dinka Bor, what a game!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    Dear Southerners,

    The solution to general Athor’s violence in the State of Jonglei must be militrary engagement. SPLA must hunt this individual because his aim is to destibalized the interest of South Sudanese which is impending. SPLA must captured this guy through militray not negotiation because Athor Deng self power greed is not compare to the innocent youth and his loyal relatives who will lost their lives for nothing. Athor must be brought to Juba by force. No negotiation with this greedy person.

  • Samson

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    SPLA need to operate 72 hours war without stop to Mr Athor and his fellow soldier who are supported him. He trying distory the vission of whole nation of Southern Sudan that coming up in 2011. I will not call him as other fellow call him as renegate, he was selfish who want to benefit himself and forget what he fighting for 22 years in bush. It was not a right time for him, most of the southern are not happy about what he was doing. When we have our independent and those shites are kept coming then he would be right by doing so not now. I will call James Hoth and his Commanders to execute this war as soon as posible and see who allies with him in the Govt of South Sudan.

  • Controller

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    Great Job LT. General George Athor Deng

    SPLA/SPLM is full of political criminal coorruption.
    It is time for change or this country gonna run red with blood in just a matter of time.

    The business of SPLA/SPLM party of raping taaneegers girls. looting the properties of civilians, killing civilians, burning the lips or the mouths of the people, burning the bodies of dead people in the houses and tealing the election from independent candidates who won all the contest in all ten states, can not be tolerated no more.

    It is time for change, and LT. GEneral George Athor Deng plus many Generals who will joint him very soon, will change SPLA/SPLM one way or another.

    Remember folks, Prophert NGunDeng said that he will use LT. General George Athor Deng to torture those do wrong things againts other Southerners.

    This means that LT. General George Athor will defeat SPLA Forces and form a new party with buffalo flag (SSIM) that will take South Sudan into Independent according to Prophert NGunDeng ‘s words.

    That SPLA/ SPLM flag with star, is not gonna take us into independent according to Prophert NGunDeng. You will not believe it untill it happen.


    I am Controller with the Prophert

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    Thanks for your great anaysis. You have narrated the reasons why Nuer feel happy about the defect of general Athor against SPLM.

    They have to know that we Dinka are no that fool like them whereby evertbody can fall in the dirty game of individual like the way traitor Riek Machar fools them before against SPLM to keep supporting our great enemy Arab North.
    Naath must know that your dream of conflict among Dinka will not come because we reason beyond the wall and that help us not to fall the wrong doers.

    For example, we defeated the militia especially Nuer who was brought by Karbino Kuanyin- Lt general Mathok and the rest chased him away. Why not the whole Twic west not join his militia? it’s because we don,t support wrong doers.
    Also, Twic East did not followed Lt general Arok Thon Arok- it’s because we don,t support wrong doers. Now, Dinka ngok is not going to support general Athor only his sectional will support and that is becuase we don,t support wrong doers.

    The only people who support our( Dinka) wrong doers are Nuer because they hust go with the follow. They are easily influence tribe whereby Dinka defect and used them. Who did not used them? Bashier used them, Karbino used them, Nyuon Bany used them, Wurnayang used them, Ngundeeng used them, Lam Akol used them, ek Machar used them( he finished Lou), Athor is now using them. Even me, i will still used them in the future.
    Yes, Naath are celebrating the media fabrication thinking that Dinka will fight themselve,but that will not happened.

    How many Nuer section defect during the war? 7 section of defects.
    Paulino matip with his own forced( employed by Bashier), Riek Machar and Lam with his own militia, Gatdet with his own, Tanganyang and Chebetek with their own militia.

    Haaaaa, if Dinka plus our belove Blue and Nuba and few others,then we would be in Bashier Ass. Other see amen to Dinka and the few others for liberating South Sudanese. We found about 24 battalions by ourselves and we offer our lives till 2005. George other will be alone because he is wasting his time with those militia of Nuer who can killed him anytime as arevenge.

  • Albee

    Forces loyal to Gen. Athor kill 5 SPLA soldiers
    Hi all,
    I disagree with the operetion of SPLA because it was supposed to talk with general Athor because Athor will enter into Juba sooner when he accepts help from President Bashir that will take South into the bush again. Killing Athor is not the solution,there will be another general who do the same Athor does. Coming to the point people were saying Dinka Bor and Ngok/Padang are fighting,I absolutely disagree with them and you do not discourage Ngok/Padang in SPLA. It would be like 91 if you encourage them to join Athor and PCA would be like 72. Those who rescued Bor in 1991 when Bors were living in the Nile River and many left their homes were the same poeple for whom they are fighting now. Do not unite Padang to Bor because it is not in their interest,but if you kill Athor,so it would be other case,guys. South is for all of us neither Ngok,nor Bor. Do not let your money blind you in Juba,so another civil war in the south began if you do not solve it quickly. My word is chosen by God.

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