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Sudan Tribune

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UN and South Sudan discuss humanitarian situation

By James Gatdet Dak

May 28, 2010 (JUBA) – The United Nations humanitarian chief has visited Southern Sudan to acquaint himself with the current humanitarian situation in the course of implementing the final phase of the 2005 North-South peace deal which ended the 21 years of armed conflict in the region.

GoSS VP Dr. Riek Machar (R) and John Holmes, UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Juba, May 28, 2010 (photo by J.G.Dak, ST)
GoSS VP Dr. Riek Machar (R) and John Holmes, UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Juba, May 28, 2010 (photo by J.G.Dak, ST)
John Holmes, Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, on Friday led to Juba a delegation and discussed a wide range of insecurity related humanitarian issues with Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the Vice President of the semi-autonomous region.

The delegation was briefed by the Vice President on the status of implementing the remaining key provisions in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) such as the North-South border and formation of commissions for both Southern Sudan and Abyei referenda due in seven months.

On the North-South border, Dr. Machar told Holmes that 80% of the border demarcation has been agreed upon by the joint committee representing both North and South while the other 20% remains contentious. This will be reported to the Presidency to resolve on or may be form another committee to handle it. We may need an international assistance on this, he further explained.

He added that names constituting the membership of the Southern Sudan referendum commission will also have to be approved by the recently elected and convened National Legislative Assembly in Khartoum before the commission would come into effect.

The meeting also discussed insecurity in Southern Sudan caused by inter and intra-community violence or with the organized forces in addition to the recent armed standoff between loyalists to the renegade Gen. George Athor Deng and the SPLA as well as the activities of the Ugandan rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

Machar said it was unfortunate for the renegade former army Deputy Chief of General Staff, George Athor, to resort to the use of violence instead of legal means following the declaration of gubernatorial elections results which he lost to Kuol Manyang Juuk in Jonglei state. He added that his government has asked UNMIS to keep contact with George Athor with the aim to end the standoff peacefully.

On the LRA he said the government since December 2008, after Joseph Kony refused to sign the Juba-mediated final peace agreement with the Ugandan government, gave orders to the SPLA forces to close all borders to the LRA and engage its forces from within and capture them. Ugandan and Congolese troops also participated in the air and ground offensives against the LRA inside Congolese territory.

He however added that military engagement alone without peaceful negotiations going in parallel may take a long time to resolve the violence with the “guerilla” group.

Machar also stressed that his government’s top priorities at this stage are security, referendum and food security followed by clean water, education and health services in addition to infrastructure. He urged the United Nations system to assist the regional government in achieving them. The government also encourages local and foreign investment in food production, he further explained.

He further revealed that the Government of Southern Sudan may create a ministry for Humanitarian Affairs in the next cabinet that would deal with the looming humanitarian situation in the South by effectively coordinating humanitarian interventions in the coming period including the expected exodus of Southerners, in their millions, from the North to the South.

The UN chief expressed his organization’s readiness to cooperate with the government in coordination of humanitarian efforts in the region. He also called for peaceful resolution to the armed violence with the renegade general, George Athor.



  • BlackLion

    UN and South Sudan discuss humanitarian situation
    Bravo James Gatdet Dak for the hard work you doing upon Dr. Riek Machar Teny.Please, stay with the King until time has prevailed.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    UN and South Sudan discuss humanitarian situation
    I disagree with the quotation below said by Riek Machar.
    When and where did Riek Machar knows how used legal means than violence.?

    “Machar said it was unfortunate for the renegade former army Deputy Chief of General Staff, George Athor, to resort to the use of violence instead of legal means following the declaration of gubernatorial elections results which he lost to Kuol Manyang Juuk in Jonglei state”

  • Samson

    UN and South Sudan discuss humanitarian situation
    South Sudan government need to work to educate their civil services to allow civilian to deal with farmer worker, although the government of south need to work harder to get the toole and let civilian work with them not cheating unseen hand on civil services. if the GOSS work on foriegner then their values will be less to get.

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