Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Armed men kill Sudanese security officer in Bor

June 2, 2010 (BOR) — A National Intelligence Security Services (NISS) officer has been shot and died hours later in Jonglei State’s capital Bor.

Lt. Col. Clement Trika Simon was gunned down by unidentified armed men in his residence Tuesday at about 10pm local time and died early Wednesday in hospital.


A security source says suspects have been arrested in connection with the killing without revealing further details.

The security officials told the Sudan Tribune that the inferno is being investigated in connection with Tuesday evening attack by men armed with pangas near the same area where the deceased was fired at, the intelligence officer spoke on condition of anonymity since investigations are under way.

The State security committee held a closed-door meeting on Wednesday to discuss the matter.

The deceased body has been transferred to Juba for burial.



  • Angelo Ajiech Manyuat
    Angelo Ajiech Manyuat

    Armed men kill Sudanese security officer in Bor
    This is very tragic news! Why killing security officer while he was doing his job? The problem of Jonglei and Lake State will not stop unless they applied strict rule in order to fear those who kill innocent people without reason. The government of these two states should speed up and work harder in order to protect civillians from those armed outlaws.

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