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Sudan Tribune

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African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence

May 25, 2010 (OUAGADOUGOU) — The African Union (AU) Commission Chairman Jean Ping, once again renewed his concerns Tuesday about Southern Sudanese vote for separation in a referendum on self determination scheduled to take place next January.

chairman of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Jean Ping
chairman of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Jean Ping
In accordance to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005, the Southern Sudanese will decide whether to remain part of the current Sudan or to create their own state.

South Sudan government officials say Khartoum failed to make unity attractive and pledge to campaign for separation as the ruling National congress Party says it would work to maintain the Sudan as united state.

Speaking during the annual commemoration of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on May 25, 1963 – became African Union in 2002– in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou Ping told reporters “From the outset we’ve argued in favour one of the options, making (Sudan’s) unity attractive”.

Ping who organized on May 8 a meeting on Sudan said at the moment it appears voters in southern Sudan will support independence.

“That’s a major problem for all African countries which could be confronted by similar situations, that’s what concerns us,” he said.

“Such a decision could lead us again to a number of major difficulties, including war.”

However, Ping said that if the referendum does go forward “we have no other choice than to respect the decision of the Sudanese.”

In similar remarks on January 29, Ping s expressed concern that other parts of Sudan beside the South may seen a self determination vote in the future.

“Will the independence of Southern Sudan not lead other players in Darfur and in other places, which are currently not asking for independence, to seek independence as Southern Sudan will have done?” he added.

“We have a feeling that we are sitting on a powder keg,” Ping said.



  • Kur

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    What is wrong with this pathetic organization called AU? Where were they when we were being slaughtered in broad daylight by the NIF, what did the AU do to stop the regime in Khartoum? Why is it important to worry about the unity of Sudan with out worrying about what is happening to the people of Sudan? Just shut up. Your are pathetic Mr. Ping. I hate you and I hate this useless AU. Why don’t you ask the NIF in Khartoum not to rape women and children in Darfur? Why is it a problem when people want to free themselves from oppression? You are depending Bashir from the ICC and you are trying to justify the actions of the NIF in Khartoum by protecting the criminals.

    The future of the people of South Sudan is in their hands. We are going to decide our destiny. The AU will not decide for us.


  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Mr. Ping,

    Enjoy what Bashir gave you and mind our business because we’re fed up with how northern treat us. In fact, the separation of Southern Sudan is inevitvable no matter what those who oppose it will do.

  • natureboy makuei k lual
    natureboy makuei k lual

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    go to hell mr ping with your united sudan. It was vise whan garang alive to united sudan but garang is not here, what left is to create new sudan by independent.

    Or if you whan sudan to united than just remove bashir and put Kiir mayar Lual to be president of whol sudan. than there will be united sudan.

    Thanks makuei

  • murlescrewed

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    This half-chinese SOB has quite frankly lost his damn mind. The only way to determine if South will be a failed state is to let it govern itself and prove to the world that these predictions were prescient. South will do fine whether it remains part of the Sudan or secede. We don’t want to be told what is best for us by those who watched idly while the North tried to enforce its will on South.

  • Majang

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    I can only say ping is wrong and right why?because He is wrong on puting down the right and freedom of Sothern Sudanese while in other hands he is doing favor to the North by saying what the Khartoum want.the isue is clear if the north want Sudan United,than sharia laws must be abondoned and lets there be Justics,same Equal,oportunities,same equal right and the freedom of religiose pracise.and also they the northerners must submit that Sudan is not a slamic State and also that Sudan is an African state without link with Midle east.My Other Question is why don`t the African stupid Union or onion learned that the 1972 Agreement was signrd as part of bringing Sudan United?but what did the Arab did they begun to kill Southerners one by one and that couses Another 1983 civil war which took 2.5 million life mainly from the south this is our only second chance either to be free or remaines as united slave black sudanese under slamic laws and be a second class citizen for bad and for worse trype of living.the Arabs are not after Unity or the people of South no! they are after Resources and land they really want to eliminate any Black African Origin of that Land.”Jean Pig say,”that the Durforian may need the same thing to happen to them.”what wrong about that?can the African Union see how many civilian are being killed each day?why don`t this African Black countries sees this Arabs Sytem?even during the Slavery they the Arabs where the one who sold black people to the white now this so called Jean pig ping is trying by all mean to favor his alies he has to be removed from that posision.

  • Kur William
    Kur William

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Please Jean Ping or whatever your names is just shut your mouth and don,t interfers with our affairs.When we were in the bush we didn,t hearing your concerns or AOU respectively about our suffering and now you are assuming your self that you are serveing Africans people with your negatives phenomenons and biases.Please I will be happy if I will not hears your vioce commenting again about my country.If you wish then go Khartoum and give your strategies to your friends Arabs then we don,t have any promblem with you of doing that.


  • R. TOOL
    R. TOOL

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Hi all,

    Oh boy, this an old man … his marbles must be going down hill. Please ready Mr. Jean Ping biography below, the due is miss informed about the conflict in Sudan. As old has he is he should know better or the history of north African. He is worried about what will happen in the entire contents of Africa if the Southern Sudan breaks away from the north. Does he know south Sudan lost almost 3 millions of its citizen. I think this man is being paid off by Khartoum government.

    Source informed me Mr. Ping spend lots of time with the Middle (Arabs) East diplomats in New York City….. It’s third party hearsay, so I can’t prove it to you all if it is true or not.

    Biography of African Union chief stool pigeon:

    “Jean Ping (b. November 24,1942), is a Gabonese diplomat, and since February 1,2008 he’s the head of the Commission of the African Union. He replaced Alpha Oumar Konaré , ex-Malian president who previously held this post. Jean Ping has been the foreign minister of Gabon since 1999.

    Ping’s father was a Chinese trader and his mother was Gabonese.He is one of President Bongo’s closest and longest-serving ministers and is one of the most powerful figures in Gabon

    Mr. Ping holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne). A recipient of numerous honours in recognition of his outstanding career and service to his country, Mr. Ping has been awarded Gabon’s medals of Commander of the Equatorial Star, Grand Officer of the Equatorial Star, Commander of the Maritime Order and Commander of the Gabonese National Order of Merit.

    Jean Ping who was born in 1942 in Omboue, in the Etimbwe region of Gabon, enjoys general popularity in Gabon. Jean Ping, deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Gabon, was elected as the new chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission on Friday to replace former Malian president Alpha Oumar Konare.

    He first entered the political field in March 1994, he was appointed as Gabon’s foreign minister for the first time, but left the position eight months later.

    He was appointed as foreign minister in 1999 once again, and has been in that office ever since. He was chosen to be President of the fifty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2004”.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Ping,genocide continues in Darfur, militias are sponsored to kill the southerns, main opposition leaders are imprisoned,the census was greatly influenced to under estimetated the southern population, the vote registration was manipulated and the general election was absolutely rigid and finally the general election was not free and fair.

    1.Are these all what AU ,IGAD and UN called making unity attractive?

    2.Why did IGAD included the referendum in the CPA?

    3.Ping you said “separation of south Sudan will create instability in Africa”, does it mean given continuation of instability in south Sudan Africa is peaceful?

    In other words is south Sudan north Part of Africa?

    UNMIS, AU and IGAD leaderships deserve to be tried at the ICC.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Dear Southerners,

    Who will prevent us to vote for seperation through ballot? I don,t know those who will not allow the interest of South Sudanese and the other marginalized people.

    The responsibility will be in our hands because anybody can not prohibit us to vote for our stake. I hope we sould not waste our spare time complaining with those African leaders who want the South Sudanese to live in the darkess for ever. They must checked the South before attempting Southerners to unite with the North. Let them compare our villages with Khartoum or other Northern States.
    Sorry for you!

  • Abraham Chol Marial
    Abraham Chol Marial

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Dear Mr.Ping.
    You are out of your mind and whatever is you say is regardless to Southern Sudanese people and the same time it is an insult to Southerners.Why should it be a serious problem to seperate from the North Sudan?
    This will be lasting solution to Sudan problem and therefore your bussiness will end and you will sit in your house because there will be no more bribery as you are being paid to spread this useless message to the world.
    There will be no united Sudan with all these problems
    1-Racials defferences
    2-Cultural defference
    3-Language defferences
    4-Religious defferences
    5- Application of Sharia’a Law in the Whole Country.
    6-Opression of the Native of the Sudan (Africans)
    7-Descrimination against black people.
    So Mr.Ping shut up your fucken mouth and go to held.we were been slaughtered like nothing during the war but the fucken AU did nothing and therefore i request you to remain silence till we determine our fate in these self-determination Refferrendum in Jan. 2011

  • Abednego Majack Macharial
    Abednego Majack Macharial

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Mr. Jeaqn Ping is just a barking dog and hel keep barking at South Sudan till the independence come. Whether AU like it or not, we wanted to be independent from the North. Remember what late Dr. Garang told Nelson Mandela of South Africa in 1994 when Mandela blindfolded by what he calls peaceful negotiation and other nonsense theories from the West told Dr. Garang that he will not support SPLM in its fights against Khartoum regimes unless Garang believes in what he tells him. Dr. Garang tell Mr. Mandela point blank that without you and your South Africa support, SPLM will win the war and ruled Sudan. What happened now as we are talking?. South Africa is now supporting SPLM in all corners. So same to Mr. Ping and his defunct AU. They will ride with us on our South Sudan independence wagon whether they like it or not. What are the benefits of AU if South Sudan as a country decided not to join that useless organisation of Mr. Ping and his other colleagues who are not in favour of our indepedence?. Leave us alone uncle Ping or else dance to out tune.

  • saburi

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    All Chinese wil go 2 hell including u who are after southern Sudan resources not really after p’ple’s exact, ping or whoever u call ur self we don’t heed-care, where were u during the blistering bush war with the Arabs in which we vanished our people with ur so call AU! your too biased with ur ill renews about south Sudan independence in which ur enjoying it’s oil money where ever u are. if u think unity of Sudan is okay with U, take it to Gabon. ur among those p’ple we were searching for in south Sudan, AK47 will work better 4 such kind of p’ple like U(ping-pig) who are commenting nonsenses on south independence, our eyes are open not closed and by all means separation is our option in the south, Sudan will never be the same( late hero John Garang de mabior)

  • daniel mangok
    daniel mangok

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Jean Ping must be an Arab influence if he is not a Muslim. But the problem of Sudan cannot be solved in that way unless the South Sudanese rule the whole country as Arab already ruled Sudan for many years and no improvement from the South. If South Sudan will not become a separate country in 2011, there would be still bewilderment in the whole Sudan. Keep an eye on that referendum and you guys will see what will happen if South Sudan would not become self-regulating. Some African people are really crazy they said South Sudan self-governing is shock to African while 2 million people die because of civil war in Sudan. However, Africans declined to talk about the right of South Sudan during the civil war until the CPA emerged in 2005. South Sudan can be a country in term of its size, population and resources. What is really going on with this egotistical African? South Sudan would be a country as Eritrea became a country out of Ethiopia. South Sudan is bigger than Djibouti and some other African countries. It’s hard to stay peacefully with Arab’s Muslim!!

  • Amook Raan
    Amook Raan

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    Mr. Ping go to hell with your fears, where were you when people of the South been killed is mass numbers. We tell you Mr. Ping keep your tong or comments a way from freedom path. you will see our new indenpendent you want it or not.
    Freedom Freedom comes soon!

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    This is a confused and useless AFRICAN . Please guys do not waste time on his position.

  • Angelo Achuil
    Angelo Achuil

    African Union chief renews fears about South Sudan independence
    This Gabonese had real concerns, but he only need to read the history of Southern Sudan to understand us or CPA well. He doesn’t know Khartoum either. He shouldn’t have commented about CPA.

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