Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Election: NCP, end this ignoble episode

By Usman Ibn Foda

May 22, 2010 — The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has just emerged victorious in an election, which was regarded by many as controversial, not so much because of rigging but, the last minute boycott of political parties which at least regard themselves as major contenders. The election has come and gone; the NCP won as expected (68%). Most analysts and political observers regarded, the election as transparent, but had some technical and logistics problems which the West regarded as much less than World best standards.

Be it as it may, the post victory era should have been more challenging to NCP than the easy ride to winning. This is a country that is passing through its most trying era of existence as a nation state. January 2011 is decision time through a Southern referendum to determine the unity or division of Sudan into two entities! The other serious challenge is Darfur and other regions such as Nubian Mountains and Southern Blue Nile; The third challenge is to convince the world and even before the world the citizenry that NCP is different from the national salvation revolution in that they have come through the ballot box and hence must as a matter of necessity, work hard to inculcate democratic ideals, the rule of law and bring about real reforms in the body politic of the nation.

It must realize that, the old Saga of police state and over dramatizing National Security concerns to justify undemocratic practices such as incarceration of political opponents and/ or tempering with the freedom of expression would only help to present, the regime in the ugly image its detractors would want it to portray. Democracy alone may not solve the hydra headed problems facing Sudan, but these problems could not be solved except by embracing true democratic values and practices. This should be the ultimate goal of NCP leadership.

For the better part of the last four years, since the signing of Nivasha Peace accord, the signing parties NCP and SPLM, did work covertly to undo each other, more often than not, their utterances are carried beyond acceptable limits. While religious implementation of the well celebrated and internationally hailed accord, is supposed to be their guiding principle, sectional interests found more expression in their dealings. Many observers believe that some aspects of the agreement such as boarder delineation and Abeyei are enough to ignite and ensure a continuity of the war and blood shade in case of the unfortunate option of separation by southerners.

These complex, tedious and critical issues need more than anytime a national consensus, historical concessions from the centre to safeguard the unity of Sudan and stop further partitioning of the remaining north, with serious implications for the whole continent of Africa. This is not time for detaining an octogenarian, former political godfather of the present members of the ruling party; for his non complimentary comments about the transparency of the election.

It is quite disgusting, unbecoming and most uncharitable remark of fellow described as NCP spokesman, calling his earth while Sheikh a liar on Aljazeera; these comments could not represent the views of the large followership of NCP. This to say the least is a very poor management of a political crises if any. What should be the pre-occupation of the ruling party and their Southern partners SPLM is to work with unabashed commitment to the common good of Sudan which is unity. The blood of those gallant men and women who fought for unity should not be in vain. Sudan shouldn’t be allowed to be the 1st country in the continent to set the ugly precedence of failing to live together, when the African Youths are hopeful of the United States of Africa.

Dr. Turabi a polymaths epitomizes virtue and godliness. He firmly symbolizes and portrays a fearless leader who fought for freedom of political emancipation, and freedom of expression against all odds. His revolutionary vision helped to mould thousands of youths who are representing the power engine of NCP. Even if we part ways today on issues of national building, this does not warrant his humiliation, or justify his incarceration. In fact, we should have no prisoner of conscious; everybody should be free to express his views, openly without fear of intimidation no matter the divergence from our own vision. The government is expected to reciprocate the people’s support by intensifying its commitment to good governance, human rights, political accountability and true federalism in political power sharing. Such positive actions are the road map towards addressing the insecurity and human misery in the west, abject poverty in the east and the terribly decayed infrastructure in the war ridden south. This may despite the short period remaining for the southern referendum; rescue the unity of the Sudan comes 2011.

The writer is based in Abuja

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