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Sudan Tribune

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Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack

May 15, 2010 (JUBA) – The renegade general, George Athor Deng, has warned civilians living in Bor town to leave the town before he attacks it in the next few days.

George Athor Deng
George Athor Deng
Athor issued the warning through another interview he conducted with the Nairobi-based Sudan Radio Service (SRS). “I believe that within days, my attack will be against Bor town because I have learned that Salva is somebody who only likes fighting and he doesn’t want to talk. So it is for him to listen to what we are saying, I am organizing my forces for Bor town,” he said.

When asked whether he was also concerned about the lives of the civilian residents currently in Bor town, he said he was warning them to leave the town. “Well, my warning to all citizens is that they should leave Bor immediately and any place with military bases, they should leave it, because our target is only the military.”

Athor whose forces allegedly attacked on SPLA barracks in Doliep Hill last month has been involved in subsequent clashes with SPLA soldiers this month.

Responding to the question whether he could really sustain fighting the SPLA forces he said he was not playing chess games and that they fighting was real, but could not disclose the number of his soldiers.

SPLA’s spokesman, Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol displayed the threats made by Athor, saying his soldiers could not exceed 100 in number and warned him to either shut up or be crushed militarily.

However, military observers believe that Athor could have been recruiting hundreds or even thousands of fighters from various communities in Jonglei state including among the youth and unconfirmed former SPLA soldiers.

Athor has demanded the cancellation of elections results and dissolution of South Sudan government. He said a new transitional government should be formed with participation of all political parties and independent candidates before calling for a fresh elections after the referendum.

His repeated warnings on attacking Bor town have caused some degree of panic in the town as there are indications of people moving out of the town for reguge in Juba and some other places.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Dear Southerners,

    Athor Deng is conformed ill because he can not afford fighting SPLA for sure.
    I think the man is about to die because there is a clear signed of his death before 2011. Mark this in mind.

    I agree with many people that the rebellion of Lt general Athor Deng against the SPLM not militray negotiation than just conversation. I thought that the author like Manyok Biar has put brilliant sentiments on his argument. The negotiation at this point will not help us because Athor Deng claims stand alone without justifications. Apparently,his demand for the governorship and the rerun of April election is beyond his demand because such decisions can not happened since we are yearning for democratic system in the South, Win or lose matter. A democractic individual can not anticipate win without lose because the competition is all about win or lose. Even if a business person attempt to introduce aproduct to the market, the product sometime fail at the least stage,and that is a lose situation though he expects win. I mean that there is a win or a lose in any kind of competition. Athor might though of democracy in different way because he was expecting win win game,but i assure him that it’s not only that.

    Certainly, for those of Atundiak and Chol Deng Chol, we should supposed to correct the wrongdoers in our society ,so that we will be the future generation. I am glad that the whole of Apadaang are keen about this power greed of Athor Deng. This contender against SPLM has lose given the justifications that were always expose and read in the media, and the wide margin of their results detemine Kuol win. If you does not know, then Athor Deng has got some vote in the hand of Dinka Bor let alone Dinka Ngok in the State of Jonglei because people were voting on demorcacy not in tribal line. I wander how about if Athor Deng would win the election,does governor Kuol rebel? not at all.

    I disagree with you when you said that Dr Garang de Mabior had demoted Dinka Ngok in SPLM. Why are you lying like this dear? I am not going to help you with your lie because i can not afford this kind of bias to the public. Do you mean that Lt general Athor is not Dinka Ngok, Gier Chuang, Deng Alor,Pieng Deng, Luka Buong, etc. What about some without even a single minister of leader in SPLM? This arguement of yours is flimsy and this should be disgarded. What do you expect from Dr Garang de Mabior to be done to A padaang Dinka during his adminstration? We have to provide lucidity justifications before jumping to expose unpleasant remark on the ground while not the case.

    I also don,t buy your false argument when you said that Lt general Athor rescued the Bor Dinka from Nuer attack on their civilians. Are you really writing this for just the sake of Athor ,or do you really mean it? You said that Lt general Bior Ajang did little than governor Kuol Manyang because Kuol was in the hidding place. This is a false statement. The death of civilians in Bor has been focal point of narrative by you guys because the entire greater Bor generals were deployed in greater Equatoria and BG responding to the common enemy-Arab that make Bor leaders to ignored the war within. That is ablam to out late President,but that is how leader works. Leaders always die for greed, that is a fact.

    Let me tell you because i was there in 1991 war that Athor was in upper Nile if you did not know my dear. The very people who must get credit about the 1991 war against Nuer are the following because the fought to the ground. Lt general Bior Ajang, Lt general Kuol Manyang, Late major general Paul Riing, and Gneral Majak A got of greater Bor retreated from Juba deployment and chase away Nuer within just 15 days. You even doesn,t know that Kuol was wounded during 1991 war. see how you can not understand the issue here. Yes, i know that tribalism is high in the South and that is why we are following the wrong doers,but that should not be the case in the democratic Country.

    I want SPLM to not negotiation with Athor Deng because he claimed nothing against the governor or SPLM. Also, he prefer violence then negotiation at the first place.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    I agree with many people that the rebellion of Lt general Athor Deng against the SPLM need militray negotiation than just conversation because he want to die before 2011. Mark this in mind.

  • Kur

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    What is the SPLA waiting for? This mad dog needs to be silenced once and for all. We can’t negotiate with criminals. Please, please just crah him now to serve as a deterent to other criminals.


  • murlescrewed

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack

    Gen Athor clearly cares about the safety of civilians in Bor and other areas. He is essentially fighting for their democratic rights. What SPLM did was unconscionable and deserve this kind of response. I think the best option for the SPLM is to extend sincere negotiations and reach an amicable solution with Gen Athor forces. It is time for elections to be held again in Jonglei under right conditions so that true results can be found.

    This idea that Gen Athor is a criminal is not going to work. He is fighting for a clear objective just like countless other heroes did during the war. When a fighter has objectives, he is willing to achieve what he has set his eyes upon.

  • SPLA,corrup

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    I did my best to listen carefully to the recorded speech of Mr Biong since the recording was not clear and mixed English and Arabic for four times to make sure what I hear is right.The allegations, is not baseless there are some facts and it is true that Mr Biong mentioned that Bakosoro just left with two options, either to join SPLM party or he will stay in office for just a year then he will be voted out of office by voting of no confidence since the majority in the legislative are SPLM. The denouncement will be accepted if those words and the speech is not from Mr Luka Biong. It is clear that the speaker mentioned about WES and the Independence candidate HE Bakosoro to be voted out in one year. I think that is not a false allegation it is a fact and those who are trying to denounce and consider as false should not because there are evidence recorded voice that brings more evidence. I argue some of you guys to listen carefully to that message. That message will rise eye brow to those who will get the message clear. God bless WES from the heartless people who does not want any good for our mom land. If you want to listen go to youtube type (ngbanigbe)you will hear it your self and more he SAID TRIBALISM IS NORMAL I called the person who recoeded the speech indeed Mr Biong is sending mixed massage. Mr Biong not this time that we are prepering to make record our future. You are very wrong here….

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Equatorians are our barking dogs in the South and they will remain as our slaves because they are used to when they were with Arabs.Do I care who they are?

    Whoever going to temper with my comments will be bombarded with heavy or words of most destructions.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town.

  • Albee

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Dear foolish men,
    General Athor Deng Dut is very wonderful man who cares for all of his citizens and cares for human rights as he did in 1991 then in his warning,so he loves people of Bor as he protected them. General Athor has protected himself no matter what. SPLA heads by foolish men who do not know what the live of others in South. I wish Bashir could support Athor to do whatever he can in dumb Capital Juba. Dr. Garang said,”There is no gevernment in Khratuom.” I will say there is no government in Juba because it is tribal government in Juba if you do wrong,so your people will solve like what is going on Gerenal Athor now. One day Athor will be in Juba and God protects him daily.


    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Dear reader

    I critically opt that what Athor doing,is a threat to the citzen or civiliance in Bor town from the little peace.SPLA……………….oyeeeeee oyeeeee oyeeeee.Do away with stupid idiot that deny the right of their communities.Stupid idiot, simply fool idiot .Oh oh oh oh dead him if he aterm to attack Bor town to displace your children who suffered for this so long time in struggle of south sudan freedom.

  • Madior

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Dear readers,
    I can not wait to hear about Athor’s attack over Bor Town to see if he gonna win that battle. Besides, is anybody know how Bor Town is located it? it wouldn’t be easy for him to make any attack, because his forces wouldn’t even reach the inner city. They will be finished 30 miles away from the city. I know Athor is a smart person, he will never ever put his soldiers at risk. I were him, I would have find a way of getting Governor’s son or daughter in hostage, and make a demand to comply with my request so this should be quick. Salva Kiir’s children would be best to be hostage to get reply back so quick.

  • Controller

    Renegade general warns civilians to evacuate Bor town before attack
    Great Job LT. General Athor Deng
    The capturing of Bor Town will be very good for LT. General George Athor Deng to make easy him and his troops to capture Juba within a week.

    These coward Dinkas don’t know LT.General George Athor Deng vey well because that is the culture of coward leaders.
    LT. General George Athor Deng has more than 60 thousands soldiers ready to fight. This coward SPLA spokeman or woman doesn,t know what he is talking about untill he get capture.

    More 20 SPLA soldiers who are sick tired living under Salva Kiir and Pagan Amum rules are reporting themselves to LT. General George Athor Deng every day and night.

    Folks don’t be confuses.LT. General George Athor Deng will be capturing bor Town and Juba in just a matter of time.

    You will not believe it untill it happen unless Salva Kiir, Pagan Amum and Kuol Manyang surrender to him.


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