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Sudan Tribune

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SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state

May 29, 2010 (JUBA) – A renegade Colonel in the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has clashed with the Southern Sudan army in a county called Abiem-Nhom in Unity state.

A soldier of SPLA
A soldier of SPLA
Colonel Gatluak Gai of SPLA, who was then transferred to Prisons Brigade, is reported to have been angered by the alleged elections rigging by the incumbent governor, Taban Deng Gai, in Unity state.

His declaration of violence on Friday is the second most serious incident following that of former army Deputy Chief of Staff, General George Athor Deng of Pigi county and David Yauyau of Pibor, both from Jonglei state.
All the discontented voiced their rebellion on the “rigging” of the elections, though some officials in both the government and the SPLA had associated them directly with Khartoum or blame the whole issue on Khartoum.

The SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum Okiech had earlier said that there were evidences showing that Gen. George Athor had direct link with the Khartoum government.

Although the SPLA spokesman, Major General Kuol Deim Kuol, was not heard commenting about linking Athor’s rebellion to Khartoum, Kuol has however told Miraya FM radio that the recent attack by Colonel Gatluak Gai was carried out by a group of militias sent from Khartoum.

However, another SPLA military source close to Unity state who asked to remain anonymous however explained that Colonel Gatluak is a well known SPLA officer and had been an SPLA officer like Gen. George Athor and was not sent from Khartoum as alleged.

He said Gatluak’s movement with some of his loyalists within Unity state has been monitored by the SPLA for the last three weeks.
On casualties, the source added there could be higher figure than officially reported.

“The attackers did not defeat our SPLA forces but only one soldier got injured at his head after heavy gunfire exchange between our army and militias,” Kuol said.

Kuol accuse the National Congress Party (NCP) of having stood behind to send militias to disturb in Unity state.

The SPLA spokesman affirmed that “at 4:45, our SPLA base at Warpiny of Abiemnhom county was attack by the forces of militias under Colonel militias Gatluak Gai, the aim is to indentify our heavy weapon position – this militias colonel with his forces was sent by Khartoum government with aim to disturb security in Unity state – one soldier at our side was wounded in his head and we don’t have more detail from our attackers side,” continued the SPLA spokesman.

Kuol noted that “We did not capture one of them in our yesterday clashes, but the motive of aggressive militias’ daily attack in Unity state is to promote political objective of the NCP in Southern Sudan – they are supporting NCP agenda and we the SPLA will just sustain our position to protect our civilians in all territory of South Sudan.”

Government of Southern Sudan is currently faced with a number of rebellions following the declaration of elections results. Earlier, the former senior advisor to President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Lual Ding Wol, was reported to have expressed his discontent with the government in Juba, saying he would not accept to be part of the next government.

Lual Ding comes from Northern Bahr el Ghazal and was supporter of Gen. Dau Aturtong who went to Khartoum after losing the gubernatorial elections as another independent candidate, prompting fears that something unpleasant could be brewing in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.

However, Kuol in his recent statement refused to make comment on General George Athor violence against SPLA forces in Jonglei state.



  • murlescrewed

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    It is time for the SPLA to put a stop to these unlawful acts of terrorism. Colonel Gatluak is joining the bandwagon of those out to disrupt peace in the South ahead of the referendum. The best way to deal with him is through peaceful means but nothing should be taken off the table. The SPLA is handling these acts of terrorism with kids globe but that is good to a certain point. After that, it will required a more thorough campaign to defeat those taking up arms against the South.

  • Mel mosa
    Mel mosa

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    They waste their time rebelling but at last, they will be sorry for their behaviors. The Southern Sudan are supporting their government to get their freedom no matter what. Also, Khartoum government can do nothing this time to prevent independence of Southern Sudan. They are already gone.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    Do some people know what they are doing now?

    South Sudan will not be peaceful if the SPLA fail to solve aggression militraily. These frequent attacks by the militia and the rebel because of election which has past mean destabalization of CPA.

    They want to fulfil the interest of NCP. Why SPLA not captured those milita militraily?

    There bunch of loosers in SPLA who are in the SPLM because of just money but not because they want the South to get free from Jallaba. They are always jallaba employed by they will not get anything.

    Salva Kiir must know that why did Dr John Garang endure militia mentality? it’s because he always captured or killed militia through militray and that will automatically stop backwardness. I wich i have power to crashed those militia military. Wow!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    Dear Maruon Ayei,

    Even though the whole of your writing is basically attempting to repute the blame on khartoum government when they send ill act to the South to destabalized the region, it has been clear that the article explained that Gatluak Gai mobilized his own tribe men and the militia from the North against SPLA because they thought that Angelina win the election.

    I don,t understand why do you think we should blamed ourselves while the South explained it better. I know you means that SPLM should be blamed because they rigged the election, right? how and when?
    And which way will be better for us, peaceful negotiation of matters,or fight?

    Do you think that Khartoum government is or had never performed these kind of act? You have to asked how many militia are roaming between the South and the North,and particularly they are the employers of Jallaba.

    Yes, we should blame those weak heart who love enemy than their brothers and sisiters. We need to slapped those selfish who just want food for short time instead of their right.

    I know you want to explained something but it’s not enough because it fall short.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    Marie and anti-SPLM/A,

    I encouraged you to double check the word freedom in dictionary. This assignment will help you dear brother before undermining SPLA. SPLM brought sharing of revenue which was under the control of Jallaba for centuries. Did Joseph Lagu and Abel Alier brought it? not at all.

    Spla brought you the government of Southern Sudan. I hope you have your own state with your own affairs but before, all the states in the South were under Arab regime. Is that not the freedom brought by SPLM/A?

    Moreover, the Sharia law that you almost mingle around is not now in the Goss system, while the law was involving in the entire country before SPLM/A. The erdaication of sharia law in the South is also the other freedom that was brought by SPLM/A.

    Certainly, the movement between the South and North was brought by SPLM/A. Now we have many students in Khartoum university across the South villages while this opportunity was rare before SPLA took up arms. Finally, SPLM/A brought CPA which designed the right of South Sudanese to choose the right place for them. Do you think that SPLM did not brought freedom.
    Anyway, the list could be countless.

    The establisment of new state( South Sudan) is now not the work of SPLM/A, it will be your duty/choice because SPLM brought it to you on the table.

    My friend, if we reason like the way you do,then we will not established our mission because you are among fearful South Sudanese who think of weak part as the only opt. I believed SPLM/A has brought freedom in the South in 100% no matter what the outcome of referendum.

  • Rodolfo Riak
    Rodolfo Riak

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state

    It is good for you to sign in here with the fake names, but dumb english on this website is not acceptable. Check your grammar and spelling before you send your messages to the internet readers.

  • Thyinka

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    The George Athor rebellion and his bunch of renegades which has given rise to this crisis will end in utter failure. My concern is that he has created a precedence for Southern Sudan which will not go down well in history. Let hope that it will be like American Civil War such that when it is said and done, Southern Sudan will enjoy a time for peace and prosperity.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    SPLA clashes with a renegade Colonel in Unity state
    hey guys, let us all face the truths.i think South sudan in the hands of Dinka and brother Nuer community is indeed, will be a country in great mess. today i have comes to my conscience after careful analytical thought,that indeed Dinka and Nuer are uncivilized communities. look Equatoria that we have been blaming for not participating full is now the true community that want south sudan freedom. all we hear everyday are some runaway illiterate generals from those mentioned communities. they are justifying Arab and some international coomunities call that south sudan is not ready or incapacable of governing itself. those barbaric renegates will make us lose our shot of independent. it is now a prime time for President Kiir to decide whether he will let bounch of vulutures prey over our hard earned fredom or he will slashed them speedly.how could those generals with their greed for leadship, ruined our chance by leting Arab play vicious and devilic motivs to distablized south instead we should reveng for what Arab have been doing to us for half century.

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