Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Governor Lobong calls for reconciliation and development of E. Equatoria

June 2, 2010 (TORIT, Eastern Equatoria) – The new governor for Eastern Equatoria State government Louis lobong Lojore arrived back to the state head office Torit. He had been to Juba and Khartoum to carry out what he said “consultations and way forward to form the inclusive government of Eastern Equatoria”.

He was welcomed by thousands of supporters, different traditional dances, and student.

Lobong hailed the masses’ big welcome, he said, “the state government shall be formed in few days or week, the citizenry must practice patience”.

The Governor during the reception called upon on the politicians to reconcile and work together for the benefit of the citizens of EES, he said that, “differences will continue to divide the people and hinder development and progress.” He further urged the community to cooperate with the government and start preparing themselves for the 2011 referendum.

Lobong also warned that the government, he is set to announce, will not protect any official involved in corrupt activities, so, all the ministers including “I” will be subject to question and evaluation by the citizens of the state to mention implementing activities after every two month, adding that his government will work hard to see ministers doing their duties in the interest of EES and work for long hours, unlike before.

He further said his administration remains committed to fighting corruption as one of his tool during the campaign and will not protect any Government official who was involved in malpractices, he will enforce screening in all government ministries and checking of pay sheets to avoid ghost names to help the new administration to improve and increase their performance to the public they are serving in the state

Speaking to state intellectuals and members of parliament and some former ministers he said that his “government will include all the communities in EES and will not segregate any section of the state”.

He called on intellectuals to encourage developmental partners from other regions to come to the state. “I encourage development agencies to come and invest in any field in the blessed state of EES without fear”.

Regarding his visit to Khartoum, he said, he had met with officials in Khartoum to follow up with the president Al-Bashir’s promise to construct University of Torit, the Hospital and Church in Kapoeta, that the state government will support the body financially to help the promise to be put soon in place by starting its work. President made these pledges during elections campaigns during his tour to Torit.



  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Governor Lobong calls for reconciliation and development of E. Equatoria

    Masa robo!
    good job for good work sir. Work for SPLM. Work for separation.

  • babadit

    Governor Lobong calls for reconciliation and development of E. Equatoria
    Bravo HE.Louis i have a conviction in whatever u said, we are going to be fully behide you, but remember to put in place new people right from office manager to the messagers in your office to avoid confussion that was in the past government of Mr. Ojetuk.
    Remeber we the people of EES will always support your government if given all the promises made during your campaigns and make sure that they are fulfill an dcommittees are formed to reviews all contract awarded to campanies during the then government to find out how it has been given and what crateria has been used to give out those contracts to the campanies.
    by doing all these your promises will be delivered to the citigens of EES without any hidderence.

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